Chapter 11

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A/N: So guys here's an extra chapter! Thank ROCKANDPHAN  she totally made mu day with her comments! Enjoy! 💙✌️

The first thing I noticed when I was conscious again was that my wrists were burning as something rough was tightly wrapped around them.
I kept my breathing even and my eyes closed as I remembered who knocked me out and why. Then when I was certain there was no one near me I hesitantly opened my eyes meeting dark.
"What the fuck...?" I whispered to myself as I realized I was laying down on a smooth soft surface with my hands and legs tied making me lay straight on my back.
I pulled my hands towards myself then hissed loudly as the rope just tightened around my wrists. I pulled my legs up, but got the same effect.
This was not happening... He was sick. He was fucked in the head. What did he even think? That tying me up in a dark room is gonna teach me a lesson?
I pulled my hands again using more force as I clenched my jaw hoping the rope would eventually break under pressure. It didn't though and I let go breathing heavily as the pain became unbearable.
When I caught my breath I tried again, but it only hurt more.
Why the fuck was he doing this to me, oh my God... I wanted to scream in frustration, but I didn't. I had no idea where I was and it was dark, so for all I knew he could be right there silently laughing at my attempts to get free.
I didn't let that thought stop me as I pulled again, but this time focusing on trying to slip my hands through the knot of the rope. It was as equally as painful and not helpful at all.
I eventually just let go letting my body lay there like I was crucified as I breathed heavily trying to ignore the pain.
Come on, think Denis, I told myself trying to remember all the action movies I've ever seen and how the characters would get out of even worse scenarios then I was in now.
Finally, an idea crossed my mind. I thought about if for a second. It sure was gonna hurt like hell, but anything was better than waiting for Bruce to come and get me.
"Oh fuck, here we go..." I said to myself before I pulled again.
Only one hand this time and under a specific angle. Pain shredded through my palm and up my arm, but I kept pulling knowing that if I managed to hold it that way for long enough I'll dislocate the bone of my thumb and my hand will appear smaller being able to slip through the rope.
That's exactly what happened.
I bit on my tongue not to make a sound, but it didn't help as I let out a silent scream when my hand slipped through the grip of the rope.
I quickly straightened the palm of my now free hand then pressed it down onto the surface I was laying on causing myself more pain, but also making the dislocated bone go back into its place.
I relaxed my muscles focusing on my breathing as the pain slowly faded away.
Then I smiled contently as I started untying the rope around my still trapped hand.
"Fuck yeah!" I whisper-cheered to myself when I had both of my hands free.
Bruce thought that a bit of rope could keep me in place - ha! - perhaps he was the idiot! I was ready to dislocate my own palm to get free, I bet my ass he didn't expect that!
I slid down untying my ankles rubbing my irritated skin then stood up.
I didn't bother to find a light or to explore the room, I walked straight with my hands in front of me until I didn't reach a wall. Then I followed that wall until I haven't felt a wooden surface beneath my fingers.
I pulled on the doorknob and the door opened immediately. Ha, so Bruce was so certain I wasn't getting out of his ropes that he didn't even bother to lock the door? That guy has a lot to learn about me. Especially when it came to taking him down.
As soon as I was out of whatever room I was put in, I walked straight down the hallway. It didn't matter if I thought it through or not. It was so dark that my eyes could only detect walls.
It didn't take long before it started getting lighter and before I started hearing voices.
Whoever I was hearing must've been out on deck because otherwise there would be no way I could hear them.
I knew how to get to the open part of the ship from anywhere though. I just had to follow all the hallways that seemed to go upwards.
Soon, as the voices became louder and louder, I was running towards them eventually stumbling out under the open sky.
I had to stop covering my eyes as the Sun blinded me. My eyes soon got used to the sudden brightness as I got my shit back together then ran towards the voices that were now so close that I could already clearly hear the words.
"Any objections?" I heard Bruce ask as I stumbled upon a huge crowd. "Good. I love when we're all working together." He said after he waited, like, two seconds.
I headed towards the crowd that had their backs turned to me. I pushed the people around me out of my way as I wanted to get to the front to see what the hell was that little fucker up to.
"I am now your new Captain..." Bruce went on as I headed towards him. "I don't want you to fear me tho, I want you to have fun, and believe me, getting rid of Danny is for the best."
I stumbled out of the crowd and as I regained back my balance I turned around to see what the fuck was actually happening.
