Chapter 17

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A/N: Hello my dear readers! For those who are student I hope you had a good first day or good school day! And now I proudly present the next chapter~!

"Where is Sari?"

"She ran out towards the city! We gotta stop her before anyone else gets hurt." Bumblebee cried out.

You look at the chaotic mess around you.

Pieces of furniture were scattered everywhere, slash marks and indents peppered the floor and small traces of energon clashed against the plant's ground. You shook your head, how could one little girl cause all of this?

"Bumblebee's right, Ratchet stay here and repair Bulkhead and the others. Dino-bots, Prowl, Bumblebee and (Y/n); come with me." Optimus ordered.

"W-What about 'you-know-who'?" Bumblebee asked, his voice quivered slightly.

"Yeah, I don't think it'll be a good idea to just leave him here, with them." Swoop voiced, pointing to the elite guard.

Optimus nodded in a agreement. "Alright, we'll take him with us. (Y/n), you'll be in charge of Blitzwing."

"Blitzwing?! You're harboring a decepticon?!" Sentinel shrilled.

"It's complicated." Ratchet grumbled to the big-chinned Prime.

"How complicated?" Jazz questioned.

Ratchet cocked his head in your direction. "Guess."

The Jettwins' jaws dropped, Jazz shook his head and Sentinel merely gaped at you.

"You have got to be joking!" Sentinel cried.

"If only!"

With that, you went off to retrieve your boyfriend.

You were able to sneak him out through Prowl's room. Thank Primus for Prowl's hippie nature.

"Patrol the skies Blitzy, look out for Sari. Be safe."

"Do not vorry (Y/n), I vill contact you." He stated.

You smiled, planting a small kiss on the peak of his cockpit. His engines rumbled with joy at your actions.

"I'll meet you later, promise."

You merely watched as Blitzwing took to the skies.

You met with the other able bots at the plant's entrance.

"Alright is everyone ready?" Optimus asked.

"Ready as we'll ever be."

"Good. Alright Auto-bots and Dino-bots lets transform and roll out!" Optimus ordered.

You followed your Cybertronian friends to down town Detroit. You transformed, your eyes widened in horror.

There she was, she was so . . . so, so different.

She looked so different, so grown; like a teen. She looked scared, panicked, terrified. Her arms flailed against her will, every step she took gave off a small explosion. Her chest heaved as the blades grew and shortened, piercing into buildings and slicing into near by light polls, cars, and mailboxes. You saw her large, now blue eyes, land on you; relief became mixed into her wide eyes.

"(Y/n)!" She cried out. "Help me!"

"We have to do something!"

Optimus remained silent, deep in thought.

You saw as blue whipped around Sari. Her moments grew spastic, the explosions from her steps grew and she began to glow an Allspark blue.

Optimus commed Ratchet, ordering the medic to come right away with his EMP generator. No questions asked.

"We have to use Ratchet's EMP generator." Optimus finally stated.

Your eyes widened.

"You can't do that! She's a techno-organic can't that thing kill her?!"

"We don't have much of a choice, (Y/n)." Optimus responded with narrowed optics.

There's always a choice! You thought stubbornly.

You surged forward, transforming and driving towards Sari.

"(Y/n)! Bumblebee! No!" Optimus cried.

You hadn't realized Bumblebee was behind you and in all honesty, you couldn't care less. You were going to save Sari, she was like your little sister. It became your duty to protect the younger girl and no Prime is going to stop you!

You transformed last minute, ready to pounce.

You hadn't expected Sari to turn, you hadn't expected Bumblebee to get blown back by a small blast, you didn't expect her arm to flail in your direction. You didn't expect the contact.

Sari's eyes widened in horror, tears filled her eyes and blurred her vision. Despite that, she could never get the image of you out of her head. Small drops of hot pink energon dripped onto Sari, onto the floor.

Your body lurched forward slightly, pain racked your frame, tears dropped from your eyes. Energon-blood spilled from the wound in you upper abdomen.

The energy built up in the end of Sari's blade and before she knew it, you were blown back.

Black spots and error warnings appeared in your vision. Your body burned, you couldn't move. You heard voices fill your ears. You heard Optimus, Blitzwing, Ratchet; but their words fell deaf to your ears.

You eyes grew glazed, forcing themselves open. Your body couldn't handle any more. Your eyes closed slowly, darkness swallowing you whole.

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