Chapter twenty three

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I pace my room, she didn't call. She said she'd call. I can't lay down, I can't sleep. I can't keep still. My minds worries over and I'm fucking useless right now, I'm torn between lighting up and grabbing my keys. Fucking Ellie Keyes, my Ellie Keyes, she told me so. She kissed me so. She said yes, she said no take backs.
I grab my keys.
I drive to the hospital not knowing what I'll say or what I'll do, I miss her and that's all I can think about. I park the car and walk slowly to the big glass doors at the front entrance. I sit on the back on a wooden bench and tap my feet nervously on the seat, I wait, I've waited my whole life for her, I can wait some more.
I play with my phone, looking up every time I see someone approaching the doors. It's quiet here this time of day, the sun won't be too far off and soon this place will be crawling with people making their way around like ants. I watch the fourteen second video of us kissing for the thousandth time and smile, I wonder if Ellie knows I have this? Does she think I was just taking our photo? Fuck she's sexy when she kisses.
I look up again and see her, her head is down looking at her phone but I know it's her. I can tell by the way she moves and her long dark hair. My heart races and my stomach sinks, she obviously still has battery. One of the many reasons my mind came up with for her not being able to call me. She's texting someone, her head snaps up like she's been called and she looks behind her then quickens her step.
Two cops come up quickly behind her and stop her before she can get out the doors, I jump to my feet. Ellie doesn't look happy to be talking to them.
I walk towards her not knowing if I should. I get closer and see her fingers are shaking on her phone.
"Did you have a personal relationship with the deceased or his wife? Who were you just texting?" A cop asks and I look over to them.
"Hey Sweetheart, I'm here. I just got your text" I lie.
"Cole?!" Red gasps and smiles.
"Are you okay?" I ask kissing her forehead. I turn to the cops and hold out my hand. "Officer Jinks, pleasure to see you" I say formally.
"Good morning Mr Bentley, you're out early" Lauren smirks and her partner rolls her eyes.
"Bentley? I'll go make a call to the station, let them know we've got nothing here" she groans and excuses herself.
Lauren pulls on my hand and hugs me with a smile.
"We missed you yesterday, it's a shame you couldn't make it" I smile back and kiss her cheek.
"I wish I could've been there, I've been on twenty hour shifts all week. It's killing me" she groans and pats my cheek. "Tell Beth I'm sorry"
"Of course, she understands. What are you doing interrogating my woman?" I ask letting her go.
"Your woman? I didn't know you had one?" She laughs and looks at Ellie beside me.
I lean in and kiss Ellie's surprised and curious lips.
"Well now you do, you should know she's also ADA Masters little sister" I say wrapping my arm around my woman.
"Well that explains a lot, I'm not interrogating anyone here. I'm just trying to get a few answers on an accident that happened tonight, your woman treated the vic and I suspect has a personal relationship with the widow" Lauren raises her brows at Ellie.
"Hardly, I know of her. I didn't even recognise her husband till after I saw her, I have nothing to tell you" Ellie sighs and leans into my side.
She looks exhausted the poor thing.
"Questions answered, you got time for a coffee Loz?" I ask smiling.
"God I wish, no I have a crew I need to track down" she screws her face up.
"Next time then, don't forget it's your shout for beers. Friday night Loz, no excuses" I tell her and give her a fist bump.
"Sure sure felon. You off at twelve?" She checks.
"Yep same same, I'll run you a tab" I tell her and walk towards the doors with Ellie under my arm.
"Friend of yours?" Ellie asks quietly.
"Friend of our family, she's also the best cop to have on your side. How did you get on her bad side?" I ask and kiss her hair.
Ellie stops and kisses my mouth, I wrap my arms around her shoulders and kiss her back. Fuck I've missed these lips.
"What are you doing here Boy?" She asks in awe.
"Missing you, you said you'd call, you didn't" I shrug.
"Sorry, long night. Bad night" she whispers with her eyes closed. "Thank you Cole, thank you for being here" she kisses me again and I feel she's close to tears.
"This guy that died, the guy Lauren thinks you know, you do don't you sweetheart?"
"Yes, I tried to save him. He was already gone" she tells me hiding her face in my chest.
"Was he a close friend? Are you friends with his wife?" I ask gently.
"No not close, but we hung out every week. He's a part of my... group of friends" she hesitates.
"You look tired baby, can I take you to bed?" I hug her tightly knowing if she wants to share she will in her own time.
"I would love that but I have to be somewhere, there's something I need to do first" she tells me nervously.
"At this time of day?" I smile.
"My friends and I, we're nocturnal. This is the best time of day for what we do" she tells me.
"Okay sweetheart, well you go do your thing but I want you to come to me when you're done. I'm going to hold you while you sleep and I'm going to make whatever hurts so much feel a little better okay?" I tell her and kiss her again.
She rubs her cheek on mine and inhales deeply while hugging my head, she's taking my strength and it feels good.
"I love you Cole" she whispers into my ear and I nearly drop to my knees.
"Oh god Ellie, I love you too" I hold her tight with my heartbeat going crazy, those four words slaying me.
"Come with me? Please" she begs and I can't refuse.
"Anywhere, anytime" I tell her.
She smiles shyly as she pulls away from me and takes my hand, we walk to her car and I try not to feel anxious about leaving mine here.
She presses the button and the alarm double beeps, she looks nervous.
"Want me to drive sweetie?" I ask and she giggles.
"No, I've been looking forward to this all night" she tells me and slides into the drivers seat.
I climb in beside her and she starts the ignition, the dash lights up neon purple making the white leather seats and dash glow. I look around the interior, it's spotless and bare. No backseat, just a roll cage and computer equipment. There's speakers on the roof and across the dash as well as in the doors, someone likes their music loud.
"Nice ride" I smile.
"This is my baby, please don't throw up in here" she tells me seriously.
"Why would I throw up?" I ask confused as Ellie drives us smoothly out of the parking lot.
"No reason" she shrugs.

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