Bruce was standing a couple feet away from the crowd with James and Sam behind him each to his side just like they usually stood. What was unusual this time was that all three of them were standing beside the fence and James and Sam were holding each their own rope that connected to the construction that held the rescue ships.
The rescue ships were in the air above the ocean held by those ropes right in the line with the fence just like James and Sam set them last night. Only, unlike like last night, they weren't empty.
The Captain was the first I've noticed. Perhaps he was the only one who stood out to me considering all members of the crew were dressed the same.
The Captain - Danny was sitting between his crew members in one of those rescue ship his hands tied behind his back and with a rag over his mouth.
He looked pissed and like he was ready to spill some blood. It scared me a bit, but could I blame him really?
I stood there practically frozen in place as I looked second to the captured crew members and the Captain and second to Bruce.
I knew he wanted to take over the ship, but I didn't expect him to, you know, actually do it.
"What in the holy hell do you think you're doing?" I pointed my finger to him still in a hard state of shock and confusion.
Bruce's head snapped to me and his eyebrows raised a bit as he seemed a little surprised to see me, but still amazed at the same time.
"Taking over the ship." He said like it was obvious - well it was, but that wasn't the point. "I thought you figured that one out as you were pretty determined to stop me last night."
I couldn't believe how actually stupid he was. Did he really think he could control the ship and all of us on it? He was so irresponsible it was actually scary to think I'll have to obey him in any sense.
"Oh my God, do you actually think this is funny?" I was losing my shit and I didn't even care. "And you're calling me an idiot, for fuck's sake!"
My reaction to his words didn't seem to please him as he whipped the smile off of his face. "Don't you dare Denis." He warned me. "I know what I'm doing."
I laughed. He was so fucking full of himself it was actually kinda hilarious. "You know what you're doing? Don't fool yourself Bruce, you don't even know how to handle a pirate attack!"
He flinched.
There was a few moments of silence and then he turned to the crowd. "How many of you know what is the LBS?" He asked the teenagers in the background.
No one moved let alone said anything. Well, no one except a girl I knew. A girl I grew to be very close with.
Bruce smiled. "The Fortuneteller." He clicked his tongue giving Lzzy a sign to step forward out of the crowd. "Now tell them what is the LBS."
Lzzy seemed a bit unsure, but she obeyed him as she turned to the crowd. "It's a mark that has its place on a logo of this ship." She said. "LBS is a shortcut name for the creators of this cruise. Their names, I believe."
Bruce smiled wider as he slowly took steps towards me.
I forced myself to stay in my place with my chin high and my shoulders straight even though common sense screamed to back away considering I could never control myself while being close to him.   
"That's correct." Bruce spoke looking at Lzzy before he fully turned to me. "And I'm more than glad to assure you that B stands for Bruce." He clicked his tongue. "Which means I'm the rightful Captain of this ship."
That didn't exactly shock me. It should've, but it didn't. It only made my brain work faster.
Perhaps he wasn't bullshitting me when he was telling me about the LBS, overtakers and The Black.
It even made sense actually. The three threats - the LBS. Bruce was for B, and Cameron Liddell was for L - of course, and the S was missing, and apparently then, Danny and that Ash guy had to be the overtakers - that's why Ash took Cameron and Danny was supposed to keep Bruce under control while they detect the S-guy.
As I can recall James and Sam talking they needed that S-guy to get back The Black which meant that both parties were looking for that one guy, only the overtakers had the two of three captured. And now, considering Bruce kinda freed himself, they only had one of the three 'threats' captured.
That's why Bruce wanted fly to London. He marked it as 'LBS' which had to mean that that was the heart of The Black organization. He was going to get Cameron back. If he had him back then he'd be one step closer to taking over The Black.
This was a form of a war. A really weird form of one, but definitely a form. 
Bruce mentioned the pirates as the third party that wanted The Black, but I didn't have enough clues to put them into the puzzle too. The only thing I knew was that they were following us and when they get to us it won't be good.
That's why Bruce was doing this now. He's leaving Danny and his crew behind in those rescue boats to buy us some time. It had to be!
Okay, he wasn't stupid at all, but foolish - yes. Irresponsible - yes.
He maybe had a good reason for doing all of this, but he didn't have the right to. None of us here on the ship chose to enter this 'war' and he can't just use us as pionirs in his little game. We could all easily die considering Sam and James even admitted his plan was full of holes and I... well, being me - won't allow it.
The game I was entering was dangerous and I could see it for what it was just now, but still I was willing to do it.
