Chapter 8

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The light from your crystal grew brighter and brighter, eventually effecting the two fighting decepticons.

Hothead was still in control, seizing the opportunity; he attacked.

Gripping one of the spider legs growing from her back, Hothead threw Black Arachnia across the construction site; ripping off the leg in the process.

A blood-curling scream tore it's way out of the femme's vocalizer. Hothead lowered his canons, aiming dead-center on her chest. He fired with extreme precision, the spider howled in pain as she was blown backwards by the blast. Extensive damage had been done to her chest plate, if she was even an inch closer the blast would've ended her life.

His faceplates switched to Random, his face twisted from its likely grin to an uncharacteristic frown as he rushed over to (Y/n).

A small gasp escaped his lips at the sight of his beloved (Y/n).

There (he/she) was, laying still in (her/his) dressy attire. Their chest was rising and falling slightly, but that was not what surprised the triple changer. (Her/his) chest had open chest plates, like that of his own. An arm was severed, cuts and ripped skin scattered across (his/her) body exposed what looked to be Cybertronian circuitry, small sparks crackling every so often.

There, next to (his/her) head lay their beloved crystal. It was glowing an Allspark blue, the bottom shaped in a similar form of the red-headed child's key.

His older brothers screamed at him to stop, regardless; Random took the crystal and inserted the bottom half into (his/her) chest.

(His/her) body lifted into the air, the blinding Allspark light returned, blinding the German mech. He heard the classic transforming noises and when the light died down a (f/c) (mech/femme) laid in (y/n)'s place.

The (mech/femme) had (f/c) chest plates, a silver-grey abdomen, (f/c) plating from the hips to the mid-thighs, black and (f/c) 'boots' from the mid-calve down. They also had (f/c) 'fingerless gloves' going to the mid-forearm along with a helmet in the shape of (y/n)'s hair but (f/c).

Iz zat . . . ?


Random's eyes traveled down the (mech/femme)'s frame. It was (y/n), it had to be. His face plates switched, Icy reappeared. Scanning (y/n)'s new body Icy detected several damage areas from the earlier fall.

Thankfully, (y/n)'s arm was reattached but there was extensive damage to the joint.

Blitzwing lowered to his knees, gently, he scooped (y/n) into his arms. He gently lifted (her/him) from the ground, careful of (her/his) arm.

(Y/n) needed serious medical attention. Blitzwing was one capable of repairs but nothing this severe. He knew of only one medic that he could go to.

He fly past the half-buildings, he fried at the ground at random. If he couldn't bring (y/n) to the autobots then he would bring the autobots to (y/n) no matter the cost.

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