Chapter 18

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A/N: memories will be in italics and thoughts in your memories will be bold italics

"Tell me more about grandpa! Oh please, please, please!"

Your grandmother smiled, a small chuckle escaped her lips.

"Oh alright, (Y/n), since you insist!" She turned to you, feeling the crystal that would soon be yours in her hand.

"It was a long time ago." She started. "In a place miles and miles away." She smiled as she stared off into the distance.

"What was it like?"

"It was beautiful, it was peaceful. There were bright lights, friendly faces, a beautiful world." She smiled and you moved a little bit closer.

"What we're the people like?"

"Well if you let my finish, I can tell you." She laughed quietly as you nodded with such vigor, she thought your head was ready to pop off.

"The people were made of metal, they were so many different colors. Walking through a crowd was like walking through a rainbow. There were flyers, seekers, two-wheelers and four-wheelers. Some people had one face, others had two or three; even five! Oh yes, it was a wonderful place." She fell silent, nostalgia swirled in her aged eyes.


"I was the only one who was different, (Y/n). Not many people liked me for that. They didn't like that I was only half metal. That didn't stop your grandfather, nothing did." A sad chuckle escaped her lips. "He was what they called a seeker, (Y/n). The sky was his to rule, I was a two-wheeler. Your grandfather was  also the only other different person I met, maybe that's why we were so well together. I'm not very sure." She paused, clenching the crystal.

"He had five faces, each face was a different part of him and but together they made him. And he loved me, all the same as I did him. He also had an accent; like a watered down southern drawl. It was enchanting if I do say so myself!" You smiled up at your grandmother.

"We had a good life, in the beginning. Heck! It was only half a year since your uncle was born and I was already with your mom in my belly. Life was more than good at that time, it was great." Your grandmother grew quiet.

A sad sigh escaped her lips, a frown setting on her features.

"But, all good things must come to an end and so did we. We were leaving that metal world, war was everywhere. In the streets, in the bars, the market places, the social parks, even places like the acid wastes. There were only three sides, most people chose two. The 'good', the 'bad' and the neither. We were the neither and that's how your grandfather wanted it to stay. So we left, we came here but something went wrong with the ship. There was a crash and your grandfather . . . he didn't make it out alive, (Y/n). He didn't make it, I wish he would've. So he could see you, your brother, your mother, your father, all of us. He would've been so proud, especially proud of you." She shot you a smile, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear.


You sat on the porch with you older brother.

"Grandma is missing." He said.

"Yeah, I know." You wiped away a stray tear.

"Mom says it's because she didn't take her medication so she went crazy." He looked down at his dirty sneakers.

"She wasn't crazy."

"That's not what mom said."

You stayed silent, tucking your knees to you chest, you sat with your older brother.

Grandma isn't crazy.

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