Bruce just didn't have the right to put all of us in danger just because he wanted to. He just couldn't and I could never allow something like that slip away considering how much I knew.
And also, there was this tiny piece of me that wanted to prove him wrong. That wanted to prove him that I was just as reckless and relentless as he was if not even more. That wanted to prove to him that I could destroy him only if I wanted. That wanted to win.
"That means nothing." I said pushing him back a bit. "You can easily be making that shit up. And you know how I know that?" I tried to sound as confident as I could. "Because I'm a Stoff, and Stoff stands for the S in LBS."
I could see the shock on Bruce's face as he didn't even bother to hide it and I could hear the shock of the crowd behind us as they suddenly fell silent.
Taking over the identity of a guy that everyone in this 'war' hunted because they depended on him wasn't really the best idea to ever cross my mind, but it was the only plan I had right now.
I knew right away that Bruce knew I was lying because his expression gave away clear vibes of 'oh my fucking god, I can't believe you just did that' while the crowd behind us was pretty much just like 'oh my fucking god'.
Bruce got his shit back quickly as he threw a quick glance to James and Sam.
'Cut it.' He mouthed to them, but when they weren't responding he fully turned to them. "Cut it." He hissed. "Cut it!" He yelled.
At his command James and Sam both took out knives from the inner side of their leather jackets and cut the rope that held the rescue boats in the air.
I could hear the frightened scoffs of the people in the rescue boats as they fell through the air eventually hitting ocean now left to the ways of the water.
I wanted to react, but it happened so fast that I just stayed frozen in place.
The crowd on the other side let out a scream of surprise and shock as they stumbled backwards stomping on the wooden deck of the ship.
"I don't want you to fear me..." Bruce started with a smile as his eyes flew across the pale faces of the crowd behind us. "But, be sure that exactly this will happen to you if you don't obey me."
"Bullshit!" I yelled. "Keep building your position up on fear and fake identity, but what are you gonna do against all of us. There's only like three of you."
Bruce just chuckled. Perhaps thinking he could use what I brought upon myself against me. "You're not the one to talk about fake identity. I know who I am, and yes - three leaders. That's just enough. In reality it's the three of us against you alone."
"Wrong." I heard Austin say. "Very wrong."
Him and Andy came through the crowd standing each to their side leaving me in the middle.
"And every group needs a girl." I heard Lzzy said as she took a step towards me.
"You're right. Every group, in fact, does need a girl." A female voice said and I saw Juliet come out of the crowd and walk to the other side standing beside James.
I looked at Andy, I mean, that must've at least stung, but he didn't even flinch and I don't know if I've ever been prouder of him.
"Make it two girls." I heard another female voice as that blonde Jenna walked to Bruce's side.
"I guess it's two then." Another female voice said.
This one unfamiliar and I turned around to look at a tall also blonde girl with heavy black eye make-up stand next to Lzzy.
That must've been Taylor. Lzzy told me about them being pretty close friends once.
"I stand with the one who's not abusive to everyone around him." I heard another familiar voice, this time male, as I saw Alan stand next to Austin.
Soon the whole crowd divided into those who now stood behind me and those who now stood behind Bruce.
The thing about the two groups was that there was like ten more people behind Bruce besides James, Sam, Juliet and Jenna and everyone else behind me.
I didn't even know how he's gonna fight that, but he had a smile on his face the while time. Perhaps he knew that those behind me weren't really up to actually fighting him. I mean, all of their faces were so unsure, but I didn't blame them nor I really cared.
I knew it was all gonna come down to Austin, Andy, Alan, Lzzy and me against him, James, Sam, Juliet and Jenna I guess since she helped him mess with me last time.
It was a fair play, but I was also aware it's gonna eventually end up on just him and me - and to be honest, I couldn't wait for that part to come around.
"What are you gonna do now?" I questioned.
He just raised an eyebrow. "Who wants to end up on a rescue boat?" He asked cheerfully.
There was silence and then a stampede of footsteps as the huge crowd behind me took a few steps back.
Okay, I guess it's already 5 on 5.
I didn't let the change of terms discourage me. I predicted it anyways, so I kept my chin high looking at him totally unimpressed.
"You're an idiot Denis." Bruce smiled at me. "But a smart one though." His smile then turned into a smirk. "You and I are not done yet." He locked our gazes taking a break from hearing his own voice and then when I didn't speak he only smirked harder. "Your punishment is still waiting." I saw his eyes flicker to my lips and my heart skipped a beat. "And in the end we'll see who's gonna have the last laugh."

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