Chapter 7

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After what felt like forever you got Bumblebee to go home and Sari to go to sleep!

She demanded you tell her who '❤️BW❤️' was and, in the end, you ended up making this huge fake story about having a long lost lover. Thankfully, she bought it; not so thankfully however, she wanted to meet the guy. Despite saying yes you knew that wasn't going to happen.

Sari was currently fast asleep in the guest room. It's 11pm, you a take a shower, blow dry your hair and switch out of those comfy pajamas and into some fancier clothes.

You were basically going on a date with Blitzwing.

(This is for the girls)
So you brushed your (h/l), (h/c) hair and applied your (f/c) lipstick. You added some blush to your cheeks and applied mascara. You went slow when applying your eyeliner, the little wing came out perfectly. You then slipped on your (f/c) dress and heels and a purse to match. You sprayed little puffs of your favorite perfume. Then you made sure you had everything; keys, wallet, phone.

You were good to go.

You crept quietly down the hallway and peeked into the guest room. Sari lay still and asleep, mumbling something every so often.

Quietly, you opened the front door and slipped out. You locked the door behind you and began heading down Detroit to your little special meet up spot.

(This is for the guys)
You combed your hair, slicking it back rather nicely. You threw on a (f/c) dress shirt with a pair of black slacks and comfy dress shoes. You rolled the cuffs of your dress shirt to the spot just above your elbows and fixed your collar.

You patted down your pocket, checking for everything. Phone, keys, wallet, yep you had everything.

You quietly peeked your head into the guest room. Sari slept peacefully, curled under the covers with a light snore. Your lips curved into a smile as she mumbled your name in her sleep.

Closing the guest room door you make your way to the living. Quietly sneaking out of the front door, you close it behind you.

You begin to walk down the streets of Detroit, making your way to your special meet up spot with Blitzwing.


Get up! Get up! It's time to go meet (y/n)~!

The triple changer's sophisticated persona slowly pulled himself from his slumber, the youngest of the three rudely waking him.

Oooooo~ vhat pretty clothez do jou think (y/n) will wear tonight?

The angry persona snapped at the younger 'brother' to be quiet, the oldest of the three nursing an energon cube.

Icy, as he had been dubbed, threw the empty container into a waste basket by the door.

Quietly, the triple changer made his way down the halls of the base. Everyone was recharging, thankfully, and so he was able to make his way out of the base without any consultations.

He transformers and flew off into the night, to meet the precious organic that has stolen his spark.

He came to a halt, transforming in mid-air and lowering himself to the dirt ground. He came early, as usual, he liked to watch you walk. Your confident strides with a smile on your face, so elegant yet powerful.

A smile spread across his face at the thought of you. He, just like you, only wished that it would be easier to be seen together and be together.

While the little rendezvouses were nice, it took a toll on the both of you. Taking hours for your precious sleep affected how well you both functioned during the day.

After one particular long 'date', which lasted from mid-night to 4:15 am, the two of you were exhausted. You could barely keep your eyes open at work unless you inhaled several coups of coffee and he constantly lost focus, nearly drifting into recharge in mid-air. Thankfully the both of you were to shake off any suspicions but nearly falling down the stairs and falling in mid-air was not as easy to make people forget.

He winced at the memory, Lugnut insisted he be scanned for a diagnostic test that day.


A smiled pulled at his metallic lips as he heard you call out his nick-name.

His eyes landed on you and his faced twisted into awe, you looked stunning in your fancy attire. You had never dressed this well before, what was the special occasion?

Is it (y/n)'s birthday?

Do we know (y/n)'s birthday?

No! Maybe it's our birthday!

No jou defect! (Y/N) doesn't know our sparkling day!

For ze love of Primus vhat is the god damn occasion!

Jou don't know?!

Vhat in spark's name do jou zink he'z azking!

Silence, boz of jou! I'm trying to zink!

A scream had brought the bickering brothers back to reality.

Black Arachnia had you tied in her disgusting web, dangling you upside down.

Icy was immediately switched out by Hothead, the middle persona grit his teeth in a seething rage. You could feel his anger and heat corse through your very being.

"Put ze human down, bug!" He called out between gritted teeth.

The femme transformed, cradling you in her arms.

"Why? What's so special about the little human huh?" She questioned, dragging a claw over your cheek, drawing a bit of blood.

"Take jour disgusting servos off of (her/him)! Let (him/her) go you vile bug!" Your Cybertronian partner growled.

She smirked from her place on the top of half-built building. Her claw slid down the web cocoon around your body, freeing you.

"Az jou vish~." She purred, mocking his accent.

Her arms stretched outwards, dropping you over 50 feet above the ground. You held on to your crystal, the only think you could hang onto.

"(Y/N)!" Blitzwing cried out, racing towards your descending form.

He was sent backwards by a web shot from Black Arachnia.

Your world slowed, almost to the point of stopping. You watched helplessly has Black Arachnia pounced on your robo boyfriend, clawing at his armor; you could feel the scratches on your chest.

You held your crystal close to your chest, it began to glow a bright blue. You heard the sound of panels switching backwards but you couldn't pinpoint the location of the sound.

Your chest felt . . . open, as odd as it sounded that was the only way you could describe it.

They say when you're about to die that your life flashes before your eyes. But all you got was a blinding blue and white light.

Then your body hit the ground with an almost metallic clang.

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