Chapter 27

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A/N: So, I think I'll kinda have to ditch the schedule and update randomly bc since school's been over I just don't keep up with the days anymore... Anyways, new chapter. After the mayhem that was the last one, you kinda deserves this 'calm' one lol.


The New Religion ship was quite different than The Labyrinth Cruise. It was wilder, not very clean or complex but really raw. It gave off an intimidating vibe and I didn't feel comfortable staying here nor the slightest, but then again what did I expect? This was the pirate ship. 

And I should've expected the lack of anything comfortable as soon as they tied me down to a chair and started their examining tho. 

''Okay, again Stoff...'' Jake's patience with me was running out. ''The heart of The Black is located where?'' 

''Okay, again Pitts...'' I mimicked his tone. ''I have no idea.'' 

''Is it okay to hit him yet?'' Jinxx jumped in but Jake just dismissed him with a wave of his hand. 

I probably shouldn't keep up with my attitude right now because in this case my arrogance could really get me killed, but they haven't touched me yet so I'm guessing it was a good thing they still thought I was, in fact, the S-guy. 

''Why don't you just cooperate with us, hm?'' Jake asked me looking at me quite amazed. ''If you're still protecting Benjamin, you really shouldn't.''

It was amazing how deadly he looked yet he also looked like he wouldn't act on his deadliness which I knew for a fact was complete bullshit considering what happened yesterday when they invaded The Labyrinth Cruise. 

It was also amazing how Ben looked exactly like that too. 

A shiver went down my spine as soon as I remembered the scenes from yesterday. He actually killed four pirates - all by himself - getting nothing but a few scratches. Until Jinxx stabbed him - that is. 

As much as me witnessing the real killer in him scared me, it didn't push me away from him. It didn't made me contemplate our relationship. It didn't made me contemplate my feelings towards him. I knew it was all out of self-defense and even though it was a bit... shocking... I knew that it didn't define him. 

When I first met him and my main goal was still to just beat him at his own game, it was all I saw in him - intimidation, self-awareness and this amazing confidence that seemed unbreakable. As I started to get to know him I discovered this whole another side of him that was so much different then what you'd suspect from the way he liked to appear. 

The intimidating side of him was what drove me towards him, but everything else made me fall for him.

I just stared at Jake. There was nothing he could say to me that would make me doubt Ben. Nothing.

''Should we bring Danny in?'' Jinxx asked. 

He was so fucking desperate for his Captain's attention it was actually pathetic.

''Danny can wait. In fact, all of this can wait.'' Jake said his eyes glued to me. ''Untie him and leave us. All of you.'' 

In a matter of two seconds my wrists and ankles were free from the chair I was sitting on and the pirates that stood around us slowly picked up down to their cabins leaving Jake and I alone on deck. 

''Now that we're alone we can finally talk like adults, yeah? What do you say?'' Jake smiled at me and I just raised my eyebrows rubbing my sore wrists. 

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