Chapter 20

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''Shit.'' I hissed as I did the mistake of looking down towards the road.

''What is it?'' Ben asked me.

''We're high.'' I said.

''Yeah, we're on the roof of a 5 floor building.'' He said like it was the most obvious thing ever.

''You know how you don't really like small places, yeah well, I don't really like heights.'' I said ripping my gaze away from the open air below the roof I was standing on.

''You're scared of heights?'' He asked me as if I hadn't just told him that.

''I'm not scared, I just don't particularly enjoy feeling like I'm gonna die y'know.'' I said dramatically.

''Right.'' Ben rolled his eyes before a smile tugged his lips upwards. ''Gimme your hand, we'll be down before you know it.''

My hand flew to his before I even realized what he said and as his palm caught mine he pulled me forward making me walk away from the edge of the roof. I looked around not really sure what was I expecting to see as we walked from one edge of the roof to the other.

As I looked around, not even sure what was I expecting to see, my eyes met only dark and shapes of the houses around us. By the time I realized there was no rational way of getting down and I looked at Ben for answers his smirk said it all.

''Oh, no.'' I announced pulling my hand out of his grip and stepped backwards sensing that he's on for one of his crazy plans that have like 50% chances of killing us. ''Whatever you're thinking - no. You get it? No.''

Ben just laughed. ''Come on, it's gonna be fun.''

''You mean fun like crashing a car? Or robbing a mall? Or ending up in prison? Jeez Ben, you're gonna have to be more specific!'' I exclaimed dramatically.

The blond fucker just laughed again. ''And what, you're gonna tell me all of those weren't fun?'' He raised his eyebrows at me in challenge.

To be honest it was kinda fun. But only because of the way he'd handle all the dangerous situations. For some reason it was one hell of a turn on for me. As much as I tried to cover it Austin was right, I liked intimidating and I liked dangerous. I drove towards it and it was a fact that anyone who somewhat knows me can confirm. I'm pretty sure Ben's starting to pick up on it too. Or perhaps he's picked up on it since the first time he saw me and that's why he knew exactly how to make me go crazy since the very beginning. Not that I'm admitting any of that to him though.

''Of course it wasn't fun, we nearly died for fuck's sake!'' I gave him the look. ''Don't you feel fear sometimes?''

''I've met death and I've shook hands with it - more than once. I've passed the line of knowing fear. I'm beyond fear. I am fear.'' He mimicked my sense for dramatic.

''How do you even plan on getting us off of the roof anyways?'' I asked knowing full on well he wasn't going to give this up.

''You see how all the houses are barely even apart.'' He pointed towards the series of roofs that just kept coming one after another. ''Well if you look carefully you can see that the roofs are even closer together. So close that we can jump over the distance between them without any trouble. We follow the path of this half circle and eventually we'll go lower and lower until we're so close to the ground that we can jump down.'' He explained.

I stared at the roofs in the distance for a few seconds before I looked at Ben not even sure how I should react. ''You are insane.'' I said.

He just chuckled before his hands fell down to my hips and he pulled me towards him with a smirk playing in the corner of his lips. Warmth streamed through me as soon as he touched me and my mind almost emptied on the spot.

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