Chapter 3

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"No fair! How are you so good at this (Y/N)?" Bumblebee whined.

You shrugged, "Full blown natural Bee."

He huffed, crossing his servos with a pout; Sari giggled at the two of you.

It's been four months since that night on Sari's balcony. They've been the best four months of your life. When the autobots weren't saving Detroit, with you and Sari as their personal cheerleaders, they were showing you around Detroit.

Optimus even showed you their ship, Teletran 1. You learned a lot about their species from him. He told you stories of his time in the academy, showed you his history videos. You told him about highschool and how you were currently enrolled in online college courses. You taught him human history, downloading history books onto their computers at the base. The two of you got along smoothly, constantly debating in the fun way.

Ratchet, as expected, took a while to warm up to you. But, after lots of hard work and DETERMINATION he came around. He told you stories from the war, you told him the stories of your great-great-great-great-great grandfather who fought in World War 2 and his wife, who served as a nurse during the war. He respected your ability to shut up for a good few seconds despite being more like Bumblebee and Sari. You respected his bravery as a field medic, robots or not medicine is still respectable profession to you.

Prowl, like Ratchet, took time to warm up to you too. But once you brought up ninjas and samurais he warmed right up! You two took to debating about religion, learned Asian history and he even lets you sit and read while he meditates. The two of you enjoyed nature walks the most.

Bulkhead and you had been chummy since the night you meet. The two of you got closer when you showed your love for the arts. You modeled for some of his paintings and visa versa, you introduced him to plays and musical theater. Just like painting, he fell in love instantly.

Bumblebee became easy to get along with. The two of you shared a love for gaming, races and excitement. He should you Ninja Gladiators and you showed him (fav video game). The two of you would go to racing tracks and try to beat him best time. When you went to amusement parks, you slipped on any and every ride he could fit in. He showed you sights around the city.

You and Sari grew tremendously close. The two of you had a lot in common. Music, tv, video games and a love for excitement to name a few. Once you had started working for her father your relationship grew better. You would work, a paid internship from 6am to noon, after work you and Sair would head to the plant and spend the rest of the day with the autobots. She'd slept over your apartment many, many times; even going so far as to video chat your older brother and parents. They adored Sari and Issac had adored you. Treating you as if he was your father and you were his older (son/daughter).

You were never able to find the source of the feelings you felt the first night you had met Sari, but that mental note had long been forgotten as the days went by.

You were snapped out of your treasured memories by the sound of the alarm. It was a decepticon attack.

You and Sari watched as they transformed and raced out of the base. There was a pit deep in you stomach, a grim frown etched into your face.

You were there when Lockdown had attacked and they had defeated him, partially because of you. You were the one who had disrupted some of the ships controls by rearranging and yanking out numerous wires. He nearly stepped On you, Optimus was your hero that night along with Ratchet.

You also witnessed when Blitzwing and Lugnut attacked. You were hoping it was them, Blitzwing especially.

"Let's go Sari." You said abruptly, breaking the silence.

"What? But Prime and the other's said stay here!" She said, confused. You weren't one to usually break protocol.

You felt your healing crystal glow around your neck.

Like Sari, the Allspark had charged a crystal you had found one day when you were ten. It didn't change its form like with Sari's access key but it powered it just the same.

You weren't sure what was so special about the crystal. It was your grandmother's before she passed. You found it one day after knocking over an old jewelry box in the attic. It was about half of your hand in its length. However it was shaped like that of a USB, well that's what it reminded you of. It was your good luck charm.

You shook your head, now was not the time for stories.

"I have a bad feeling about this Sari, let's go. They'll need us."

With that, you and Sari raced to your apartment. You took your keys, racing through the street of Detroit to find the autobots.

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