Part 2

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Finally, home sweet home. I unlocked the front door to my house and walked in, immediately dropping my suitcase and closing the door. I really do love going on tour, but I equally love coming back home and being able to just relax and do what I want for a while.

I went upstairs to my room and unpacked my stuff, setting aside a clean and dirty pile of clothes. I ended up washing all of them anyway because the clean clothes equally smelled as bad as the dirty ones. While they were drying I realized that I needed to get cleaned up myself. I grabbed a couple towels and walked to my bathroom and turned on my phone doc to play some music.

I got done with my shower and threw on a pair of joggers and went to get the clothes out of the dryer so it was one less thing to deal with. When I was done with all of the stuff I needed to get done I called my dog sitter to give him the 'okay' to bring my pups home and put some food down for them for when they got here.

I went to the fridge to see what I had to eat and drink, and of course there was nothing that looked appealing to me. I sighed and closed the door and grabbed a cup to get some water. And checked the cupboard and settled on some Apple Jacks.

As soon as I sat down to eat the doorbell rang and heard little barks. Immediately I sprung up and ran to the door to see my beloved dogs. I paid the guy the money he was owed and thanked him for watching them while I was away and closed the door.

Tokyo and Killer immediately found their food and was very happy for it. I smiled to myself and thought of things that I could do, but with no luck I couldn't think of anything. I went to the couch and turned the tv on and watched some reruns of Two and a half Men and laughed hysterically. When I checked my phone the time read 5:30 and I realized that I still needed to eat, and ended up wasting a bowl of cereal that was still sat at the counter.

I texted CC to see what he was up to and if he wanted to come hang out for a bit, since it was boring by myself here, under the promise of getting pizza.

Shortly after CC arrived I called the pizza place and went to go get him a drink. I opened the fridge and bit my lip thinking of what to get even though it was only water. I sighed and grabbed a cup and filled it with water to bring back to him and apologized that I had nothing else until I went grocery shopping tomorrow.

He just brushed it off and took it anyway and just cheesily smiled at me. The doorbell rang and I grabbed my wallet to go pay for the pizza and opened the door.

"That'll be $16.69..... Sir..?"

"Thank you." I said and handed him a twenty dollar bill and took the pizza and closed the door.

I walked to the kitchen and set the pizza down on the counter.

"Pizza's ready!!" I yelled.

Next thing I knew I heard scattering foot steps and I had Tokyo, Killer, and CC right next to me.

"Yo, Ash, move bitch, get out the way!" He said.

I just rolled my eyes and took my sweet time getting my pizza and walked back to the living room. I grabbed my phone to see I had DM on Instagram. I looked to see what the message had said and it was so heart warming.

I smiled as I read it and clicked on her account. She was a beautiful girl and before I knew it I was tapping on the follow button. I DM'd her back and said

Hi Macie! I'm glad that I'm an inspiration for you and that I could help. And I'm glad that you had fun at our last concert. We normally try to make the last one, the best one. Whenever you need someone to talk to, you can always message me on here and I'll try my hardest to get back to you. xx Ash P.

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