Chapter twenty six

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We watch Zombieland and laying together is easy and very fucking comfortable, my hands play with Ellie's boobs and she feeds me cheesy tortilla chips. She lets me suck the orange powder from her fingers, that's true love right?
I'm finishing off my third and last beer, I'm not going back downstairs tonight. Ellie didn't say anything this afternoon but I wonder what she would say if I lit a joint?
I'm turning over the decision to ask when my phone rings, I don't plan to answer it.
"I got it" Ellie rolls her eyes at me and sits up to grab it from the coffee table.
The blankets fall away from her chest and I get a show of my new favourite toys.
"Don't bother, I've got all I want right here" I pout but she looks at the caller ID anyway.
"If it's anyone but Beth I don't want it, you can take the call" I add.
"Not Beth, Juniper? You're friends with a girl?" Ellie smirks feigning shock.
"Oh shit, I really need to take this one" I gasp and Ellie goes to get up. "Oh no baby, you're staying put" I pull her back against me and we lay chest to chest.
Fucking awesome.
"Hey Juni? You okay honey?" I ask instantly worried.
"Hey Bentley, I'm fine. I ah... got your phone, it had this number saved. It's okay I called right?" She asks soft and shy and I release my breath, she sounds like herself.
"Of course it is, that's why I sent it for you. You've got all my packages I hope? I send clothes and food every other week"
"Yes thank you, I just got the food and the phone today. It's the first day I've been allowed contact with the outside world but I knew I got something, it's not necessary Bent"
"Of course it's necessary, I kidnapped you, I flew you across the country, I took you from everything you ever knew. A new wardrobe is the least I can give you. And about that honey, I'm not sorry. You sound better, please tell me I did the right thing" I say brushing Ellie's hair with my fingers.
"You did, this place is nice. It must be expensive, I don't know how I'm going to pay you back" she says low and shaking.
"No payment is needed Juni, like you said it's my fault, I'm trying to make things right" I say roughly.
"No, anything I said when you saw me please ignore. That wasn't me, they tell me I need to take ownership of my actions but how do I apologise for things I would never do? Things I don't remember doing? I'm just sorry, I can only give you a blanket apology Bentley" she is crying and I feel kinda awkward, out of my depth.
"Juniper, I left, he died. Maybe he'd still be here if I had stayed" I choke out.
"And maybe you would be buried beside him, Luke loved you, hero worshipped you. He should've gone straight when you did. We should've left at the same time, gone somewhere better than that place. Now you're god knows where, he's gone and I'm here. I need to know if anyone is looking for me? Do I need a new name when I leave?"
"I don't know honey I haven't been back, I did call Riley. I asked about you in passing and she said no one has seen you, they think someone killed you on the job" I sigh.
"The job" she snorts. "Can I ask you something Bentley? When you found me, you took me to a motel right?" She asks hesitant.
"Yeah" I say not knowing where she's going with this.
"I remember you, it seemed like there were two of you. I remember you took my clothes off, I remember discussing fees. Did we? Did you?" She groans frustrated obviously trying to remember.
"That wasn't me honey, that was my brother. You were unconscious, he couldn't wake you and he put you in the shower. You discussed fees but neither of us bought anything, no one had sex with you honey. I would never take advantage of you like that and neither would Cooper. You were safe with us" I assure her and Ellie's eyes look up at me confused from the one sided conversation, I kiss her forehead with a small smile.
"So there was two of you? I remember your eyes had changed"
"That was Coop, you liked his eyes" I smile and shake my head, girls always like his eyes.
"Bentley? What do I do now? How do I live with what I've done? The things I've done Bent, he would be so angry with me" Juni sobs and I shush her gently.
"No he would understand you did what you had to do to survive, those choices were not your own. You be proud they didn't beat you okay? You be strong now for Luke, you live for the both of you now. Did the doctors say how long you will be there? When do you leave?"
"I'm not sure, my progress is slow. I'm sorry, if you can't pay anymore I can leave. I'll figure something out"
"No, no hurry at all. I'm not paying for anything, it's been taken care of so you stay as long as you need. When you do leave I want you to know you can stay with me, we'll get you a job, a real job and I've got money aside from the old house. It might be enough to get you something small. You start over now Juni, you do what makes you happy" I tell her and she sobs loudly.
"He was my happiness, I don't have it without him"
"I know honey, I'm so sorry for your loss. I know how much you loved him. I also know you have nothing left of him to remember. I have the photo I took the night he proposed, if you want it, if it will help you I can send it to you. You can see his face again" I almost cry too and Ellie kisses my chest softly, just having her here is a comfort I've never felt before.
"Oh Bent yes, please!" She begs. "I would do anything to see his smile"
"Okay honey you'll have it as soon as we're done" I promise.
"How do I thank you? You're a good man Bentley"
"You get well, you stay strong and show me I was right to do what I did. If you go back they will look for me. They will kill me if they find me Juniper, it's not just me anymore. People care about me here, people rely on me, I'm relying on you honey" I tell her seriously and Ellie grips me tight like if she holds me tight enough no one could get me.
"You have a girl Bent?" Juni asks surprised.
"Yeah I do, she's my life" I smile at Ellie.
"Wow, she must be special. You don't even give girls your name" Juni giggles just a little.
"She is, she's amazing" I smile.
"I got to go" she sighs.
"Okay honey, be well"
"Bye Bentley" she says and hangs up the phone.

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