Chapter 30

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A/N: I know I'm lacking but this story is kinda close to its end and I don't really want it to end so I'm giving myself excuses to be lazy... Anyways, no more excuses, I feel like I haven't gave my 100% into the last chapter and I wanna make it up to you guys with this chapter soo yeah... smut warning. 


 ''You know... maybe we could just... like... figure out a way to disappear and you could just ignore that stupid oath, huh? That sounds better then risking your life to end Jake's. Doesn't that sound better? I think it kinda does.'' I looked up at Ben's blue eyes and he just chuckled before pulling me back to him and connecting our lips again. 

It's been three days since Ben's been aboard on New Religion and he still hasn't openly done a single thing against Jake. I wasn't sure whether I liked that or not. The positive thing regarding this was, of course, that he wasn't risking his life, but the negative was... well, this.

He was currently down in my dungeon with me while all the pirates thought he was on watch. I mean, there was very little chance of anyone catching us because the pirates were probably drunk and it was the middle of the night, but still... this was beyond risky. 

The first night Ben and I agreed to just fake our hatred all over again. He was supposed to hate me because I managed to distract him for too long and I was supposed to hate him for breaking my heart but no matter this life and death situation we were still us which meant completely unable to keep our hands off of each other. 

''No, but seriously...'' I broke our kiss again. ''The Pirate Codex is valid only for pirates, right? But you're technically not a pirate so...''

Ben sighed giving me one of his amazed looks. ''You're not gonna let this go, aren't you?''

''Would you let it go if I told you that I'm gonna commit a suicide mission?'' I snapped. 

''It's not a suicide mission.'' He rolled his eyes. ''I beat him once already, remember? When I was only 13 years old. I think I got this.''

''Yeah, but he might expect it this time. I think he's learned not to underestimate you.'' You couldn't blame me for being extremely anxious about this insanely and dangerously irrational plan. 

I believed Ben could beat Jake, I really did, but I also didn't want to be proven wrong. I actually didn't even want Ben to try and prove my doubts wrong. I just didn't feel like witnessing that duel knowing that I wouldn't be able to do anything to help. 

''Denis, you literally have nothing to be worried about. I've also grown, I'm smarter now, I have more experience... Jake can't beat me if it's one on one and he knows it. That's why when he attacked The Labyrinth Cruise he brought half of his crew along onto our ship.'' Ben said his hands falling down to mine. ''When someone fights to break their oath nobody can get involved. It's gonna be one on one and I'm gonna win.'' 

''I... I just wish there was a way around it.'' I sighed and Ben's grip around my hands tightened. 

''We can always run, I think we would succeed in it too, but the thing is that Jake would hunt us down and make me fight him anyways. I don't want you living in that kind of paranoia.'' He explained and I bit the inside of my cheek. ''You're the S in LBS, so that means that The Black is rightfully yours as it is mine. I know you didn't choose any of this but...'' 

''No, I did choose this.'' I stopped him. ''I chose you. I know what I was getting myself into. Well, not entirely, but yeah... Even if I wasn't the S-guy I'd fight this battle because it's yours which makes it mine too. I just don't want you getting hurt, okay?''

Ben gave me a warm smile before he kissed me again. His lips were soft when they touched mine and warmth streamed through my whole body as he pulled me closer to him deepening the kiss. 

Just A Slave To Rock n' Roll [Brustoff]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon