Chapter 10

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Andy was right. When we got to the roof of the ship they were still playing the 'drink it or strip it' game, but it wasn't as extreme as Andy had said.
It was drink it or strip it after all and most of the kids here were just drinking and laughing about it while they sat in a circle near the pool passing shots to each other.
Sure there were a few topless girls walking around, but they didn't really look like the type that wouldn't take off their bra in any other situation just if you'd ask nicely.
I glanced over at the circle near the pool quite surprised as I saw James and Sam playing the game too.
I would eventually spot Lzzy too, but she was faster as I saw her just when she was already walking towards Andy, Austin and I yelling my name.
She threw herself at me hugging me before she looked at Andy messing his hair and brofisted Austin.
"Whoa, look at you!" I exclaimed finding it quite surprising to see her in a bikini. "Didn't know you had it in ya."
She swigged her hips. "Let me tell you a little secret, I like messing with boys a bit." She whispered to me. "They're idiots."
Even though I considered her just a friend, Lzzy was sexy as fuck. She was tall and skinny with curves in all the right places and in a bikini she could practically turn on any guy she wanted.
"What brings you here tho?" She asked me.
"I need to hook up." I said.
She just rolled her eyes. "Good luck with that, bad boy." She told me then walked away swinging her hips.
I shook my head looking at her. I wonder how many personalities that girl had. I mean, I kinda knew the real her, but she sure knew how to act the part.
I turned back to Andy who was left staring after her.
I chuckled. "Don't even think about it dude. I'll kill you."
"Pulling off the big brother act, huh?" Andy turned to me.
"He can't really. She's older than him." Austin said.
"That's not the point." I said. "Stay away from her." I warned Andy, then looked at Austin too. "Actually both of you, stay away from her."
They both just laughed probably not even taking me seriously, but I dismissed it for now. I looked over at all the drunk girls roaming around the dance floor.
Perhaps one of them will be horny, I thought as I headed their way leaving Austin and Andy behind.
I downed a shot myself before stepping onto the dance floor with a plan to get a girl to take back to my room.
I didn't have to do much effort though. My face did pretty much everything for me as girls kept coming for me. They'd ask just for a dance though, not one would stick with me very long probably not feeling it - until I picked my target that was.
Ariel Bloomer.
It was the pink haired chick that I should've hooked up on one of my first nights here, but Bruce stopped us.
"Haven't seen you around lately." I said sitting next to her at the bar table.
"I could say so for myself too." She chuckled perhaps not being as drunk as I thought she was. "I sure have heard about you though. You're practically a legend now."
"What? Me? Nah." I smiled at her faking a bit of confusion.
The thing with me was that I didn't really know what flirting was. I knew I had a pretty face and I primarily relied on that to be honest. When it came to sex I practically didn't even know what effort was.
"Standing up to Ben is a big deal. Everyone's talking about you now." Ariel told me sipping on her drink. "Some are even intimidated by you, but in a positive way."
"And what can you say for yourself for that matter?" I asked.
"Hmm..." She glanced over her shoulder and I followed her gaze seeing a bunch of girls looking at us - specifically me - from the distance. "Maybe I should've hooked up with you before you became famous and use you as a trophy now." She laughed.
I laughed a bit myself liking toward where this conversation was heading. "Or maybe you should hook up with me now and still use me as a trophy?" I suggested.
She seemed intrigued by that as she sipped on her drink again.
"Sounds rad." She said as she stood up pulling me up by the collar of my shirt.
A straight up forward girl? That's what I like!
"I also know a empty room just like a hallway away from here." She said before she crashed her lips to mine.
Her lips tasted like alcohol, but I didn't care - this was exactly what I needed to get over whatever I might find exciting about Bruce.
Ariel didn't make out with me long. She took my hand and pulled me away from the bar table. She led me out of the party and just like she said a hallway away there was a room with just a huge bed in which she pushed me into.
It was a clear hooking up room as Ariel took out a condom from a drawer beside the bed.
Hmm... how come I never knew about these?
Ariel pushed me down on the bed dropping down on top of me as she took off her top revealing her chest to me.
I smiled at her, but there wasn't much excitement behind my smile. In fact, I felt kinda numb to the whole situation. There was no urge to touch her boobs, no urge to flip her over and slap her ass, no urge to be at least a little dominant even though I usually wan't really the dominant type. There was just... nothing. Not even the urge to tell her to ride me while I scream every swear word I can think of into her face.
I almost felt like I wanted to stop it. It was almost like the only urge I had was to push her away.
I didn't though. This was what I needed, I reminded myself as she rubbed against me.
I closed my eyes and forced myself to groan just so she doesn't stop. Maybe I just didn't have the energy to do it - I went through quite a lot today.
I felt Ariel's hand slip into my boxers and that's when she got my attention. Well, not exactly because of her hand.
"You're..." She spoke slowly almost like she couldn't believe it and as soon as I realized what was happening my eyes shot open. "You're not getting..."
I wasn't getting hard. Shit. What? Why? I felt panic raise in me. I mean, I jerked off like half an hour ago, but why would that matter? It never did before!
Ariel looked at me confused and I just pushed her off of me getting up.
"Denis..." She yelled my name after me, but I didn't care.
I needed to get the fuck away. What in the holy hell? Why the fuck wasn't I getting hard? What?
I ran straight back to the party wanting to get Andy or Austin and get the fuck back to my room. I was done for today. I needed to cuddle one of those fuckers and sleep whatever the hell today's done to me off.
When I got back on the roof I spotted Andy immediately. He was practically waiting for me.
"How did it go?" He asked me.
I took his hand heading back towards the door. "I'll..." But before I could say anything more Bruce walked through the door with his hands raised in the air.
He looked too content for my liking and suddenly rage hit me as I realized what was happening. This was all because he managed to get into my head! Oh, how I hated him!
"Hey everyone!" He yelled. "The party's over! To your rooms! Now!" He ordered.
As soon as everyone saw him they stopped with whatever they were doing and started picking up their things as they were ready to obey him.
"What? No!" I yelled.
I was furious with him. I was furious with the fact that he managed to fuck with my head so easily and all I wanted right now was to contradict him, piss him off and then proceed to punch him straight to that annoying stupid face of his.
The crowd around us looked at me, then Bruce then each other obviously confused.
I turned to them. "Are you really gonna let him control you?" I asked the kids around me. "Him? Really? Look at him! He has absolutely zero power he's just fucking with your heads! You do what you want, he can't bark orders at you! He'a not the Captain and he'a not even the Captain's favorite! He's just an egomaniacal asshole that's been fooling us all just 'cause he likes power!"
The teenagers around us seemed utterly shocked with my words as they just stared at me, but soon the silence was replaced by their cheers and screams as some of them dared to go as far as chanting 'fuck you Ben'.
Wow, Lzzy was right. I was definitely an icon here and I liked it that way. It wasn't about being liked by people and motivating them to stand up to Bruce, it was showing Bruce that I was not a coward nor a fool nor an idiot. I was a threat to him and he should fear me.
I watched pure annoyance on Bruce's face transform into surprise as the crowd around us went back to partying.
He was standing in front of Andy and I in a blink of an eye and to say he was pissed was an understatement.
"You're gonna pay for this." He got up in my face.
It seemed like flames erupted through my body again, but rage contained my hormones.
"Oh really?" I raised my eyebrows at him while Andy next to me was equally as stunned as the crowd that appeared to party but was actually secretly watching us. "What ya gonna do bad boy?"
"I'm gonna punish you so hard." He hissed seeming to get his self-control back as he took a step away. "And the worst part is - you're gonna like it." He smirked at me crossing his arms.
I won't lie, the way he said it made me almost choke on my words as I struggled to appear cool considering there was like 200 people watching us and a volcano erupting deep inside of me.
"You talk like an idiot." I said just to say something that sounded snarky.
My gaze was glued to him and his wicked smile that gave me a feeling like only I could actually understand what he meant.
"Of course I do, how else would you understand me?" Bruce shot back and while the crowd fully turned their attention to us exploding with 'ohhhs' and 'uhhhhs', I was fairly certain Bruce and I were having a hidden conversation mainly led by my eyes and his smirk.
I didn't know what to say. For the third time today my mind was blank and it was once again all because of him. He intimidated me and excited me on so many levels, but now wasn't the time for honest reactions.
"You seem to think everyone around you is an idiot, but what exactly have you accomplished in your life that makes you Einstein?" I shot back at him giving the crowd around us material to feed off of.
Bruce just let out a chuckle. One of those that sounded like a half groan half laugh. "A lot of things actually." He clicked his tongue. "Just you wait, one of them is coming your way very very soon."
He looked around and as James and Sam came through the crowd standing by his side he spoke to the crowd. "And you." He announced pointing to all of them with his hand. "You're all gonna pay for not obeying me."
With that he threw a glance at James and Sam and as they nodded all three of them disappeared out the door.
"I did not fucking expect that." Andy breathed out when they were gone.
"What? Him to react like that?" I asked still looking at the door that were left slightly open after Bruce and his guards.
"No, this..." Andy told me slowly turning me towards the crowd that stared at me with huge smiles on their faces.
"Denis! Denis! Denis!" They started their chant, but I couldn't enjoy it.
I looked back at the door. It seemed so suspicious. I won the 'battle', but it seemed like he let me win.
"I told you you were the one!" Lzzy run towards me. "You're our next rebel!"
