Chapter 1: First encounter.

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This story contains, violence, death, true street gang violence and mentions drugs. These are all true things that happened during the New York Mafia age.

Imagine a place where crime rules the streets, the police are corrupt and joining a gang may save your life.
Imagine squares being drug trading havens and being unable to travel at night because of the gangs that patrol the streets.
What would you do? Join a gang? Hide?
Or would you fight? Taking back what they took from you. Even if its costs you your own life?
Would you?

"Mom! I'm going now!" Shouted a 14 year old girl with ice blue hair and pale blue eyes.
"Okay Katelyn. But come back by 5 okay?"
"Yeah mom!" Replied the girl as she shut the door. She locked the three double padded locks secure.
"What was taking you so long Kate?" She turned round to see her 17 year old boy friend with green eyes and brown hair.
"Mum's over stressing again. Jeffory, shouldn't your mum be worried as well?" Katelyn said as she jumped down the stairs.
Jeffory smiled. "As long as I came back before five she's fine with it. Now about that that date we were going to have." Jeffory pulled off his infamous smirk.
After the date. 4:50 pm.
The sunlight was quickly fading, turning the sky into a dark blue colour. "We're going to be late!" Katelyn shouted. "Blame my phone! It was meant to go off at 4:30!" Jeffory replied.
"What are a young couple doing at a time like this?" Jeffory turned round, to see a couple of members of the Sabertooth gang. Jeffory immediately recognised three of them. "Sting, Rogue and Yukino! The White dragon, the shadow dragon and the summoner." Jeffory put himself in between the thugs and Katelyn, his fists in boxer stance. "Katelyn run!"
"What? No!"
Sting stepped forward, his infamous smile glowing. "We got a man who is willing to stand up for his woman eh? Let's see how long he can stand up for?" Sting walked up to Jeffory, Jeffory tried to punch Sting in the face but that quickly went out of the window when he got punched in the face. Katelyn ran up to a very dazed Jeffory. "Sting. You could have been more nice."
"Rogue, this is our job."
"What were you saying before you punched the kid? Er, I won't hurt kids."
"Shut up."
Sting unsheathed a white knife, he played around with it for a bit. "Sorry about this kids. But give me your money."
"Like I would let that happen."
Sting's faced dropped in fear, Rogue and Yukino revealed their weapons. Katelyn could see a dark figure with glowing red eyes, his hands in his hoodie's pockets and strapped to his waist was a blood red knife. "B-b-but the boss s-said you didn't pa-trol these streets." Sting said trembling. The stranger with red eyes pulled his hands out of their pockets, his left one with steel knuckle dusters and the other one with a gun rest with a gun inside it. "I patrol the streets that need protection. And you here are going to rob a very young couple. Who's being honourable here?" He stepped out into the streetlight, he had a bandana covering his mouth and nose, it had a unrecognisable symbol on it. "You don't scare me. You're just-"
"A person who's willing to fight for their freedom. The's a difference between us."
Suddenly the man smashed his left fist into Rogue's face, then drew his knife and stabbed him in the gut. Yukino ran up to the man, a bat raised over her head. The man knocked the bat out of Yukino's hands then pointed his gun at her. "Now I don't know if it's sexist to hit you or not to hit you, so I'm just going to leave you with several bullets in your legs." The man shot her several times, carefully, so that he would be true to his word. Now Sting was shaking in his boots, he was stepping backwards towards the young couple. The man threw his knife with pinpoint accuracy and it struck into his right abdomen, the shot him several times in the chest and finally if the last two things weren't enough he punched him in the back of the head. "And that's if you weren't scared enough already." He turned round towards Katelyn and Jeffory. The man reached to grab his knife back when Katelyn shouted. "Who are you?" The man turned round so that his back was facing them, on his hoodie's back was a red dragon design with its wings spread outwards.
"Call me the Red Dragon."
Katelyn watched as the man walked further into the dark alleyway. Eventually he disappeared into the darkness. But one thing had been burnt into Katelyn's mind, the red dragon design on the man's back. Jeffory started to sit up. "Who was that guy? That guy took out three of the Sabertooth's top gang members!" He shouted.
Rouge groaned in pain, the stab wound in his gut bleeding heavily now. " think....we're going out like this...what a way to go." He said through heavy breathing. Yukino was shaking, terrified by the Red Dragon's actions. "Yeah-h he-e was terrifying." She whimpered. Jeffory got to his feet, shaky, but on his feet no less. "We should help them."
"Are you kidding me? They tried to kill us!"
"That was Sting. These guys are innocent."
Katelyn nodded, reluctantly. Jeffory is too nice at times. She ran up to Rouge. "What are you doing?" Rouge asked.
"Saving your life. What else would I be doing?" Katelyn replied.
Rouge, through the pain, smiled. "Your pretty darn kind to help someone who could easily kill you."
"We've to help each other in time like this." Katelyn replied stubbornly, while trying to stem the blood flow.

Jeffory ran up to Yukino and tried to help her up. "Come on. We've got to get you out of here."
"Why would you care?"
"Because I do. You're just like us." Jeffory replied. He started to dial 999 onto his phone.

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