Chapter 6

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Icy' thoughts: italics
Hothead's thoughts: bold
Random's thoughts:

Ill kill those accursed autobots for hurting our precious (y/n)!

You knov ve cannot do zat, as annoying as zey are; zey are still her friends.

And, so?!

(He/She)'ll get (his/her) nickers in a bunch!

(He/She) vill mourn.

Hothead huffed, he would never be rid of the autobot scum at this rate.

Icy paced around their room. Glancing upward from the ground ever once and awhile.

His room was a mess and at the same time it was not. The room had become divided into four sections. The first section was neat and orderly, an organized desk with files and data pads rested there. The second section was nothing more than a few beaten down punching bags and the things Hothead made in his spare time. Not as orderly as Icy's section but not as disorganized as Random's. Speaking of him, his corner of the room was a complete mess. Piles of paper with his child-like doodles lay scattered along with numerous crayons stolen over the years. Even the wall in that section had messy scribbles that Random constantly called his works of art. The fourth corner had their berth and a nightstand. The door was closest to Icy's desk.

Vhat vould (y/n) think of this place?

Nothing, ze room is perfectly fine.

Zayz jou.

Icy sighed before sitting on the edge of his berth, his back facing the door.

He jumped slightly at his comm-link, pressing the accept button he answered his caller.

"Blitzy?" (Y/n)'s sweet voice rang in his audio receptors.

Each persona gave a sigh of relief, their precious (Y/n) was alive and sounded well.

"Hallo sveetspark, you sound vell." Icy replied, finally at ease.

"Yeah, hey so I need to ask you something." (Y/n) stated.

"Go ahead love."

"Why didn't you tell me we had a spark bond?" His beloved asked, slightly irritated.

He sighed, "Because I  can't explain it. Spark bonds only happen between Cybertronians, you are not Cybertronian."

(Y/n) was silent for a few moments.

"So then what do we have?" (He/She) asked.

"I'm not sure." The triplet changer responded with a heavy spark.

"I love you Blitzwing, even if your decepticon scum."

The triple changer chuckled at the playful tone of his taboo lover.

"And I love jou, even if jou are a pathetic human." Blitzwing replied with a playful tone.

A fit of giggles erupted from the human. 

Those giggles made his spark skip a beat.

"Hey, meet me later?" His lover asked, calming down slightly.

"Vhat time?"

"Midnight, you already know where."

"I vill be there."

With that, they exchanged I love you's and goodbyes. The time was 7:30, the two starcrossed lovers would meet soon enough.

Mein Schönheit Zeichen {TFA Blitzwing x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now