Chapter 7

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A/N: 11:45 pm... Hmm close enough  XD For everyone who celebrate Easter, happy Easter and for all - I hope you enjoy this chapter I had tons of fun writing it!

"Fuck, Lzzy... You're heavy." I hissed as I tried to shift her in a more comfortable position in my arms. 

"Shut up... You're just weak..." She slurred as her head dropped to my shoulder.
Second day in Mexico went great, in fact, it went so great that it resulted in the two of us ending up in one of those green card approvable clubs and Lzzy getting so drunk it wasn't even funny.
And guess who had to carry her all the way back to the hotel? Yup, this guy!
And that wasn't an easy mission at all considering I was pretty tipsy myself.
I stumbled into the hotel with her practically lifeless body in my arms trying not to trip over my own foot as I walked through the hallways heading towards my room.
It was just when I entered our hallway when I heard the noise for the first time. It made me stop dead in my tracks as every one of my senses sharpened to its fullest.
I took a few hesitant steps forward towards the door then stopped again when I heard the noise again.
It was like someone was stomping a few hallways away from mine, and it seemed like the stomping was followed by silent screams and I could've sworn I detected voices at some point too.
This was seriously the last thing I needed - a hunted hotel - for fuck's sake!
I hurried into my room and put Lzzy down on my bed throwing the covers over her as she immediately gripped onto the pillow adjusting to the new, certainly more comfortable surface.
"I'll be back in a minute." I muttered not sure if she heard nor if she'd care if she did.
Then I exited my room closing the door behind me letting myself rely on my senses as the noise repeated itself again.
There were definitely screams. They didn't seem like they were forced to keep it as silent as possible, they sounded almost as if the person screaming wanted them to be as quiet as possible.
It was quite creepy - terrifying even, but as stupid as I was my few hesitant steps towards the sound became a full circle around the hotel as I followed the sound.
It seemed to drag, like whoever was making the sound was moving away. At whatever pace they were moving though, I was still faster and eventually only an angle kept me apart from whatever or whoever was making the sound.
I leaned onto the wall just behind the angle hidden from anyone's view, but still just a peek away from throwing a glance at the scene that was happening in the next hallway.
"You know Benny, privileges come with a price." I froze when I realized who's voice that was.
I only heard it three times by now, and two times it was over a speaker.
The voice was followed by a rough hit into the wall and that hit was followed by a hiss. Now that I was so close I could tell that hiss wasn't a sign of weakness, in fact, it held poison and pure recklessness along with spite just like his chuckle.
"I already told you, I'm not doing it." Bruce spat and as soon as I actually heard his voice I leaned forward peeking out.
The Captain of the ship - Danny, had him pushed up against the wall pure rage written all over his face.
"It's not optional. I'm ordering you." The Captains voice was low and although I could hear the rage in his tone, his voice was still very well controlled.
"I'm not your toy nor your slave, not let me the fuck go." Bruce shot and I wondered where he got his confidence.
He was so tiny next to the Captain and he was in no position to argue.
"I'm done with orders, you can't control me." Bruce hissed.
"Oh really?" Danny smirked pressing down onto him getting into his face as his hand reached out to his face. "It pains me to harm you..."
"Then don't." Bruce gave him the expression of pure boredom and it fucking intimidated me.
I was practically shaking just watching the position he was in and he was acting like he was sitting on a sofa eating ice cream.
"Oh, Benny..." The Captain moaned. "But I have to..." He pressed his thumb against Bruce's cheekbone letting the tip of his fingernail cut into Bruce's skin and as he slowly pulled his hand across Bruce's face he left behind a thin red line shining on Bruce's pale skin.
Bruce didn't even flinch as the blood ran down his face, but I noticed how stiff he was.
I was completely caught off guard not even knowing what should I think let alone do.
"Do you need me to do something else?" The Captain asked him pinning Bruce's hands above his head.
"Y-yes... Let me go..." Bruce stuttered and I noticed he was slowly loosing that flawless control he had over himself as he started to give into... fear?
Was it possible that what I was seeing on his face - in his crystal blue eyes - was fear? Were those tears I was detecting in the corners of his eyes?
Was I dreaming? No... Was I having a nightmare? Didn't Lzzy say something about Bruce being the Captain's favorite? Was this how someone treats his favorites? I wouldn't say...
