Chapter 34

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(We're gonna focus on the boys and one girl down in Detroit trying to deal with a sassy, angry decepticon mom. Aka megatron)
Also anyone got any ships they want me to throw in here on the side ? I'll do like two.

Red Alert started with large optics at those-those 'bots' lying on the medical slabs.

"What-What am I looks at Ratchet?" She breathed.

"They're called Dino-bots, originally crafted by Megatron and Issac Sunmdac." Ratchet stayed, welding one of Swoop's cut shut.

The Dino-bot winced, hissing slightly at the medic's care.

Ratchet huffed in his throat, giving Swoop a light blast with his EMP generator and then continuing to weld.

"If you ask me, Snarl needs more care than Grimlock. He's loosing quite a bit of energon." Ratchet suggested.

"Which one is-"

"Laying down."

The femme hummed to herself, this was one of the weirdest days in her profession.

Venting, she made her way to the Dino-bot groaning on the medical slab. She began getting to work, hooking the bot to an energon line and began welding his wounds and providing repairs.

Red Alert could feel the largest of the three Dino-bots watching her. Physically, it was hard to tell with the mech's visor covering his optics. But she could always tell when someone had their eyes on her.

"May I help you?" She droned out.

"He hasn't seen a femme of your stature before Red. He's merely fascinated." Ratchet stated, budding into the conversation.

"Medic lady is not like spider lady, medic lady is nice and helpful." Grimlock mused with a smile.

"And spider lady would be-?" Red Alert waited for an answer.

"A femme named Black Arachnia. It's a long story." Ratchet sighed.

Red Alert hummed again and returned her attention to her work.

"What have you done with him?!"

The entire planet seem to shake from Megatron's unholy roar. His optics blazed a bright red as he ruthlessly searched for his missing follower. His other cons, including Lugnut, rattled against their armor shells in fear. Never before had any of them seen Megatron this enraged.

"There's no way the three face freak means that much to him!" Sentinel cried from behind his protective shield.

"That 'three faced freak'," Rodimus hopped back. "Is head of communications and closely associated with his intel division."

"So yes, Sentinel, he really means that much." Optimus scolded.

"Should we maybe, uh, retreat?" Hot shot asked, taking cover behind from another one of Slipstreams blast.

The fighting ensued, Megatron grew more ruthless and enraged by the minuet. The seeker clones (excluding Skywarp) and Lugnut tried their best to distance themselves from the leader. They aimed for the less bots, Megatron attacked the three Primes.

"We have nothing with your communications officer!" Rodimus spat.

Sentinel had doged his way over to the red prime.

:You think we should tell him?: Sentinel pinged.

:Now isn't a good time.: Optimus pinged back, irritated at Sentinel's stupid suggestion.

"Liars!" Megatron roared, firing his plasma cannon at the Orange prime.

Rodimus dodged the blast skillfully and with grace. He fired his arrows at the Decepticon leader, not much progress was made by this.

"First you autobot filth blast a hole through my leading scientist on Earth and then you abduct my communications officer!" Megatron seethed.

"Leading scientist?" Brawn echoed.

"Don't play dumb austobt filth!" Slipstream hissed.

"You fools snuffed Black Arachnia's spark and ultimately inconvenienced lord Megatron!" Lugnut bellowed.

Optimus and Sentinel froze, the energon drained from their faces. Lumps in their throats, knots tied into their nuero-nets, they couldn't move.

Suddenly, Megatron fired at the two Primes. Rodimus managed to run up and block the blast with Sentinel's shield. The two other primes remained unfazed, the realization set in and both primes couldn't be more pissed.

Optimus was enraged at the fact that Megatron would ever assume he'd offline someone.

Sentinel was pissed because his former best friend was dead and he knew Who did it.

The Autobots continued to fight valiantly against the enraged enemy leader and his lackeys.

Bumblebee's frame grew hot with anxiety. He felt uncomfortable bringing Firestarter into the base, bound and blindfolded or not.

The three flyers left the fugitive in the basement, locked up in a cell provided by the elite guard. Blitzwing was ordered to stay in the basement until the news was broken to Team Athena.

:Yo, we need a Servo down here, any of ya free?:

Y/n jumped as Jazz's voice flooded his/her audio receptors. This was his/her very first time accessing a comm link.

The Jettwins took off, always ready for battle. Bumblebee glanced back at Y/n, stingers out and a puzzled look on his face.

"Aren't you coming Y/n?" He asked, concerned how the usually energetic being was suddenly reluctant and quiet.

"Uh, no. No, I'm not, I'm going to stay and help out Ratchet. I-I don't really if I have any-any weapons yet, ya know?" Y/n sputtered slightly.

The yellow mini-not narrowed eyes at his once human companion. Something was off with her/him, maybe she/he was just scared. Satisfied with his notion, Bee quipped a quick 'ok, see you later!' And raced off to assist his Prime.

Y/n smiled weakly as he left.

His/Her tanks flopped for what felt like the millionth time today, his/her tongue felt puffy like an inflated beach ball on his/her mouth. His/Her cheeks felt puffy like a chipmunk's, his/her throat felt dry and full of gravel like a desert. It felt like the ground was growing to sprout arms and hands and pull her/him into the depths of Hell. His/Her legs felt stiff as if there was rust build up in the joints and in between crevices of armor over his/her protoform.

Swallowing the lump that had built up in his/her throat Y/n traveled into the bowels of the Autobot's base.

Y/n jumped slightly as a growl echoed away from the med bay, curious Y/n crept his/her way to the med-bay. Standing in the doorway Y/n saw Ratchet, the Dino-bots, and a new mysterious female. She was working on Snarl, deft digits stitching him back up as if he was a ripped up rag doll. Swoop was being attended to by Ratchet while Grimlock sat alone and unattended to the slide. The head Dino-bot seemed to be sitting in despair, powerless to do anything but watch as his brethren were put back together again.

Y/n silently stepped inside the pristine med bay and hopped upon the medical slab next to the Dino-bot leader. He looked over at the newly found cybertronian, he/she offered him a tight-lipped smile.

"Hey," He/She said, giving the t-rex a slight nudge with his/her elbow.

"Hello," Grimlock rasped out, a small smiled graced his faceplates as Y/n leaned against him.

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