"Oh great thanks, Julian says you're a great cook!" We were travelling along the motorway now so the trees and cars flew by.

"Beans on toast!" Julian laughed uproarously "That's Rat's classy dish mum. Beans!!" I whacked him softly over the ear.

"Julian!! Don't be mean! And yes it's a little more substantial than beans on toast"

Over a couple of drinks Cyn opened up and we had a nice evening, I ended up sleeping over. It being decided that I would travel into Linda's and Paul's the next day to drop my things, then I would head off to the wedding.

Cynthia, should I take Julian along?" I broached as Cyn opened the door to the guest room. She tapped her chin thoughtfully looking deeply into my eyes.

"To the wedding, hmmm. I suppose there will be family and normal people there"

"I know exactly what you are saying; so what do you say? I haven't a 'plus one' "

"He's an adult"

Julian was so excited grabbing all his gear in record time the next morning. All the while bouncing off the walls. Then he set about calming himself down for the rest of the day although little bursts of energy and jitters would pop through intermittently and I would tease him and he would quell the excitement a notch for another hour, til he exploded again. I will need to have a chat before we get there.

"Ok now we are in the taxi heading to the wedding, here are my rules!" I watched him as he listened to me being a mock mother, just waiting for the snide remark.

"Go ahead Cat, carry on.. I will need a badgering to shut me up" He smiled and I knew he would be ok.


"Babe, I knew you would come. How was the trip darlin?" Keith leaned over to hug me, Bunny still attached to his side.

"The flight was bearable...Don't you two look lovely. Keithy you're  looking extremely dapper and you, you are simpy gorgeous Bunny... Bunny this is Julian, Johns son. Did you meet at the party in the states?"

Bunny enveloped Julian in a big hug almost cutting off oxygen.

Keith ignored my party comment. His parties and mere mortals parties were miles apart in terms of... well in terms of everything! "Well it's party time here all the time!- Drinks all round!" Keith turned and swaggered off to the bar barely missing running over Elton John in the process.

As the reception went through the normal procession of dinner and speeches I watched Julian take it all in. He was a great kid and I wished him a nice wife and family in the future.

The roll call of stars and managers made the eye boggle, we chatted to most, but also watched many others from across the room. Then the bridal waltz began and Julian and I held hands watching the vision.

"Isn't love grand when it all works out" I was now leaning on the table, my chin on the palm of my hand happily sighing at the love and emotion. Keith was a laid back dude but here you could see him happy and totally engrossed in Bunny.

"Well, well, well if it isn't Rat the banger and Johnnies kid, Jules. Hey man" Mick flopped down and dragged his arm up and over my shoulder, exaggerating the motion, the fingers grazing along my skin.

"Really, the banger?" I gave him a glare but he just pouted at me, dragging an ashtray toward him as he lounged in the chair. "Drummer, nice lady, friend, but Mick, not banger- please."

"You know Jules this 'nice lady..'' He even put that in inverted air commas "punched Charlie, our banger, in the nose.. and me in the stomach once!" Mick rubbed his tummy like it was yesterday, drawing up half his shirt suggestively. Julian raised an eyebrow intrigued "..Was years ago, but she broke my heart, she did"

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