"What?" I almost yelled at her.
I didn't know why, but that word triggered me in a way.
"I told you." She just glared at me. "About Ash and Cameron. Cameron was the rebel, and Ash was Ben, and now Ash is gone."
But Ash wasn't gone. He wasn't even who Lzzy thought he was. He was never the Captains favorite, if anything he was the boss of our current Captain and... and things didn't add up.
I was glad I didn't drink a lot tonight because as I remembered all the maps and figurines in Bruce's secret room I needed my brain to work fast.
Bruce wasn't the Captains favorite, in fact no one was - that was all a lie. He was one of the three threats to the Captain and with that to that Ash guy too. And perhaps not just to them.
Bruce knew every fucking corner of this ship and I've seem the proof with my own eyes. Perhaps he wasn't bullshitting me when he said he was one of the creators of this ship, and when I stated he had a plan to take over the ship he didn't deny it.
That's exactly what he's gonna do. He's gonna take over the ship and get back at me then. Get back at all of us then! It wouldn't surprise me if he threw us all to the fucking sharks - he was fucked up and I needed to stop him, like, now.
I ran out into the hallway complexes in the middle of the chant I was getting not even remotely caring.
As I found myself in the dark it crossed my mind that maybe, just maybe, I should've thought this through.
From where would he start with his little plan? He had to capture the Captain and the crew or maybe just the Captain? However the Captain for sure, that means he'll have to stumble upon the Captains cabin eventually, so I headed there.
Maybe if I use surprise effect on him I'll be able to at least get him on the floor and try and knock him out. It'll be enough to warn the Captain and the crew.
But I was wrong. Oh man how wrong I was!
When I stumbled out on deck facing the night sky again I heard a horrible noise that sounded like metal rubbing against metal.
I knelt down crawling along the fence trying to avoid the small blue lights as I watched Sam and James pull the rope that held the rescue boats down.
The small wooden recuse boats slowly slid through the air until they didn't reach the line of the fence by which I was crawling.
"You sure this is gonna work?" I heard Sam ask. "Ben can be quite unrealistic."
"I know, he reminds me of Cameron so much." James said. "But I'm pretty sure it'll work. All we have to do is cut the rope on his command, then send S.O.S and disappear. The pirates will take care of the rest."
What the fuck were these guys up to? Bruce really was going to take over the ship, and he's getting rid of everyone who might know a little more than him about how it works.
Oh my God, he was such an idiot.
"Then what?" Sam asked.
"We head for the UK, I guess." James answered. "We head to Leeds for the Reading festival using our green cards and then the three of us fly to London to get Cam."
"If he's still alive." Sam added.
"If he is then The Black is ours." James said.
"No." Sam denied. "It's ours if they don't kill us all on the way there or back and only if we have the third member. We don't even have his identity yet."
"Ben's got a clue."
"A tiny piece of metal doesn't mean shit." Sam was so bitter.
"Look, for now Ben is all we've got and you know what he's gonna do if we don't help him, so just try to ignore all the holes in his plan and go with it." James said sighing. "The only reason why we even survived Project 1 is because we followed him blindly. Maybe his technique will work this time too."
"I don't know. I'm just skeptical." Sam sighed.
"I know. Let's just wait, okay?"
I sure knew I wasn't gonna wait to see Bruce sink us all!
I crawled the rest of the way along the deck getting on my feet just when I was before the staircase towards the Captains cabin.
I ran up those stairs jumping over two at a time hoping I'll get up there before Bruce, but when I pushed the cabin door open I almost fell over the Captains lifeless body on the floor.
"For fuck's sake!" I whisper yelled as my heart jumped to my throat.
I dropped do my knees checking the Captains pulse as my heart was racing like I was about to jump off a cliff.
Thank God, he was still breathing.  
That meant Bruce just knocked him out - perhaps he was still in the room.
I slowly got up to my feet as I thought I heard a noise.
I definitely did hear a noise and it crept the fuck out of me.
It was extremely dark in here and the only light was coming through the window from one of those weak blue light bulbs.
I jumped as the noise turned into slow footsteps.
I turned around walking backwards hearing my own heart race in the beyond creepy silence.
As my eyes adjusted to the dark a little bit more I could now see a figure moving towards me through the dark. I knew it was Bruce, but it didn't make it any less terrifying as I backed away eventually hitting the widow behind me.
"I... I k-know you're there." I stuttered then swallowed thickly. "Show yourself!"
The figure before me moved again becoming one with the dark as my eyes weren't able to detect his shape anymore.
I bit on my hand as I tried to inhale deeply, and when he spoke I felt his lips brush against my ear.
"As you wish." He whispered carefully his voice low.
And when he moved again before I even knew it, I was out.

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