Chapter 35

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Red Alert began to get antsy, the three Dino-bots had been fully repaired and the others hadn't returned from the battlefield. Never a good sign, ever. She tapped her ped impatiently against the ground, the Dino-bots raved on about their fight against the Deceptions plaguing this organic city. Y/n celebrated them with a cheery face but her/his body language said otherwise, she/he seemed greatly uncomfortable at the talk of battle. He/She squirmed and the (2nd fav color) glow of his/her optics dimmed as the story of their brave heroics continued on.

"Just cool your engine, Red." Ratchet called out as he typed away at his console.

"They're not back yet and you want me to cool my engine?" Red snapped.

"Where is Blitz-bot?" Grimlock suddenly quipped.

Red Alert's neck cracked as she whipped her head around so fast even Blurr and Cheetor would've been impressed. Ratchet's medical tools clanged to the floor and he was seriously considering on pulling Grimlock apart.

"Blitz-bot?" Red Alert seethed.

"He means, um-", Y/n started thinking of names that start with 'Blitz'- currently nothing passable came to mind.

"Y/n's mate!" Swoop finished, a perky little grin crosses his pale face.

For Primus' sake, Grimlock; Ratchet thought bitterly. You don't just blurt out a Decepticon's name like it's nothing. Then again, it's not like the Dino-bots are even aware of the Great War. Pit, they don't even understand the meaning behind the symbols on their chests.

Ratchet made a mental to show the Dino-bots all of Optimus' old war videos when he had the time. His mind returned to the matter at hand, Red Alert looked ready to slice and dice a bot as she stepped closure to Y/n, poor young blood shrunk back into his/her armor plating as Red Alert drew near.

"What is he talking about, Y/n?" Oh, that caustic tone felt just like acid and it burned just as sweet.

"U-Um," Y/n peered past the hella ticked femme, (2nd f/c) optic gazing over to Ratchet. Those big scared (2nd f/c) orbs were screaming 'Help me, please'.

"Calm down Red," Ratchet barked. The femme whipped around, glaring at him. "You and the rest of Team Athena were going to have to find out eventually. You can at least try and be open-minded about it. This could end the War."

The femme's stature softened after the last sentence left Ratchet's vocalizer, her shoulders sagged slightly as a thoughtful look filled her optics. The blue of her optics dulled slightly at the thought of peace after so many years of war was tempting her like the forbidden fruit. Her body straightened, a firm look crossed her face and Ratchet feared the worst.

"You better start explaining."

"Atta girl."

Blitzwing grew puzzled as the Autobot medic commed him, asking him to come topside for 'a little chat' as he put it. He didn't question, he merely approached the elevator and typed in the access code supplied by the red prime. The elevator beeped softly as it stopped at the basement, the doors peeled back with a slight rush of air as Blitzwing stepped inside. The hum of the elevator's inner mechanisms were soothing, despite this Blitzwing couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that began to grow in his frame. This felt like the calm before the storm. As if he was in the eye of a hurricane, everything was silent for just a moment.

You tensed up, coiled tightly like a spring, as Ratchet ended the comm between himself and Blitzwing. You fiddled with your metal digits, swallowing another lump that had formed in your throat. Your stomach felt queasy and your head felt fuzzy like it was soaked, dripping wet, in static. You puffed out air quietly in desperate attempts to cool down your frame, you were unaware that your fans already clicked to life; already doing the job for you.

You lifted your helm slightly at the sound of nearby, heavy footsteps. You could feel Blitzwing approaching, the mere proximity calmed your nerves just a bit as a weak smile tugged at your lip components.

Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed Red Alert's tensed frame, her face was grim as if she expected to see Megatron himself. Ratchet had rested a hand on her back in an attempt to ease her but it didn't seem to be working very well.

Breath in, breath out.

Blitzwing turned the corner and entered the med bay, a bored look formed on his face. He either didn't realize how dire the situation was or he didn't care, yet. His good eye shifted to the tensed femme, a blip of surprise passed through his eye as he took notice of the newest edition. His gaze shifted to the Dino-bots, who gifted him with cheery and approving smiles and he smiled in return. He shifted his gaze to Ratchet, the medic gave him a nod and he nodded in return. His eyes finally land on you, a warm and loving look swirls in his optic and he tells you all you needed to hear.

Do not worry Y/n, everything will be alright in the end.

Your anxiety melts away and you draw yourself closer to him, a broad smile paints your face as he embraces you. His chin rest atop of your head, with your ear against his chest you can hear his engine rumble quietly. You can feel the beat of his spark against your cheek, you are in a better place when he wraps his arms around you.

Oh, dear Primus, this is so sweet it's sickening. Ratchet thought with a sour smile.

He turned his attention to Red Alert, she was watching the obscure love story playing out in front of her. Her frame wasn't as stiff as it was before and the uncertainty in her faceplates was to be expected.

"Blitzwing, I'd like you to meet Red Alert. She's part of Team Athena, they're here to help with the recent issues plaguing Detroit." Ratchet spoke suddenly.

"You come from Cybertron." It was more of statement than a question.

"Yes." Red Alert confirmed sternly.

A grim expression crossed his faceplates.

You poke lightly at his chest.


"What's it like? Back on Cybertron. How much has changed?" He asked suddenly.

Red Alert was taken aback by the question.

"Changed?" She echoed curiously.

"How much have you Autobots changed Kaon? Icon, what have you done to Icon?" The tone of his voice scared you, it was bitter like acid.

You shifted your eyes to Ratchet for help but he too seemed at a lost.

The idea suddenly hit you. Ratchet's younger than Blitzwing, Blitzwing must've been sparked before the war even started. But, that didn't make much sense. How was his the same age as your grandparents? Wouldn't they be the same age as Ratchet?

"I don't understand what your asking." Red Alert blurted out.

He laughed, a dry and bitter laugh, like he was mocking her. "Of course you don't. You're young."

A lightbulb went off above you.

"That used to be Decepticon territory." You blurted out suddenly.

"Kaon was, yes. No, Icon was my home- our home." Blitzwing explained.

Red Alert's face was firm and unreadable as she focused solely on Blitzwing.

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