Chapter 2

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You giddily ran through the city, waving and saying hi to almost everyone.

You figured you'd look like you were fresh off the boat to a stranger's eye but could care less.

Over excitement took control and your head swiveled around as you ran down the streets of Detroit. Eventually you hit, smack dab, into something.

An oof! escaped your lips as you fell back on your ass, slightly jarred.

"Oh sorry about that! Are you ok?" You heard a voice ask.

You stood up, dusting your self off.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for ask-" you froze as you found the face to that voice.

Oh my god! An autobot!

You recognized him from the news articles you printed out at home. His name was Bulkhead, if you can correctly recall. He was the strongest of the small alien crew and here he was, talking to you!

"Oh my stars! You're Bulkhead!" You squealed like a fan(girl/boy).

You could spring a leak you were so excited!

"Uh, you know me?" He asked, puzzled.

"No! But I know of you! Your the strongest out of your friends! God, you guys are so cool!" You were trembling so hard it looked like you were vibrating.

"Oh," he blushes slightly at the comment. "Well thank you."

You squealed out a no problem, telling him how much you admired his heroics.

He smiled down at you, glad that you weren't deterred by his strength and clumsiness.

The two of you sat on the curb and talked for felt like hours. Your conversation stopping briefly when your brother messaged you, but quickly put back together after you hit send.

He told you about his times in boot camp and how he an Bumblebee became friends. You told him about your friends and the troubles of highschool. You both came from similar backgrounds and share similar interest in technology.

Your conversation paused once more when you noticed the sun went down, the cities lights illuminated everything. The city glowed, you saw it as beauty.

This place would look even more beautiful from a bird's eye view.

"It's so beautiful." You whispered at the city lights.

Bulkhead chuckled, "You should see the view from Sari's room. It pretty breathtaking." He finished with a smile.

You reminded him a lot of himself. In interest in robotics and transportation was similar to his own. And when he began to go on about space bring technology he took notice on how you listened with open ears and stary eyes.

"I could even show you, the view I mean. If you want." He added, unsure of your response.

Sari, you remembered her name. He was her human friend and has been helping the autobots since their arrival. She was Isaac Sumdac's daughter, your new boss's daughter.

You weren't suppose to work until tomorrow but the idea of a high view was too good to pass up.

"Well then," you started. "What are you waiting for? Let's go!" You cheered with excitement.

You watched, awe-struck, as he turned into a SWAT care before your very eyes. The passenger door popped open and you climbed inside.

"Wow, I've never been inside a SWAT car before. This is cool." You thought out loud.

You watched the passing street lights and billboards.

You couldn't believe it! Here you were in Detroit! With Bulkhead!

You squealed with excitement as Sumdac Tower came into view.

Bulkhead pulled to a gentle stop in front of tower, the door popped open and you slipped out of the SWAT car.

He transformed and led the way inside. A gasp escaped your lips once you entered the tower.

It looked like one of the fanciest building you'd seen. It's high ceiling, glass like walls and marble floors were enchanting to you.


You slowly pulled your gaze away from the high ceiling at the sound of a young girl calling to your new found friend.

She was young, about eight years old. She had red hair tied up in two pigtails and a few hair clips, she wore an orange and cream dress with boots to match. She had dark skin and chestnut brown eyes.

"Hey Sari!" You heard Bulkhead greet the young girl.

She hugged his leg, her small arms wrapping around the metal leg as best as they could. She pulled away, her large eyes automatically landed on you.

You felt odd, for lack of a better word, when locking eyes with her. As if, despite not knowing her, the two of you shared a common trait. Like the prince and the popper, but not quite. It was a good feeling, but, you couldn't help identifying an almost taboo foreshadowing air.

You made a mental note to be observant.

"Who's that?" She ask, pulling away from Bulkhead.

"This is (y/n)! She's my new pal. I wanted to show her the view of the city from your balcony." He explain, hoping you two would become friends.

A warm smile spread across your face as you held out your hand to the young girl.

"I was hoping we could be friends?" You asked hopefully.

She smiled wide, shaking your hand viciously. "I don't see why not."

She led the way, taking you through the elevator while Bulkhead used his hand to pull himself from the ground.

You followed her down a long hallway, finally she led you through a pink room. She told you it was her room, you said it was cute.

She brought you out to the balcony, Bulkhead was already waiting.

"Here it is," she said. "A view of the city from Sumdac Tower."

You rushed forward, your hands gripped the railing.

It's so beautiful!

The city lights twinkled like the overhead stars. The cars blended in with the night sky. The Skyscrapers reminded you giants, tall and proud. Their translucent Windows giving off blue, black, white and even burgundy glows.

This is it. I've arrived.

And for what felt like the first time in forever, with Sari and Bulkhead by your side, you felt like you belonged. And now that your here, there's no way your going back to that small town. This is your home now and forever.

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