Chapter four

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I finish another beer and open the next as I wait for the chocolate brownies to come out of the oven, the salted caramel and macadamia ice cream is setting in the freezer and the toffee is hardening on the counter.
I have serious sucking up to do, I promised Blondie dessert and that's what she's getting. The way she clung to me and watched me like I was going to disappear at any moment yesterday made me feel like the lowest of scumbags. She doesn't need the stress of someone like me while she's pregnant. Not even the butterscotch fudge and the little marshmallows I found that open up to flowers when they absorb the hot chocolate was enough to take her mind off my bad behaviour.
Dinner is in an hour and I'm restless, excited to hear her news. I saw Jace pull up a while ago but the way he carried her with intent and his urgent hands and lips stopped me from racing over there, whatever they were told clearly he liked.
"Did you keep the receipt?" Iz asks peeking inside the gift bag I have sitting on the kitchen counter.
"Nope" I grin popping the p.
"I hope you're right" Iz giggles holding up the little pink onesie with a tutu and baby ballerinas on it, there is a matching one in yellow in there too.
"What did you get?" I ask looking in her bag.
"I took the easy out, one pink one blue. I can only be half wrong that way right?" She tells me and her eyes sparkle like diamonds, Beth's babies make her happy.
"And Coop?" I ask wondering where he is.
"Two blue" she shrugs like she knows he's wrong.
Beth likes presents so instead of just getting her to tell us what surprises she is keeping we all agreed to get gifts for the twins in the colours we thought she would need and she can tell us who was right and who was wrong. Best case scenario there is one of each and she keeps everything, worst she has to return a few things and will need to endure yet another shopping trip.
Jess picked up the girls earlier today to go shopping and they haven't got back yet, they better not miss dinner. I'm secretly hoping Jaxon is with her too, his chubby cheeks and high pitched screams of laughter make me smile.
"Where is your errant husband? He's been out for hours" I ask, the question finally getting the better of me.
"Playing with his cars, he's gone to the storage sheds to bring home the Ferrari. He wants to make sure it's good for the trip" Iz answers hesitant while jumping up onto the counter.
"The shed is fifteen minutes away, it doesn't take that long"
"No it doesn't" she shrugs not looking at me.
Suddenly I know, he was giving us time alone. Time she spent in the basement.
"You don't owe me anything honey" I sigh.
"What does that mean?" She reaches out and holds my arm so I can't walk away.
"It means just that, I'm sorry I was a little too clingy the other night. I'm a man, sometimes when we over indulge we get a little needy. You're hot, sometimes it gets the better of me. Best behaviour from now on, promise" I smile and hope she believes me.
"You know any time you need a hug I'm right here" she tells me and pulls my shirt so I'm pressed up against her in a hug.
I ignore the fact the I'm between her legs and the feel of her thighs on mine has my mouth watering.
"I know, thanks gorgeous" I say without getting back into our talk of feelings.
We haven't discussed what happened the night before last and that's the way I like it. Both Izzy's and Cooper's eyes have been watching me like a hawk.
Izzy's hands move over my back as she holds me, slow and sensual. She is testing me, testing us. I can tell she is nervous and not really in the moment with me.
"Will you be okay without us? You are staying next door while we're gone right? Because I've spoken to Jace and he has assured me you won't be left alone" I say stepping out of her hold and ignoring the pang of hope and hurt in my chest.
I do not need a sympathy fuck, does she even understand me at all?
"I could come with you? For support? I know you have already booked your rooms but I don't take up much space in a bed, I could be there for you" Iz leans forward biting her lip and rests her head on my chest.
My hands gently hold her hair, keeping her pressed against me and I shudder a breath. Does she really want this?
"Only two seats in the Ferrari baby, I'm sorry but you will never go anywhere near him. Ever" I whisper and she swallows hard pulling me back into her body and I go without resistance.
"We have other cars Cole. We have a jet, I could get you in and out of that place in no time. You'd be back to sleep in your own bed if that makes it easier?" Iz says quietly with her face still pressed into my chest, her hands on my shoulders.
I kiss her hair, keeping my lips pressed against her and breathe in her scent.
"Isabel, what I need is the drive. I need the time alone with my brother" I need time away from you.
"I understand, you two have thirty years of catch up to do. I'll just miss you that's all" Iz raises her head and kisses my jaw and I suck in a breath.
My hands grip her hair tighter and our faces are so close I can taste her minty breath already.
"We'll miss you two, Coop is going to cry himself to sleep every night isn't he?" I say to remind her she is married.
"Yeah probably" she tells me sad and I drop her head back to my chest.
I wrap my arms around her shoulders and her hands drop to my chest resting gently and she sighs long and slow, relaxed. It feels so good to just hold her and I don't want to let go, I don't.

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