Chapter 27

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You eased on the brakes as you entered your old rural town. Your sight wandered as you cruised through the dirt roads.

Not much had changed, buildings were the same and so were the people. You felt and uncontrollably urge to run into the stores and see how people were. There were so many familiar faces, everywhere you went you saw somebody.

You saw your old friends, their families, etc.

This whole town continued to flood you with nostalgia. Old dreams and adventures flashed in you mind over and over. You cherished the memories but you also despised them.

It was almost like an 'I told you so' from your mother.

"I'm telling you, you'll miss this place." You mother stated.

"I'll be fine mom. It's just a couple hours away."

"Eight hours is not a couple." She spat back bitterly.

You rolled your eyes at your mother. She was always trying to hold you back. This had to be the hundredth time she told you this.

"I'm just saying. Don't come crying back to me if you get homesick!" She sneered.

"I won't." You spat through gritting teeth.

"(Y/n)! Watch out!" Sari's voice rang loud in your audios.

You quickly slapped on the brakes. Your headlights flashed on their brightest setting. Your tires shrieked slightly.

"What?! What's going on?!"

"Jou vere going to run ze light, Liebling." Blitzwing voiced.


Your frame sagged slightly. Panic eased out of your systems and you sat in wait.

The light flickered to green and you slowly continued on. A small cloud of dirt followed you where you went.

It took you some times but you noticed people, stopping and staring. Some pointing, they whispered amongst themselves. Curiosity infected you like the flu. Your optics darted around, looking for the source of people's attention.

"Hey, everyone down here is staring."

"I know." Sari whispered back.

"Maybe, I am ze issue." Blitzwing stated.

"Fly higher Blitzy, just don't loose sight of me."

You hear his engines rumble before he ascends into the clouds. Sari gave a nervous hum, she wasn't entirely trusting of Blitzwing. You silently apologized to her, telling her she'd be ok.

You put metal to the pedal, taking quick shortcuts through the town. You wanted to get this over and fast. Staying here to long is going to make you want to stay. Or at least greet with old friends. While you did love this place you didn't want to get to attached.

You sighed, not necessarily in relief, as you drove up to you secluded home. Your tanks flip-flopped over and over and your engine rumbled anxiously.

"Hey Sari, go-go knock on the door."

Blitzwing landed, his cockpit popped open and Sari hopped out. A small cloud of dirt came with her impact.  She quietly skipped up to the door. Blitzwing's engine rumbled as he hovered to the side of your old home.

Sari knocked three times before your brother answered the door.

What the scrap is he still doing here?

"Sari? Is that you?" Your brother questioned, looking positively curfuzzled.

"Yep! It's little ol' me!" She chirped.

"Well you ain't little no more sweetie." He mused. "Anyway, what brings you down here? Is (Y/n) with you?"

"Uh, yeah. (He/She)'s with me. Um, how about we do this in the backyard?" Her hand instinctively when to the back of her neck and you didn't need to see her face to see the cheeky grin spread across it.

Your brother nodded, stepping out and walking Sari to the backyard.

Your tires rolled forward slowly, gravel crunched agonizingly slow. Your frame rattled slightly with uneasiness. You, finally, arrived to the backyard.

Sari chatted nervously with your brother. You honked, grabbing their attention. Confusion twisted onto your brother's face, obviously he didn't recognize you.

"Okay, so like. Don't freak out please." Sari nervously pleaded to your brother.

"Sari, what are you-"

Suddenly you transformed, cutting off your brother in mid sentence. Horror and shock spread across his face; from his throat ripped a high-pitched, ear-bleeding scream. In actuality it was more of a terrible screech.

You slammed your hands over your ears faster than Sonic the hedgehog. You notice through squinted optics that sari did the same. Her pig-tails stood on edge and she grit her teeth.

Before you could process anything, Blitzwing landed in the backyard. His heavy peds digging deep into the dirt as Hothead reached down and, not so gently, snatched your brother  from the ground.

Your brother's screaming stopped, thank Primus. However his fears were not over. Your brother stared up in horror at the con, sweat beating down his face.

"Jou vill shut up." Hothead seethed through gritted teeth.

"Blitzwing, let go of my older bro. He may be a pain but I want him alive."

You gently uncurl Hothead's fingers from your terrified brother. Scooping him into your palms you hold him close to your chest. He curls into your chest, mainly out of fear. A scowl crosses your face as your motherly instincts kicked in.

"It's ok bro, he won't hurt you. Will you Blitzwing?"

"Nein." Hothead managed to grumble out through gritted teeth.

"B-Bro?" You brother whimpered out.

"Yeah. It's me, it's (Y/n)."

He doesn't scream, thank Primus. But the way he sits, curled up in your palms, unreadable eyes wide like an awed child makes your plating crawl. His eyes move slowly, you can feel them outlining your face. His eyes glaze past your helmet-hair, slowly melting down to your now grey protformed face. His gaze traces the arc of your nose, the rise of your cheeks before zig-zaging back to your bright (2nd fav color) optics.

"(Y/n)?" He ask, his voice quieter than you've ever heard it.

"The one and only."

You kneel to the ground, lowing your hands to the dirt. Your brother took the hint, steadily crawling out of your hands with his eyes on you. His hands rested on one of your fingers. Your breath became stuck in your throat and his hands felt heavier than Blitzwing.

A familiar twinkle sparked in his (your e/c) and a gleeful family slowly molded his jaw. Your eyes widened in realization.

No, he wouldn't-

"I'm telling mom!!" He screamed as he dashed into the house.

You jumped at the sound of the front door slamming shut. You began running around your old home.

"No! (Your bro's name)! GET BACK HERE!"

Blitzwing and Sari watched, dumbfounded and astonished.

Mein Schönheit Zeichen {TFA Blitzwing x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now