Chapter forty eight

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She drives fast and weaving, she drives with precision and accuracy that never fails to leave me speechless. The further we go the more relaxed Ellie gets and soon she is singing to the extremely loud and thumping R&B attacking me in surround sound, her shoulders relax and her neck rolls with a sigh. Speed is her drug, bass is her therapy and this car is her freedom. I get it, driving is her heroine, her escape from reality, the place no one can touch her.
I don't disturb her and just sit quietly and enjoy the ride, I trust her with my life and the speed doesn't bother me anymore.
"I could just keep driving, never stop" Ellie sighs quietly.
"Where would you go?"
"Anywhere, somewhere where it's just the two of us. No exams, no Lenny or Bobby stabbing me in the back. No gangs or Juni stabbing you in the abdomen. Just you, me, maybe a bottle of something strong and a thick blanket where we can watch the stars. I need a time out, I don't know what's wrong with me" Ellie shrugs apologetic.
"My mother was perpetually wasted and nothing ever seemed to change with her, Iz doesn't get one and Beth has pretty much been pregnant since I met her. Don't hit me for asking but is this a monthly experience? I'm not complaining I just want to know what to expect, so I know when to pay extra attention to keeping you happy" I ask nervously.
"No I'm normally just a raging bitch, I think I'm just overwhelmed right now. I'm sorry" Ellie sniffles and wipes at her face.
I nod and lean forward knowing what I need to do, I type an address into the GPS and a voice starts to give Ellie directions.
"You want to drive, then drive baby girl. Let me look after you tonight" I tell her and pull out my phone.
"Where are we going?" Ellie asks with the beginnings of what sounds like excitement.
"Who cares? Just go where you're told" I smirk and Ellie smiles at me.
"I love you" she tells me making me feel like the king of the world.
"I love you too Red"

Hey man not coming home tonight,
I have a lady who's not well and
in need of attention. I'm taking her
to the beach house and showing her
some love. Please look after Juni
for me and this time showering
is optional 😜.
I know how you stress so I'll let
you know when we're back on
the road tomorrow.
Thanks bro.

I hit send and look up to see Ellie trying to read as she drives.
"Eyes on the road if you don't mind" I chuckle holding the phone to my chest.
"Texting your side bitch? Did I spoil your plans Boy?" She asks teasing but I get the feeling she's not.
"Not at all, I was letting her know where to meet us" I say and sit back in my seat to get comfortable.
"Baby the GPS says it's a seven hour trip" she rolls her eyes at me.
"We both know it won't take you that long, let me know if you need a break" I say closing my eyes.
"You're funny kid, I like it" Ellie giggles.

We drive for a few hours or so before Ellie needs to pee so I use the opportunity to stock up on all the junk food girls in the movies eat while on their period, chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate, I even grab that wired chocolate covered liquorice. I get potato chips and boxes of candy, I get the biggest mocha latte I can find and a coke for me. I buy Ellie and I matching heart shaped sunglasses in pink and black, I buy her a black and gold trucker cap that reads my mum says I'm special so fuck you. With my goodies loaded into a paper bag I head back out to Ellie's car to see her leaning against the side looking sexy as fuck with an amused smirk.
"What ya got there boy?" She drawls as I get close.
"PMS survival kit, I'm hoping if I keep you smiling I'll survive" I say after kissing her cheek.
"Oh wow, you think I let food in my car?" Ellie giggles peeking inside the bag.
I place the cap on her head and slide her pink sunglasses onto her face.
"Just this once and if we get any crumbs on the upholstery I'll personally pay someone else to detail it" I grin and put on my black glasses.
"Fucking hell thats sexy.... hmm, wait" Ellie giggles at me then switches her pink sunglasses for my black ones. "Much better, these go with my new hat and pink is definitely your colour" she nods satisfied and I kiss her pretty mouth.
"Anything for my lady, fuck you're beautiful" I say and sit my bag on the roof to get my hands on her curves.
"Hmm, damn Boy. Oh god right there" she gasps and moans when my lips reach her neck, one leg wrapping around my hip.
"Love you" I whisper and suck her neck hard.
Ellie cries out and pushes at me laughing and gasping and her happiness makes me smile.
"Love you too Baby, you're my kind of crazy" Ellie pushes the bag into my chest making me grunt "not one crumb" she warns with a point of a finger.

Fading Out (COMPLETED)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant