Chapter 23

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A/n: this is another memory chapter! So enjoy!

Blitzwing slowly sat up, his eyes focusing. Everything was pitch black, nothing could be seen for miles. The triple changer stood, eyes aimlessly searching.

"(Y/n)! Wait up!" A male voice sounded through out the darkness.

"Go away! Don't try and stop me!" Your voice shouted back angrily.

Slowly, colors began to appear. Shapes began to form as the setting became prominent.

He was deep in the woods, well some woods. The fauna was highly unknown to him, then again so was 90% of Earth.

He was, somehow, the size of the trees.

"You can just run off like this every time you two fight (Y/n)!" The male voice said again.

"Oh yes I can! Just watch me!" You snapped back bitterly.

Blitzwing walked forward, he was able to catch sight of you and a boy within a clearing. To his surprise, you appeared much younger. Your hair was shorter, your clothes were darker than what you normally wear, even your eyes were outlined by black.

It, oddly enough, suited you; at least in his mind it did.

You stopped, turning and facing your brother; you glared angrily.

"Can you at least try and talk with mom?" He asked.

"I dunno, can she admit that she abandoned grandma?" You spat.

Your brother sighed, shaking his head.

"Is that really what this is about?" He questioned.

"Haven't you noticed what month were in?!" You shouted.

Your brother's eyes widened slightly, he took a defensive step back. He quickly regained composure, taking a step forward he settled himself.

"Yeah, your birthday is in a week." He replied coolly.

You scoffed and rolled your eyes.

He had the nerve!

"Not that asshole! It's the anniversary of when grandma-"

"Ran away." He finished.

You grit your teeth, you hands clenched into fist.

"She didn't run away! She would never leave-"

"Us." Your brother's voice was filled with venom.

It was true, your grandmother swore she wouldn't leave.

"No. She would never leave me." You corrected.

Your brother glared at you.

"Whatever." He said. "I'm going home, I'm sick of dealing with you."

"I could say the same to you."

He rolled his eyes as you flicked him off. He turned on his heel, leaving you amongst the sea of forest.

"Asshole." You grumbled.

You turned, continuing on.

Blitzwing watched with curiosity.

Who was that boy?

Stepping out from behind the trees he followed you.

"(Y/n)?" He called out.

You didn't reply.

Walking next to you, he waved his hand in front of your face.

No response.

His lips settled into a frown as he walked on, trailing behind you slightly.

Vhere is (he/she) going?

He followed you to a an opening in the ground. He raised an optic ridge, worry flooded him as he watched you climb inside.

You effortlessly scaled down the hole. Your hands and feet memorizing the landscape. You hoped down from the last couple steps. You hiked up your backpack as you continued on.

You walked until you heard the familiar sound of rushing water. You smiled to yourself as you picked up the pace. Your little paradise coming into view.

It was a small cabin near the waterfall's pool.

You remember your uncle made this for you as sort of a gift.

At the same time your family would come during the summer and use it like a vacation home.

However, as time passed those visits became less frequent and soon enough, not even your brother remembered where is was. You, on the other hand, would not let this little slice of heaven leave you that quickly.

You had the best times with your grandmother here, it was your special place; not theirs.

Blitzwing watched as you crouched before, what was in his eyes, a random little pile of dirt. He saw as you pushed the dirt aside a revealed a set of keys, slightly rusty with dirt in between the crevices.

He took in his surrounds; all of this seemed more surreal than it should have.

It, oddly enough, reminded him of his life before the war. The friends he had, the person he used to be. It brought make so many memories, he was beginning to get a processor ache.

He turned, seeing as how you had opened the door, and followed you inside.

As you settled yourself he walked aimlessly around the premises.

Oh oh! Go in zat one!

No! Go in ze other room! Zat one over zere!

Icy merely rolled his eye at the petty arguing of his other two personas.

He turned the corner, suddenly stopping himself.

At the end of the hall, a bedroom door lay wide open.

Well that's creepy.

What juicy secrets is (y/n) hiding?

Blitzwing hesitantly took steps closer. He didn't like the aura that leaked from the open room. Nevertheless, he entered the ominous room.

On the bed sat a small beige box with a purple and black bow on top.

He walked over to the box, gingerly lifting the top of the box. Inside was a photo, in a frame, face down. Carefully, Blitzwing lifted the photo from its resting place. When he turned the photo over he nearly dropped it.

Cosmic Blast, Bronze, Starscream, Lugnut, Arial, Acid Storm and himself. Smiling, happy, sane. It was a beautiful time before the war, he was normal, he was sane, his other three friends were still alive. Everything was perfect.

Blitzwing dropped to his knees, cradling the photo as if it were made of glass.

Flashbacks flooded his mind. Visions of his old life flashing before his eyes.

Blitzwing lets go!

Yeah Blitz!

It's great to fly again!

Have you guys heard of Megatron?

He seems to be pretty great!

His frame shook rapidly, a pained hitching noise sounded from his voice synthesizer, coolant tears dropped from his eye.

An almost unholy cry of pain broke free from the con.

What happened to all of them? Where did it all go wrong? Why couldn't they have stayed that way forever?

Why did he ever join the war?

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