Chapter thirty five

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Hands on my body, lips on my neck. Tits pressed into my back and tits on my chest, my hands find hips and lace panties, they find ass and I squeeze the full round cheeks so my hard on rubs against lace and warm thighs.
A feminine moan rouses me from sleep and long dark hair covers her face, I kiss her hair and my hands smooth it back in search of heavenly blue eyes and perfect lips. I find blue but not the ones I was looking for.
"Fucking hell Bobby! What are you doing?" I let her go and remove my cock from brushing against a pussy that doesn't belong to me.
"Saying good morning?" She smiles up at me and leans in to kiss me.
"Cole?" Ellie mumbles behind me and kisses my back. "You okay baby? Bad dream?" She mumbles sleepy.
"Oh god I hope so... you need to leave now" I whisper to Bobby.
"Boy? Why what's wrong?" Ellie asks sitting up a little.
"Not you sweetheart, oh fuck stop touching me" I groan at Bobby's grinning face.
"Then who? Cole what's going on?" Ellie sits up to roll me back to her and she sees. "Oh. Oh okay.... oh god" Ellie stutters shocked and hurt.
"No no no Ellie, this isn't happening. Where the fuck are your clothes?! I swear to god if you don't get out of my bed this second you're going to regret it"
"Hmm I'm not sure, I remember you taking my bra off...." Bobby acts dumb.
"I did not take it off, you did. I just undone it" I blurt out then grimace as I hear how that sounds.
"Cole!" Ellie snaps.
"She was dressed I swear, she couldn't reach. I was helping, she was dressed. I didn't see a thing"
"So that wasn't you who was grabbing my ass just now? You weren't kissing me good morning?" Bobby asks relaxed and uncaring that my world could come tumbling down.
"No! I mean yes but it wasn't you, you're not supposed to be here. What the fuck are you doing in my bed?!" I cover my eyes with my hands hoping this will all be gone when I look again.
"He kissed you?" Ellie asks Bobby quietly.
"A little, you okay babe?" Bobby reaches over me to touch Ellie and I flinch at her touch.
"I don't know? Did you two? Oh god Bobby, did you fuck my fiancée while I was passed out beside you?" Ellie asks high pitched and panicked.
"You said last night he could love me too, remember?" Bobby says without answering and I turn my back on her and face Ellie.
"I swear to god Red that didn't happen, I fell asleep with you in my arms remember? We cuddled and I held you till we fell asleep. I woke up with her in our bed and yes I thought my hands were holding you because that's the last thing I remember, I kissed messy dark hair that's all. I let her go the second I opened my eyes and saw it wasn't you" I try to explain but Ellie won't let me touch her.
"I'm sorry babe, I guess he's an asshole like the rest of them after all. Lets get dressed and we can talk shit about your latest ex over pancakes and coffee, extra ice cream" Bobby soothes her and Ellie stares at my eyes.
"He wasn't like the others Bob" Ellie croaks still looking at me.
She's already speaking in past tense and my throat seizes in panic.
"I'm not sweetheart I swear, there's only you, forever only you" I beg.
"Does he always sound so pathetic? I don't know what came over me, he's so not my type" Bobby snorts.
"Okay you need to get the fuck away from me" I snap at her and Ellie's flinches.
"Oh Bobby what have you done?" Ellie sobs and covers her face.
"No baby don't cry, you don't need those tears sweetheart. I didn't touch her, I swear to you I didn't touch her" panic rises in my chest and I can't control my tears either.
"I can't breathe Cole, oh god" Ellie cries and I reach for her face.
She lets me touch her and I pull her to my chest. I hold her tight and breathe what could could be the last time I smell her skin.
"I got you sweetheart, I love you so much. Please hear me, I would never hurt you"
"I wanted to be enough for you" she sobs and her body shudders making my tears fall with her pain.
"Oh Ellie you are baby, don't doubt that. Didn't I tell you? You remember last night don't you? I told you" I whisper not trusting my voice.
"Oh shit" Bobby groans but I ignore her. "This is not how it goes Ellie, this isn't right"
"No shit! My best friend and my fiancé we're not supposed to fuck each other!" Ellie yells.
"You were supposed to slap him, we were supposed to laugh and everything goes back to how it was. He wasn't supposed to last, you were supposed to come back to me and together we'd get over him. You weren't supposed to cry" Bobby says.
"I don't hit women Red but I'm fucking close to calling Iz up here to knock her out" I growl holding tight so Ellie can't leave me, for now she's holding onto me as well.
"I would be anything for you, you know that? Just tell me Cole, you fucked her" Ellie cries.
"Shh beautiful girl, I didn't sweetheart. I really didn't"
"No... he didn't. I came to use the bathroom and the two of you were sleeping tangled together and I knew. You were never going to leave him, I was going to lose you for good. I thought I'd get you to see he wasn't right for you and if I got a little action so be it. He showed interest till he saw who it was seducing him, we didn't have sex. He didn't kiss me and he didn't take my clothes off" Bobby says and I exhale in relief.
"Bob... why would you do that to me? I thought we were friends?" Ellie looks up and I dry her eyes and kiss her face.
