Chapter 36

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Sari grew anxious and bored, not the best combination for someone with her animated personality, and thus she began roaming the halls of the Autobot base. She walked aimlessly and with little purpose, there was no one home to entertain her. Well, there was Ratchet but he was repairing the Dino bots with that new femme. There was also Blitzwing, she quickly shook the thought from her head. She didn't fully trust the triple changer, not after every battle.

She could never wrap her head around it. How (Y/n) and Blitzwing, of all bots, became an item. It was unsettling to know they had gone on with their secret ways for so long before anyone found out.

Where would they even meet?

Probably somewhere in old Detroit, no one really went there anymore. Or the construction zone, considering a large part of Detroit's northern outskirts were being remodeled. No one was there after 5:30, 6 o' clock the lastest. It didn't fit quite right though. It would still be daylight, there's still the chance someone sees a Decepticon.

It would probably have to be really late at night then. Like really, really late. That way there would be, like, a zero percent chance of being seen. That-that actually explains a lot.

Sari thought back to all the times (Y/n) would drag herself/himself through the day. Several cups of coffee to keep him/her from falling asleep.

What would they even do during their little dates or whatever?

Talk? Yeah, they would probably talk about their day or something. I wonder if they ever watched movies together. I guess they would have to use a projector. Maybe even dinner? Wait, no. Blitzwing wouldn't need food.

Sari continued to ponder, not realizing she was in the main control room. Her legs drifted just as much as her mind.


The air began to feel tense in the med-bay.

:Ratchet, why? Why must you do this?:

:Hey, it was gonna come out eventually.:

You felt ready to face palm yourself. The heat pooled in your head along with the roaring build up in anxiety. The last thing you wanted was a fight.

"Snarl is confused." Snarl slurred suddenly.

"You've never been to Cybertron, Snarl," You started. "It's a long and complicated story. Maybe another day."

He nodded dumbly, the other two were clearly lost but didn't bother to bring it up.

You redirected your attention to Blitzwing and Red Alert. She answered him in a tight but restrained voice. You were undoubtedly grateful for that, the tension didn't rise because of it. You placed a hand on Blitzwing's and squeezed gently.

What she doesn't know she doesn't know okay? You murmured gently through your bond.

Thankfully, Blitzwing seemed to agree. His body loosened slightly, Red Alert grew less tensed as he stepped back.

Crisis averted.

"I'm sorry about him," You spoke quickly.

Blitzwing glanced at you with an optic ridge cocked. He was fully intent on not apologizing for his earlier behavior.

Red Alert merely nodded. It appeared like she wanted to say something, maybe a pissy comeback. You smiled, thanking Primus she decided to stay quiet.

You smiled slightly, ready to say your thanks when Sari rushed in. The little red head was huffing and puffing as she leaned against the doorway.

"Everyone's in the living room," She panted heavily. "They got their asses handed to them."


You quickly shooed the three Dino-bots out of them Med-bay. Red Alert and Ratchet were pulling out supplies and readying the slabs and other equipment. Blitzwing, brought back medical grade and other needed infusion from the back room.

After Blitzwing was done hauling supplies you snuck him back into the basement as quiet as you could. You made your way back to the main room, shock quickly took over your features.

All the bots had heavy dents, scratches, and bruises. They had paint missing, crushed armor, and gashed protoforms. All of them had engeron spilling from dozens of wounds. They were tired and, in a way, happy to still be alive.

"Oh my god, Sari wasn't kidding," You murmur, eyes wide in surprise.

You eyeballed each of them, looking for those wounded and the most. Ratchet had asked you to bring the two most wounded fighters. You cringed, feeling unable to pick only two, they all looked terrible.

"You," the short tan and brown mech weakly raised his head as you pointed him out. "I'm taking you to the med-bay."

He tried standing, his legs rattled before they buckled underneath him. You quickly swooped in, wrapping your arm around his mid-section, you hoisted him to his feet.

"Let me help you." You advised quietly.

He grunted and nodded in agreement.

You gave him a small smile and helped him down the hall. His breathing was shallow and his face looked haggard. You would feel his energon trickling down between your digits. It sickened you, a nauseous feeling forming in the back of your throat. You also grew extremely worried, paranoid that he would bleed out in your arms.

Thank Primus you were able to get him to the Med-bay quicker than you expected.

Red Alert grew bitter as she saw her wounded teammate. She took the upmost care with his wounded form. She did not waste a second, she began repairing him right away.

"Go get another," Ratchet ordered softly.

You nodded, heading back to the main room with your energon stained hands. You did your best not to focus on them. The fluids bringing back very unsavory memories, you didn't need that obstacle right now.

Your eyes scanned the boys again. You chose Jazz, the amount of damaged armor worried you intensely. You, like the last, had to help him make his way to the Med-bay. You made a mental note to choose Bumblebee and the yellow, blue, and red bot.

"They really kicked your ass, huh?" You spoke out dryly.

"You should've seen it," Jazz rasped. "Megatron was crazed. Whatever Blitz knows it's gotta be important."

You hummed in agreement.

"You trust him?" You asked quietly.

Jazz bit down on his lip, "I can't, I don't know him like you do," He admitted.

At least he's being honest.

The rest of your day went like this. You brought bots into the Med-bay, rolled them into guest rooms, mopped energon off of the floor, furniture, and bots in the main room. It was dull and depressing but you did it, it brought a nauseous feeling.

You stared down at the dried energon caking your hands and feet. You swallowed a fat lump in your throat.

You needed to wash off and see Blitzwing.

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