Chapter twenty nine

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I decide to stop by home on the way home, wait? Which home is home? I shake my head laughing at myself, of course home is home. Cole was just playing with me, of course he didn't mean that I should move in with him when he told me my place was with him. I imagine us together, curling up beside him after a long, hard shift. I imagine his arms holding me while I sleep and waking up to his kisses for everyday of the rest of my life.
Can I get a fuck yeah?!
God he just feels so good to hold, his smell like a Xanax calming and soothing me. He feels like my home, damn I'm going to miss him when he leaves me. I may even decide to call it quits on the whole guy love thing, just stick to my job and my kids.

"Mama?" I call from the doorway.
The room is empty and dark so I assume my parents must be out. I toss my purse on the  kitchen counter and stack up the new books I will need for classes tomorrow and go grab some things from my room.
I fill another bag with clothes and toiletries, I remember my toothbrush this time so I don't need to use Cole's again. Should I tell him I did that? Nah, not yet anyway.
I pack my phone charger, fuckers gone flat and won't turn on. I grab my black fur lined cuffs, I'm going to need them tonight. My sexy Boy is getting some serious reimbursement for the sweet, sweet kisses he gave me on his knees. I've never really been into that, the giving not the receiving. Receiving was always been nice but my Boy has some real impressive moves, if I'm his first then my lady bits are in for some intense times ahead as he hones his skills.
I should totally do that.. hone my skills, I should do some research on how guys like it. I mean he has been with a fucking porn star! If she didn't blow his mind I'm fucking Mary Poppins, how do I compete with a professional? I'm totally getting my perv on and googling that shit. I pack my laptop.

I giggle to myself as I wonder if maybe I should call my big brother to see if he has any tips for me.
"Ellie belly?" Dad calls from downstairs.
"Hey Dadda" I smile carrying my load downstairs.
"I didn't think I'd catch you tonight, I called earlier but I couldn't get through" my dad hugs me and kisses my face.
"Sorry phones flat, I'm going to stay at Cole's all week so I've grabbed my school stuff" I screw up my face with a smile.
I'm a daddy's girl at heart and I know I'm his favourite but we play like we don't love the affection.
"Cole...? Who?" He teases.
"Only the man of my dreams" I sigh dramatically.
"I thought that was me? Poppet you're breaking my heart" he smirks.
"You'll always be my first true love" I laugh and he pouts.
"So this guy's serious then?"
"Hmm... like a myocardial infarction. I can feel my right and left ventricles constricting as we speak, Dadda I think this is it. Is that crazy?" I bite my lip and he sighs and grabs the ice cream from the freezer.
"Want to know what I think is crazy?" He asks and I nod taking out two spoons. "I think you'd be crazy to spend time worrying about it being crazy. You my reckless spontaneous adventurer have never been scared of new things, you never blink when it comes to things like cutting open a human heart. You've studied them inside and out, you've always known your own. Spend your time enjoying time together, he's a good boy. Foul mouth but a good boy none the less. He's already one of us and I know he craves the comfort of a big family" my dad tells me and digs into the triple chocolate chip ice cream.
"How do you know that?" I ask intrigued.
"I talk to him, he's never had a reliable father, a stable mother. Now he doesn't have even that, just his brother and his brother's wife. In a few weeks he'll have God daughters too I guess, he's sure got Elizabeth wrapped around his finger. They spend every spare minute together" he scoffs.
"What? Cole's my nieces godfather? That's not fair" I pout.
"Jay and Lizzy named all the Bentleys godparents to the twins, I think it's a great choice" he laughs at me.
"Yeah I guess. Daddy I want you to talk to Jay, he full on knocked Cole out this morning. Cole just stood with open arms to take it until he couldn't even stand. Jace thinks he can keep us apart" I tell on my annoying brother.
"What? Why? That doesn't sound like Jace" Dad laughs.
"Dad!" I flick ice cream at him.
"Poppet, Jace is testing him. It sounds like Cole is passing, boys will be boys and big brothers will always be protective. I can tell him to go easy on Cole but it won't do any good. Play it out, if Cole is serious he will still be standing at your side in the end" he pats my shoulder.
"Where's Mum?" I grumble changing the subject.
"Shopping, that's why I wanted to catch you tonight. We leave first thing in the morning and will be gone ten days, the kitchen should be done in a few weeks and we're going to go stay with Clair when we get back. I wanted to make sure you have somewhere to stay. It seems like you do, a fifty says you never come home" Dad smirks and holds out his hand.
I smile back just looking at it and take a large chunk of ice cream on my spoon, I'm not shaking on that. He laughs at me.
"Go on Ellie belly, go home" dad kisses my hair and smiles.
"Touch my room and you're in big trouble" I point and lower my brows. "And kiss my mother, tell her I love her and she better come home tanned and loaded with gifts" I order.
"Yes Ma'am" he salutes me standing at attention.
I love it when he does that, he's done it since before I can remember.
"Love you Dadda" I kiss his rough face.
"Love you Poppet" he hugs me and I grab my things.

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