And just when I thought things couldn't get any creepier the Captain - Danny... He... He licked the red line he just made on Bruce's face.
"You're lucky I like that pretty face of yours." He said glaring at Bruce from a specific angle.
Although I couldn't really see his face I was fairly certain the tears his eyes produced slid down his cheeks.
"I'm gonna destroy you one day. Just so you know." Bruce spoke, and although his state, his voice was as sharp as a knife and as resonant as always.
His threat actually sounded like a threat and even I got chills. The Captain's face just fell into a frown.
Then all of a sudden he moved Bruce from the wall and slammed him back gripping onto the collar of his shirt and his neck.
I had to close my eyes shut and pull back for a moment because of how painful that looked.
What the fuck was happening here?!
"Listen you little motherfucker..." The Captain started. "If it wasn't for me you'd be dead! You wouldn't be in the position you are! None of this would be possible! Damn me for thinking you'd be different! You're just a little brat just like everyone else! This is all because of me, show some respect!"
"I've said it once, I've said it twice... I've said it a thousand fucking times." Bruce spat a hundred times calmer than the Captain. "I. Don't. Want. It."
"Too bad 'cause you're not getting out of it. You want me. You'll have to want me and you've always wanted me." The Captain said. "I'm gonna go do something real quick now, and you better be in my room when I come back." He moved Bruce from the wall once again as he said that, but then he didn't slam him back into it yet he pushed him onto the ground.
I immediately pulled back, but he pushed him with such force that it actually made him roll over the floor all the way to my feet.
"Remember what I said!" The Captain yelled before walking in the opposite direction, but neither of us payed attention to him right now as our gazes locked.
Bruce jumped to his feet the second after we couldn't hear the Captain's steps anymore. I expected him to be devastated with the fact that I heard even a second of that, I expected him to cry even maybe, I expected him to run off, I expected him to just stare at me... Actually I didn't know what I expected, but I sure didn't expect him to fall into that killer calm mood of his and pin me against the wall with such force and pace looking like he gave absolutely no effort into it.
"What the fuck were you doing here?!" He hissed at me.
"I... I heard a... noise." I stuttered still trying to snap myself out of the state of shock I was in.
"How much of that did you hear?" Bruce shot another question at me almost immediately after I closed my mouth.
"Not much... just... all of it." I admitted.
We just stared at each other in silence as Bruce probably contemplated murdering me.
It took me a moment to realize that his grip on me actually loosened and that he was just leaning onto me staring practically through me probably being far away from here in his thoughts.
I slowly got his hands moving them away from me as I stepped away from the wall just then getting his attention back.
He just looked at me though, waiting.
He looked kinda vulnerable, fragile even.
"What was t..."
"None of your business." And he was back in the blink of an eye as he turned around and headed away from me.
There was no way in hell I was letting this slip though.
I stormed after him. "Hey, wait..." I called out after him, but he only fastened his pace not even bothering with words.
Fuck, he wasn't even running and he was still faster then me.
Eventually, I ended up running and when I caught up to him I gripped his hand forcing him to look at me.
"What?!" He snapped.
He was right though... What? What now? I had no idea. I had no idea what I just witnessed, and I had no idea how to handle it.
I just looked at him. Besides the cut on his cheek he had bruises all over his neck and jawline and a cut above his eyebrow too. There was probably a lot more stuff going on that I haven't even seen.
My thoughts went back to the silent screams I was hearing and a shiver went down my spine.
My instincts worked before my brain gave them permission to as my hand reached out to Bruce's. "Come on, we gotta treat that cut." I said and took a step backwards towards my room, but he haven't moved an inch.
"We?" He raised an eyebrow.
"You don't want to have a scar don't you?" I asked not even sure myself why I acted like I cared - because I obviously didn't. Not even a little bit. He was my enemy. I was taking him down, of course. This was just learning about your enemy - of course it was.
"I don't need your sympathy." He threw me a death glare.
"Believe me, you're not given any." I said taking my own asshole pose - or as Austin would say, my normal pose. "I just like my enemies in a proper state of being able to fight back."
"Does this look like a state of being unable to fight back to you?" He asked rhetorically, and before I knew it he had me pinned up against the wall with my hands behind my back, his knee between my legs and he other leg blocking my feet from moving and breaking free from his grip.
