Chapter 12

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Blitzwing surged forward, tackling Lugnut to the ground.

He was awake when Blitzwing had returned and admitted he was aware of the suspicious activity. He threatened to reveal Blitzwing's traitorous behavior to Lord Megatron if he did not tell him the reason for his absence. Blitzwing told him it was a personal matter, he had a relationship. This ignited a full-on argument between the two bots.

Lugnut was in disbelief before calling it a bluff, Blitzwing simply stated that he was just jealous because he couldn't reveal his feelings to Megatron due to a lack of bearings. Lugnut grew horrible angry at this, that was when the name calling started. Icy was replaced by Hothead and now Lugnut has been tackled to the ground.

"My apologiez for your zexual fuztration Lugnut but that doez not give jou permission to ruin my love life." Blitzwing growled at his fellow Decepticon.

"Why you-!" Lugnut had kicked Blitzwing in the stomach, launching him backwards.

Lugnut's pinchers slammed into the side of Blitzwing's helm, he fired a missile at the triple changer. The projectile made contact with his chest as he was flown back even further.

Blitzwing's cannons lowered before blasting Lugnut with copious amounts of heat. Blitzwing was never allowed to use his full strength and fire power, mainly because it caused to much destruction but now Blitzwing didn't care about the order.

His fist made its way to Lugnuts chest, denting the plates heavily as he punched the cyclops.

He had the upper hand, beating the cyclops into oblivion until a tank churning sensation made its way through his body.

Anger that wasn't his but felt like it, jealousy, frustration, rage then shock settled in, fear, regret but the most prominent was horror.

He felt his frame shaking and Lugnut watched in a mix of surprise and fear. Blitzwing felt like his vocalizer was horse, as if he was screaming yet his lips didn't move. He felt like he was suffocating, his servos shaking almost violently. Then, a small drop of coolant leaked from his eyes, landing on Lugnut silently.

Blitzwing backed away, tears beginning to flow heavily from his eyes. Fear flooded his systems, he knew whose emotions he was feeling.


Blitzwing fired at Lugnut once more, sending the cyclops backwards. With that, he transformed and flew off; heading for Detroit.


Your legs burned, for whatever reason you ran instead of drove. The elite guard had arrived, why? Fuck if you knew. You figured it was for the Allspark, that's the only logical reason.

You somehow made your way to the docs, you don't even know how. You hadn't been paying attention to the world around you as you ran. You thought you saw Prowl and panicked, you jumped onto a cargo ship. You figured isolation would be best for you right now.

You sat down and brought your knees to your chest, you felt weak and you felt stupid. You were scared, you didn't know what to do.

Do you say something? Do you run away never to be seen again? If only you knew.

Thankfully the soft sound of the waves crashing gently into the boat soothed your aching spark.

You arrived at dino-boy island, figures. You elegantly jumped over the side of the boat, landing perfectly on the sandy shore. You began your trek of the island, hopefully gaining some peace and quiet. You stumbled upon a wide open plane, untouched by man. The island itself is quite beautiful, with its isolated induced  madness.

The grass and fallen leaves crunched under your heavier frame, soft foot prints left behind in the grass. You sat yourself, criss cross applesauce, on a smooth bolder under a tree. You leaned against the tree, venting softly as you closed your eyes. Hopefully you could get some sleep.

You woke up, eventually, inside of a cave. You felt a nudge at your side, looking over you saw Swoop and Snarl. At least you think those are their names.

"Okay?" Swoop asked as he cocked his head.

You jumped, you didn't realize they could talk.

"You guys, you actually talk?"

They nodded, men if little words it seems.

"Okay?" Swoop asked again.

It took you a minute but you were finally able to process his question.

"'Okay?' Am I ok?'" Tears slowly built into your eyes. "First I find out I have, whatever the fuck a spark bond even is, with a decepticon, then Black Arachnia or Spider Lady fuckind drops me and I die! Then I wake up and I'm a fucking robot! Who is actually some kind of techno-organic thing, I accidentally kill Spider lady; that eight legged bitch! Then I freak and end up here and I can't find Blitzwing. It turns out my whole life as been a lie! And I don't even know if my parents or creators are even related to me and you think I'm okay?!" You burst into tears, the weight of last night finally pushing you over the edge.

Snarl and Swoop watch with wide optics, unsure of how to comfort you.

Eventually, Swoop pulls you in close; his wings draping over you like a veil of protection. You wrap your arms around him and cry into his shoulder. You feel him stroke the back of your helm gently, tracing little details on your back.

"It will be okay." Snarl stated. "Everything will be okay."

Swoop merely nodded, you hoped your tears wouldn't stain his armor.

"Name?" Snarl asked, hoping to distract you from your suffering.

"Name?" You pull away from Swoop ever so slightly as you repeated the question. "Guys, it's me; (Y/n)."

You were friends with the Dino-bots, which is why you hadn't freaked about being here.

They bumped into you one day when you were with Prowl and Bulkhead. They introduced you and you got along with them surprisingly well. Except for Grimlock, who mostly avoided you for whatever reason. Anyway.

Swoop and Snarl gawked at you, their eyes looked like they could be bigger than Cybertron.

"(Y/n)?!" They squawked in unison.

You sighed, a weak smile graced your lips. "The one and only."

You filled the silence as you slowly began to tell your story to the two mechs. They were like little boys to you, Snarl began to make kissing noises as you told them about you and Blitzwing. Swoop gave a low whistle when you said you had a surprise for him, they winced as you described your falling scene, they laughed when you told them how you bitch smacked Prowl. For the other sects of your story they listened intently, you feared telling them about Black Arachnia but did anyway. They surprisingly agreed with you and Blitzwing when it came to opinions on her. Swoop called her a bitch, Snarl choked on some laughter before calling her a slut; you joked around with the two of them. Throughout your story their eyes turned from confusion to realization and finally to an understanding gaze.

You were glad that you could have full on conversations with them. All those hours spent with Prowl trying to teach them proper English actually paid off.

You were still a bit confused, when you and Prowl tried to teach them they barely responded.

"Hey, how'd you guys fully learn how to talk?"

"Meltdown's lab helped a little bit." Swoop started.

"And you left behind books and an audio player." Snarl continued.

"Yes, World War Two began in 1939; the first of September." Swoop continued.

"Adolf Hitler was actually Austrian and an inspiring art student." Snarl quipped.

Oh no. You left your history audio book and text book here. That explains a lot now, you thought you lost it.

Now your really going to loose it. Those two began to whip up history facts from your textbook faster than Bumblebee could drive. You slammed your hand against your face.

This was going to be a long orbital cycle.

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