Chapter 40

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3 weeks later

For the past few weeks, everything seems to have gone back to the normal schedule. School, studying, sleeping, eating...shitting. Luckily I'd say things are going well.
My phone dinged from beside my bed. It was my mom.

Mother dearest: I'll be visiting in a few days.

Me: aren't you still recovering.

Mother dearest: I can recover and visit

She just got out a few weeks ago and I think she believes she's invincible. She was out on bed rest but Jackson has been texting me and telling me she cleaned the bathrooms the other day. Like on her hands and knees cleaning the grout.

It's absurd really.

But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little happy. It was tough trying to find enough time to get to visit her. Plus she wants to meet Alex because it's like one of the only interesting things I have to talk to her about. She asks about him but he doesn't know that.

Let's just hope she doesn't expose me.

"Alex," I said with a tune as I waltzed into the room. He was, can you guess, on the couch watching, now say it with me, tv.

"So my mom just texted me to tell me she is visiting." I sat down next to him and glanced at what he was watching. I'm convinced this is some sort of soft porn.

"Yeah and..."

"Wednesday. That's when she's coming. So everything needs to look decent including you."

"Oh don't you worry Lana. Parents and I go together wonderful." Now that worried me a little.

"Just please be good."

"Aren't I always."

"That includes naked girls on the tv screen." I pointed to the girl swinging her tits in some guy's face. It was interesting how they could do that.

"We'll don't worry Lana. You can trust me." I nodded but with those huge tits on the screen, I was a little nervous.

Wednesday morning came in like a 16 wheeler. Alex has been worrying me the past few days considering he still leaves his cereal bowls on every counter possible. There was a bowl on the back of the toilet. The toilet!

But right now I'm in class and when I get back my mom should be arriving. The clock seemed to be going extra slow today so that was good.

Finally, the time came and the class ended. I leaped out of my seat and bolted out of there. My mom is a real stickler for proper school attire. She bought me a whole professional wardrobe before I even got accepted.

When I got back to my room I changed quickly in case there were wrinkles on the clothes. Luckily I was good. I opened the bedroom door to see the boys standing there.

"Oh hey guys," I said and fixed my skirt.

"Hey, Lana." They said together. Weird

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked everyone except for Alex.

"They're here for moral support." He said and fixed his shirt.

"Oh dear god. No there are too many people my mom she'll- look no offense guys but it needs to just be me and Alex."


Knock knock

"Oh, great forget it. I grabbed the remote and shut off the tv. Her name is Melissa do not embarrass me." I said before walking to the door.
I took one last breath and opened the door. She stood there looking around but turned her attention to me right away.

"Mom" I smiled and hugged her.

"Hi Lana," she hugged me. I missed you" she said into my shoulder.

"How are you feeling? Come in you should sit down," I practically pulled her inside to the couch for her to rest.

"I am doing great. Never felt better. So Back to you I couldn't help but notice the abnormal amount of boys in this room." She looked at the lineup behind us.

I blinked almost forgetting there were there.

"Oh yea!" I laughed. "Well I only have one roommate but the other boys are my friends I guess. Well, his friends but they're around so often I kinda chill with them now and then." She nodded and smiled at them.

"So uh this is Alex, Lucas, Peter, Quinn, and Jake," I said and pointed to each of them as I said them. "Alex is my roommate."

"Oh yes, you've told me about him already!" I felt my face warm up. God why.

"Yeah well kinda need to tell you who I'm living with." The boys all said hi and whatever other greeting they had for her.

"Nice to meet you guys" she shook their hands. After a while, we all got comfortable in each other's presence and just talked about everyone's future and such. My mom or all parents seem to love hearing about that. Eventually, my mom offered to cook dinner and despite everyone's refusals she got in there and started banging pots and pans around.

She did threaten to knock us all out if we didn't let her cook.

"Dinners ready!" my mom said from the kitchen. The room smelled delicious. We all got comfortable and started to dig in.

"Mmm, this is great Miss Lynn" Lucas complimented.

"Thank you, dear," she said and drank some of her water.

"Your welcome Miss Lynn," Lucas said and smiled. What a suck-up.

"So Lana how are your classes," she asked me.

"Alright for now." We spent the rest of dinner having small talk and it was just an all-around relaxing experience.

"That wasn't bad she is really nice," Lucas said after we walked her out to her car.

"Yeah she was great," Alex said.

"Of course, she would seem like that to you suck-ups," I said and walked to my room.

"Us Suck ups? no way" Jake said sarcastically.

"Yeah yeah see you guys tomorrow." I walked into my room and closed the door. Then locked it because you never know when they may play truth or dare again.


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