"Why would I want to keep you to myself? I don't know Elle, maybe because I love you?" Bobby scoffs.
"Then wouldn't you just be happy for me?" Ellie groans and I see exactly how Bobby loves her.
Making out isn't just a bit of fun to Bobby, Bobby is in love with Ellie..
"Ellie... I don't want to lose you, between work and school I never see you. This past week you've been with this guy non stop, soon he'll be your best friend and I'll be a just someone you text while you're taking a shit" Bobby complains.
"That's ridiculous, I don't even take my phone to the bathroom. But you're right, right now I want to spend every spare minute getting to know and love this man. Bobby if you could feel how much I love him you would understand, you would be happy I've found someone that makes me happy" Ellie sighs.
I move my face to Ellie's neck and kiss her gently while rubbing and massaging her back, I can't stop myself from touching her.
"I love you too Ellie, fuck don't ever leave me" I whisper and Ellie's fingers brush my hair.
"Bobby get dressed, my head hurts and I need coffee. When you're not naked I want you to apologise to Cole, if he forgives you you can stay for breakfast. That's entirely Cole's decision and one I will support either way, if he wants you gone never to return then so be it. But just so you know where Cole is, that's where you'll find me" Ellie says sad and disappointed.
"Okay Ellie" Bobby says quiet and ashamed.
"Cole you just stay there a minute, you probably already saw but you don't need to see again" Ellie tells me holding me to her neck.
"I didn't but that's fine, I really don't need to. I just need you sweetheart, just you" I hold her tighter and her legs wrap around mine.
"I'm so sorry Baby, I'm going to trust you soon I promise" Ellie sinks down onto my chest and I know we're alone now.
"I'm sorry I grabbed her ass, I swear to god I thought it was you, I was still asleep. I'm sorry"
"You're going to kill to me" Ellie kisses my mouth possessive and hot.
"I thought you would leave with her, I thought you were leaving me. Fuck Ellie don't ever leave me" I beg her and I know I sound pathetic like Bobby pointed out but I don't really care, I need his woman.
"I didn't want to, I was ready to take the blame for that. I had already made excuses why it was okay to stay with you, I already told myself it was my fault and you couldn't really be blamed for sleeping with my bestie. I didn't want to let you go" Ellie admits hiding in my neck and I feel really conflicted about that.
"Ellie if I ever do that, for any reason. You take my balls sweetie, it's not okay. It's never your fault and never accept blame, you are incredible and perfect. You don't stand for it sweetheart, okay?" I tell her and kiss her hair over and over.
"Okay" she whispers.
"Good girl.... just maybe verify everything first before the removal of my balls, not really something you can put back on if you're wrong" I chuckle and Ellie laughs and sniffles.
"Holy shit I love you" Ellie breathes and kisses me softly.
"I love you too Red, I'm fucking pissed she stole this morning from me. Waking up in your arms, and feeling your skin on mine is the best part of my day. Close your eyes and we'll try again" I pull her into my body and hold her knee over my hip.
"I'm sorry, I don't know how to explain what just happened. The last two guys I showed any interest in we kinda shared, and by kinda shared I mean when I got as far as making out with them Bobby included herself. My so called dates were rather enthusiastic about the situation and switched focus without blinking, in the end I was able to walk away unnoticed and they continued on their own. I guess she kinda thinks that's okay" Ellie shrugs. "We have tomorrow and every other day to make up for this mornings loss, the best part of living together is I get to wake up to your kisses every day" Ellie kisses me now and my hands roam over her body to ease her.
I move my tongue over hers and Ellie sighs and rolls over top of me hiding us with her long dark curls.
"So we're living together?" I tease.
"Uh huh, even when my house is inhabitable again. I dread the thought of sleeping in my room without you. Please Cole, don't send me home" Ellie begs and I smile.
"Sweetheart you are home, we should make it official. Move in, everything, the whole fucking mess just dump it on the floor. Get comfortable and stay forever, right here is where I want you always" I say seriously.
"Really?!" She kisses me hard and excited. "Can I make over your room? Do you need to ask Cooper first? Or Isabel? I'm not sure who owns the house" Ellie laughs and sits to straddle my hips, her face is pure joy and I place my arms behind my head to just look at her naked beauty.
"Yes, make it over however you want. Nothing in here is mine anyway, this bed, all the furniture belonged to Iz, this was her room before she moved to the basement with Coop" I shrug casually but inside I know this is a big step towards letting Izzy go, I've held onto her things to hold onto a piece of her.
"Oh eeew, do you think she's had sex in here?" Ellie scews up her face like a child.
"Baby I know she has" I laugh.
"Not with you though right? Shes never spent the night with you in here?" She checks.
"Red I haven't sex with Isabel anywhere, we've slept together a few times. Yes in this bed" I answer honestly and cautiously.
Ellie looks at me for a minute in silence then nods.
"Good news Boy, were getting a new bed today!" She smiles and kisses me.
"But first, coffee" I chuckle and grab her ass with both hands. "Get this sexy ass out of bed and up" I slap it and lift Ellie off me.

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