Chapter 11

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You sat in the base, dazed. Blitzwing's words kept ringing ever so loudly in your head.

"Did you actually zink Blitzwing vas born zis vay?"

What did that mean? What did Black Arachnia do! You wanted to know so badly.

You laid still as Ratchet scanned you. He said something but it was rubbish to your ears or audio receptors. You didn't care if you were some techno-organism at the moment. Blitzwing wasn't always three-faced, he wasn't always a triple changer.

What happened?

Optimus was also dazed by the new information but mostly about the two interfacing. You figured Black Arachnia didn't have real feelings for him.

Ratchet suggested that you stay at the plant, obviously because you can't fit into your apartment anymore.

"So, (y/n), what happened? With Black Arachnia I mean?" Prime asked suddenly, pulling you out of your daze.

"Oh. Uh yeah, well." You took a moment to collect your thoughts, Prime waited nervously. "I was going to meet Blitzwing, I was going to surprise him."

"Surprise him with what?" Prowl asked, there was a slight edge in his voice.

"A gift, a had a little necklace for him in my (purse/pocket)." Your eyes widened. "THE NECKLACE!"

In a panicked frenzy you hopped off the medical berth and ran out of the plant.

You stopped for a second a (f/vehicle) caught your eyes, well optics.

Hmmm, I wonder.

You concentrated, a (2nd f/c) beam shot from your eyes. You scanned the (f/vehicle), your systems took a minute to process the new information. You took a deep breath before concentrating once again, you transformed into a (f/c) (f/vehicle).

Not bad for a rookie.

You raced down the streets of Detroit. You needed that necklace. It was horribly important to you.

Tonight you planned on asking Blitzwing about the future, you were hoping he had some sort of holo-human thing. Mostly because your older brother decided to look through your phone in his last visit, he saw the same thing Sari did.

Only difference; he told your parents you might be seeing someone. Your parents became overjoyed and automatically called and asked about your mystery partner.

You grimaced at the memory.

Anyway back to the necklace, it was your grandmother's. She had told you, when you were five, to promised to give the necklace to the person you loved most. You decided that Blitzwing was the person or bot you'd give the necklace to, he meant that much to you.

You slowed to a stop as you came upon the fight scene between Blitzwing and Black Arachnia.

You transformed, walking over to where Black Arachnia had dropped you. You found your things scattered; your (wallet/purse) was a few feet to the right from where you landed, your phone was shattered to the left and the necklace was right by your phone. You sighed in relief, picking up the necklace.

You heard footsteps behind you.

"Sorry for running off Optimus, I just-"  A gasp escaped your lips as you turned around.

"You're not the three faced freak." She graveled.

Black Arachnia stood, to the best of her ability, copious dents, cuts, scraped, a hole in her chest plating and one of her two organic spider legs missing. Energon flowed from her wounds, if this was someone else you would've been horribly concerned.

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