Chapter 33

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Sari activated her blades as she followed Blitzwing to the fallen ship. She was able to slice the air lock off, allowing them access inside. The two slinked through the ship, as silent as the shadows.

The duo found themselves at a fork in the road, so to speak.

"I call dibs on the left." Sari whisper-shouted.

Blitzwing merely stared, "I suppose I will go right then."

The teen nodded and began her journey.

"Comm if you run into trouble." Blitzwing warned as he headed down the right corridor.

"Sure," Sari answered in a way that implied how she was most likely not going to comm at the first signs of trouble.

Blitzwing vented heavily, already knowing he would have to save the girl. Nevertheless, he continued onward.

Blitzwing slowed himself as he approached an open door, the sound of muffled cries echoing from the room. He gingerly peeked his head around the bend. On three different slabs he observed three different autobots, one appeared (Y/n)'s friend Bumblebee; the other two were the twin jets that arrive with the annoying blue prime.

He scanned the area, after deeming it safe he stepped within, what appeared to be, the Med-bay. Slowly, he made his way to the three bound autobots.

"Blitzbrain! I mean Blitzwing do us a solid and break us out!" Bumblebee squawked.

A smirk pulled on the deception's blue lips. The idea to leave the three was ever so tempting. However, doing so would be disrespectful to the red Prime and after his mercy and open arms, Blitzwing simply could not. Begrudgingly, Blitzwing had zapped the group's restraints with ice before using Hothead's strength to smash the them.

"Thanks dude! Uh, hey, where's y/n and Sari?" Bumblebee's voice wavered, revealing his wariness.

"Sari is scouting other parts of the ship, I informed her to comm me if she requires assistance. Y/n is outside standing by."

Bumblebee's worry seemed to disappear at the sound of that. He wouldn't admit it but he's still a bit scared of the triple changer.

Just as Bee was about to speak a distance blast was heard. Red lights flashed violently and sirens went off.

'Warning: Hull Breech'

"That's Sari, isn't it?" Bumblebee groaned aloud.

Yes, Blitzwing thought. Sadly that is her.

Sari panted heavily, her hand pulling away from the blaster she used to shoot some bot through the hull.

Y/n was gonna be pissed.

No, she thought. Blitzwing is gonna be pissed. They're both gonna be pissed.

Venting, Sari made her way to the main console. Two sets of mug shots shone brightly on the viz screens. One bot was a blue-grey mech, the other was a short tan-colored femme. The young girl cocked her head, the two bots seemed oddly familiar.

Outside the bot began to shoot at the young techno-organic that was waiting outside the fallen ship. Y/n dodged the blaster fire to the best of his/her ability. The black charred spots followed his/her feet, barely missing the paint.

"Wait-!" Y/n called out as he/she dodged around frantically.

Y/n shook his/her arm frantically as he/she ran for cover.

"Come on! Transform you stupid arm!"

Y/n suddenly heard her/his attacker cry out, followed by three girly shrieks. Y/n turned to find Blitzwing with his cannons aimed, the Jettwins and Bumblebee hid behind him.

"T-that's, that's Fire-starter!" Bumblebee stuttered. 

Blitzwing's lips drew into a hard line, and uneasiness settled in his gaze. The three younger bots shook in fear behind him, their protoforms rattling against armor.

Y/n panted heavily, a hand stuck to his/her chest. She/He was getting shot at, this-this person! Familiar person, strangely familiar person who reminded you of your uncle but he wasn't a gigantic asshole the last time you checked. Said person now frozen in a block of ice, compliments to the triple changer.

You looked around, suddenly realizing Sari was no where to be seen. A frown engraved itself on your face at the observation.

"Where's Sari?" You questioned.

Blitzwing merely blinked before answering, "In the ship."

He stayed focused on the frozen bot, inching closure like a man to wounded wild animal.

You saw no reason to stay and stare at this bot and thus made your way inside the ship.

You found Sari standing on the main console, blankly staring up at the screen. Her hands dropped to her slides, dangling with her knees slightly bent, her head was cocked off to the right.

The viz screen displayed a pair of mugshots.

Your stomach flopped and nearly spilled out your mouth when you saw those mugshots.

You gnawed on your tongue as Arial and Bronze's mugshots were displayed on the viz screen. You just seemed to notice the small report off to the side of the pictures.

Wanted: Suspects wanted for decpticon sympathy, unwilling cooperation, assault of an officer, and illegal authorization to travel off world.

Oh hell, that just made everything worse. Your grandparents were flipping wanted fugitives. Fantastic.

You cleared your throat in an overly dramatic and loud way.

Sari jumped slightly before turning to you.

"Oh, hey Y/n." She strained to smile.

"Lets head outside."

You cocked your head towards the entrance and watched as Sari activated her jet pack.

You led the way out of the ship.

You were surprised to see Jetstorm cuffing the random bot. Energon leaked from one side of his helm.

"Firestarter," Jetfire announced as the stasis cuff took full affect. "You are arrested for the leaking private information and weaponry to the decepticons, the assault of several Elite guard officers, and escaping imprisonment."

The bot in question drifted his gaze to the giant hulking decepticon next to the Russian elite guardsmen. Optic ridges raised in question.

Bumblebee noticed the questioning gaze.

"His alliance is complicated right now. He's bonded to a bot." Bumble stated in a 'matter-of-fact' tone.

Blitzwing rolled his optic in annoyance.

"Thank you for broadcasting my personal business, bug." Blitzwing spat.

Bumblebee stuck out his tongue at the much, much taller bot. Thank Primus Blitzwing only rolled his eye.

You sigh and shake your heard, "Lets take him back to base."

You quickly call your mom and inform her of your return to Detroit. You also tell her you'll come back to talk to her as soon as you can. You notice Firestarter's large, sickly violet eyes bore into you for the entire duration of the call. Thankfully his mouth was clapped shut and he can't utter a single syllable.

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