I suddenly felt extremely hot. Probably because of the rush of adrenaline that washed over me in less than a second. I was unable to speak.
We were in a dark hallway once again with him so close to me that I could actually see the blue in his eyes.
Probably knowing what he was doing to me a smirk tugged at the corner of his lips.
"Or this?" His smirk grew as he span me around himself pulling me close to him, so he was now leaning me onto himself with my hands in his strong grip behind my back.
"Or perhaps this?" He moaned again spinning me once again, but now pinning me against the wall with each of my hands to its side of my head as his knee was pressed onto my crouch area.
He gave me one of his wicked smiles and any hint of pain he was feeling because of how the Captain treated him was gone. His blue eyes shone with excitement, amusement and something more I couldn't quite put into place.
I on the other hand couldn't even detect what I was feeling. There were various feelings stirring in me. Sure, I was crept out, weirded out and kinda intimidated, but there was something like excitement too. Something like wanting to know more. Something like wanting to see and feel more. Something like not wanting him to move. Something like tension. Definitely tension. And not any kind of tension too - I've felt it too many times to miss it.
"You're quite submissive for the way your tongue works." Bruce clicked his tongue raising his eyebrows. "I like that. You must be a screamer then too. Hm, interesting..."
I haven't even realized I just let him work his moves on me without even trying to stop him.
I didn't even process what he said until I didn't feel something tighten in my stomach, and suddenly I wanted him off of me and as far away from me as possible.
"Move." I told him.
"Or what?" He dared me, but I was out of ideas.
I just stared at him hopelessly as warmth washed over me in waves each hotter than the other.
Bruce bit on his lip trying to hide his smirk, but without much success, just like he could read my mind.
"I'm warning you." I picked in the end.
He just effortlessly flipped me from the wall to the ground lying on top of me, but still managing to hold me in place.
"Warning me on what?" He raised his eyebrows.
I suddenly wanted to punch him regardless of what I saw with him and the Captain. Whatever that was about, he probably deserved it anyways, it was Bruce we were talking about after all.
"Fucking move off of me prick!" I hissed at him.
But instead I felt him move his hips against mine and I automatically jerked my head backwards biting on my inner cheek so a moan doesn't escape my mouth.
Fuck, why was I suddenly so out of this universe?
"I think you quite like me being here, don't you?" He moved his hips few more times actually making me groan.
The fact that he was messing with me in such way drove me insane. If only I could get one of my fists free and leave one more mark on that usually flawless skin of his, oh God...
When I opened my eyes I met his smirk that only made my urge to punch him even more unbearable.
"I fucking hate you Bruce." I hissed at him.
"Too bad your buddy down there wouldn't agree." He chuckled rocking our hips together one more time.
Fuck, I wasn't getting hard, was I?
Luckily, Bruce's attempt to mess with me even further was cut off by voices followed by footsteps.
He quickly jumped to his feet and it didn't take me long to do the same as him as we both looked down the hallway.
The Captain and one more guy were walking towards us. This time, surprisingly unlike when the pirates attacked, Bruce got my hand when we streamed down the hallway. He pushed me behind him into a corner as he peeked from behind the angle immediately pulling back.
"Are they close?" I whispered.
"What do you think dumbass?" He hissed at me gripping my hand as he swiftly but silently opened the door behind us pushing me in then leaving them slightly open after him.
"What are you doing?" I asked as he peeked out while the footsteps were getting louder.
"Could you stop asking stupid questions?" He answered me with a question. Probably a rhetorical one too.
"Not really since you're not giving me any answers." I hissed back.
This probably wasn't the time for nervous blather, but I couldn't help myself. 
"Not that I am obligated to do so idiot." He just said not even looking at me.
I took a breath to say something more, but before even the first word crossed my lips, his hand was on my mouth making sure I don't make a sound.
"I'm not sure if you're aware Danny, but the only thing stopping us in this is The Black and the 3 kinds connected to it." An unfamiliar voice spoke obviously speaking to the Captain of The Labyrinth Cruise.
"Two kids." The Captain corrected him stopping dead in his tracks.
We couldn't see them, but they were right there on the other side of the not even fully closed door. Both mine and Bruce's breathing was shallow as we tried our best to blend with the dark and air.
"You got rid of the first one, right?" The Captain spoke again. "You got rid of the Liddell one, right?"
"Cam..." I heard Bruce whisper barely audible as I felt his muscles tense.
"Now Danny. Danny... Danny... Danny." The other man purred. "The Liddell kid is important, but believe me, he's not a threat. Not anymore. I said three because, even though we still haven't detected the actual third person that really is a threat, you've got a threat besides the little Bruce on the ship."
My eyes shot to Bruce and our gazes locked neither of us knowing what to think about the words we just heard or the fact that we were witnessing it together.
"Bruce is not a threat." The Captain insisted.
Of course he wasn't a threat, why would he be? He was his favorite passenger, he had privileges... Why would he be a threat?
"I wasn't talking about him right now, although if you loosen your grip on him he could become the most dangerous one of the trio we're hunting down." The unknown voice spoke again. "Right now I was talking about a girl you've got on that ship who knows far too much."
While the Captain seemed to lose more and more of his shit with each passing moment, the other guy seemed to enjoy the situation. Seemed to enjoy his power. Seemed to enjoy Captains insecurity around him.
"Lzzy Hale." One click of a tongue was enough for my heart to sink to my heels.
If Bruce hadn't held me in place I would've jumped right out into their view. Bruce's eyes widened at me in a clear rhetorical question of 'What are you crazy?!'.
"Lzzy Hale?" The Captain repeated clear confusion in his voice. "What about her? She is a Hale."
"And yet again you have no idea who I'm talking about." The unknown guy clicked his tongue again. "Maybe you shouldn't be in the place of a Captain after all then.
"And what are you gonna go Ash?!" The Captain yelled. "Come back to the ship and suddenly be a Captain like that wouldn't be suspicious at all? You have a mission outside anyways and you still haven't found out nor even the kids identity!"
Wasn't that the guy Lzzy was mentioning? The guy that attacked her yesterday? The guy Bruce apparently ran with? The guy who wanted Cameron to be taken? The one that used to be Captains favorite?
"Everything would be fine if the Worsnops haven't let the kid slip away 10 years ago." The guy - Ash said. "I'm done talking to you in the middle of a hallway though. Are you taking me to that bar or what? i really need a drink."
"You should stop shitting all over my family name, you know Purdy." The Captain said. "Worsnops are the ones that kept the Cruise alive after Purdy's let Project 1 sink."
They continued their walk and Bruce let go of me peeking out the door again.
"Those are just stories Danny." Ash said. "Otherwise you'd be in my place and I'd be in yours, but it's nor really like that now, is it?"
Danny let out a groan as they slipped out of the hallway.
Bruce let go of me completely leaving me to just stand there in shock.
What the fuck did I just witnessed?
I looked at the blond guy next to me who seemed to be deep in thought. He didn't even look upset. He was just calm. Too calm... It was as if he didn't even hear anything new.
That's when it hit me. He probably knew.
"What the fuck was that about?!" I wanted to yell, but I stopped myself on time as my words came out in a form of a whisper.
"You're acting like I'm supposed to know something." Bruce raised his eyebrows at me.
"He mentioned your name!" I exclaimed.
"And Lzzy's too, so?" I flinched at that.
"But she does..." I stopped myself. Lzzy in fact did know something. Probably more then she even told me. Perhaps it was too painful for her to speak about it.
Bruce gave me one of his wicked smiles. "That's right, she does know something. Too much, Ash was right there."
"So am I right about you too?" I asked, but he just glared at me. "You do know something. You know a lot." I stated.
"Oh gee, for a moment there I thought you were smart." He rolled his eyes exiting the room we were in.
I followed him trying to wrap my head around all the events that happened in the lost hour.
"Where are you going?" I asked Bruce who was fastening his pace making it difficult for me to keep up with him.
"Away from you." He threw me a glance and before I could even blink he moved running out of the hallway.
I ran after him, but by the time I entered the next hallway he was gone without a trace. Just like that - disappeared.
I shook my head trying to calm my thoughts as I still couldn't process what just happened - what was happening and what was about to happen.
I looked around suddenly craving Bruce's presence. It was unbelievable how fast he moved. Perhaps he was still there looking at me just knowing how to appear invisible in the dark.
I didn't have the strength to look for him now. I didn't have the strength to even think right now. So I did the only thing that felt rational - I went back to my room and crashed.

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