Chapter 37

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You sighed as the lukewarm water trailed down your frame. Blitzwing showed you the best way to scrub off dried up energon. It was a little disturbing, seeing how good he was at this. Your lips tightened into a flat line, you tried not to think about that.

"There is something on your mind," Blitzwing spoke quietly.

It was more of a statement than anything else.

"Do you wish to talk?" He asked, locking eyes with eye.

"Yes please," Your voice came out, ragged and static.

Blitzwing shut off the water and draped an unbelievable large towel on your shoulders. You wonder how the autobots got a supply of bot-sized towels. You figured it was a fulfilled favor.

"Talk," Blitzwing murmured.

Your mouth suddenly went dry, your stomach flopped, and your knees grew weak. Your mouth hung open and you found yourself at a loss for words.

Blitzwing lifted your jaw, and closed your mouth. He gave you a small, encouraging smile. You reached up and gripped his larger hand, running your finger over his leathery palm.

"It was an accident," you muttered quietly.

"What was?" Blitzwing countered.

"When I killed her," You croaked.

Blitzwing rubbed abstract patterns on the back of your hand with his thumb. It was a soft and gentle gesture that put you at ease.

"Who is she?" Blitzwing asked.

Your throat felt swollen; you were afraid to say.

"Blackarachnia," You squeaked. Your voice cracked and fizzled with static.

He stiffened, lips drawing into a tight line. His face was unreadable, it made the anxiety curl in your gut. Suddenly, his face spun to an all too familiar black jack-o-lantern.

"Is she really gone?" Random whispered.

His eyes were wide and his lips, if you can call them that, were drawn small and tight.

"Yes," you stutter. Your throat constricted and your mouth went dry.

Random looked around as if someone was down in the basement with them. He blinked and stay silent as if debating his next words. After a moment of silence, he nodded to himself, almost as if all personas agreed on something.

"Show me," Random muttered, barely above a whisper. "Please."

You nodded slowly, wary of the sudden shift in the mood.

The two of you took the elevator up, the silence was maddening. Random stood perfectly still, you thought that wasn't even physically possible and yet it is. His faceplates seemed to cross, there was a blank look in his large red optics. As the door slid open, you led the way to the Prowl's room. Last time you checked his was in the Med-bay and those already treated were in the living room. Thankfully, no one has the strength to wander.

You slowly eased Prowl's door open, Blitzwing followed you inside. The two of you crawled out of the hole in the ceiling. You glanced over at Blitzwing, he looked like a drone waiting for instructions. It was very unnerving watching Random, so quiet and still and emotionless.

Mein Schönheit Zeichen {TFA Blitzwing x Reader}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon