Chapter 8

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A/N: Anyways, if you haven't figured it out yet, the schedule for updating this story is Tuesdays and Sundays. Enjoy! 

Sneaking through the forbidden hallways around the ship following the Captain's favorite aka 'one of the three threats', whatever that meant, probably wasn't the best idea to ever cross my mind, but I couldn't help myself.

I probably wouldn't do it if I wasn't already in the forbidden part of the ship when I spotted him moving through the hallways so quietly, but swiftly at the same time with that touch of grace he always had when he moved.
I probably wouldn't even follow him if it wasn't for that look of carefulness on his face that danced on the line nearly crossing into fear. And the fact that he was alone wasn't helping my urges.
Bruce seemed so powerful when he was around other people, but that night in Mexico proved me that his act was, in fact, just an act.
He wasn't even that strong, he was just confusing and he knew exactly how to use surprise effect as he relied on his speed.
I watched him as he took small, but quick steps through the dark hallways as I sloppily, but quietly moved behind him.
He seemed a bit unsure about whatever he was about to do, but let me tell you, he was determined as fuck as he didn't even seem to consider going back. He would hardly even through a glance backwards which helped me a lot to adjust to his pace.
The hallways we were sneaking around were long and straight but dark.
It felt like we were so deep into the ship that we were actually underwater.
Finally, Bruce stopped, looking towards the hallways left and right then backwards.
I stopped too leaning onto the wall hoping he won't notice me.
Thankfully, he didn't. The hallway we were in right mow was so dark that I could only see him because I knew he was there.
He seemed so scared as he looked towards the hallways left and right from him again, that it actually shocked me.
It was fascinating to me how he was so reckless and confident all the time, but here he was acting like fear was literally eating him inside out.
It probably did tho. Perhaps I should take that as a sign to get the fuck out, but I only took a few hesitant as quiet as possible steps towards him as he reached into his pocket taking out something that sounded like a bunch of metal keys.
He then tapped two times fast on the wall in front of him and weak green light cut through the darkness in the hallway coming from right in front of his face.
I flinched then froze not knowing what was I supposed to do. Now there was no way in hell he wouldn't see me if he looked back - but he didn't though. He looked only left and right again.
I wanted to sigh in relief, but I kept it together focusing on taking as light breaths as possible.
Now I could at least see him a bit better. He stood in front of a small dark brown door holding literally about 20 keys in his left hand.
He reached out for one of those keys trying it out in the lock then when it didn't fit he threw it to the side trying out another.
"Shit." He hissed as not even the third key fit. "Fuck... Shit. Shit." He kept swearing as none of the keys he was trying out were fitting.
He was obviously trying to open the door, but what the hell was behind that door if he had to bring along 20 keys to make sure one of them was the right one?
Eventually when he did find the key that fit he sighed in relief letting all the other keys fall to the ground as he turned the right one in the lock.
There was a click and the door opened without him even touching the doorknob.
"Yes!" He hissed clenching his fists in a cheer of success before he pushed the door open and walked into the room he just revealed to himself.
As he didn't fully close the door behind him I sneaked up to the door leaning onto the wall beside it.
I peeked into the room Bruce just let himself in finding it to be a lot less exciting then I expected.
I expected like a secret weapon storage or something like that, but instead it was just a small library.
There was a big desk in the middle and all around it and against the walls were shelves with books, papers and maps.
It didn't seem really... forbidden?
Then why was it in the forbidden part of the ship and why did Bruce had to sneak into it?
My gaze followed his tiny figure moving through the semi dark room in which only that green light weakened the darkness.
He was going through shelves. Every one of them he would come across, but he wasn't aiming for books, I realized. He was aiming for papers. Perhaps a specific one.
"Come on... Come on..." He muttered to himself as he slipped away from my view disappearing behind all the shelves.
I was probably stupid for even following him, but my stupidity fell beyond the limits of me just being myself as I took a step towards the doorstep and lightly pushed the door open with my foot.
When I was convinced he didn't notice I slowly stepped into the room tip-toeing around the shelves trying to spot him before he spots me.
I walked forward finding the room a lot bigger than I thought it was. It seemed almost endless as there were just more and more shelves, but eventually I realized I was just going around the place.
I stopped feeling a bit paranoid now. I practically walked around the whole room twice and Bruce was still no where to be seen.
I took a deep breath trying to calm down my nerves as my heart threatened to burst out of my chest from its heart rate.
I put a hand over my mouth to keep my breathing quiet as it didn't take long before my paranoia transformed into fear.
"You know..." Bruce clicked his tongue from behind me making me jump as I bit on my hand I held across my mouth not to scream. "If you're gonna follow me around at least be smart about it."
I turned around facing him probably as pale as a ghost while he just chuckled at me amazed.
"You sure are cute when you're scared, though." He said then messing my hair before he turned around heading over to one of the shelves continuing his search.
I shook my head trying to process what just happened.
I was caught... And there was no yelling? No kicking me out? No beating me up?
I headed over to him still a bit stunned.
"What are you doing in the forbidden part of the ship?" I asked him trying to appear as if I got my shit back together.
Bruce just ignored me as he took a bunch of papers off the shelf looking at every paper for itself before putting them back.
"What are you looking for?" I asked hating how stupid I felt around him.
He still didn't look at me as he moved to another shelf.
"Why are you ignoring me?" I asked crossing my arms on my chest feeling my annoyance level rise.
"I'm not." He said still not looking at me. "I'm just waiting to see how long it'll take you to realize I actually don't like you."
"You called me cute like a minute ago." I said.
He stopped with his search throwing me a glance with his eyebrows high and a smirk plastered on his face.
He chuckled then. "I'd insult you, but I don't think you'd understand it." He said.
"What are you 12?" I rolled my eyes at him.
"Yeah, on a scale of 1-10, your point?" He said not even looking at me as he continued his search.
"Who do you think you are?" I asked him annoyed.
It was unbelievable how I actually thought I had him in a corner by catching him doing something forbidden and he turned the tables just like that.
He was annoying me to hell and back, and I was the one who should've been having fun right now, not him. I should be messing with him not the other way around, but I just couldn't contain my temper.
"The first guy to ever turn you own, I'm fairly certain." He clicked his tongue smirking at me.
Warmth streamed through me and I almost chocked, but I maintained my cool keeping my chin high.
"You should really stop calling yourself sexy, the only thing you turn on is a microwave." I said.
Bruce just chuckled fully turning towards me as our gazes were locked. He crossed his arms on his chest and took a step towards me.
I automatically took a step back cursing my body for moving without my command, but there was just something so intimidating about the way he held himself that made me react without a thought.
His wicked smile only grew wider as he took agonizingly slow steps towards me eventually making me lose control as I took one more step back hitting the wall behind me.
His gaze still ate me up alive and the closer he got to me the hotter it became in here.
Eventually he was right in front of me with one of his hands leaning onto the wall beside my head.
I focused on my breathing trying to keep it as even as I could hating my body for having the reaction it had to him being close to me. For some reason, it was so hard to control myself around him. Perhaps Lzzy was right, people did drive towards stuff that intimidated them. And let me tell you, Bruce intimidated me, like, a lot. 
The sexual tension between us was killing me and I let myself glance down at his lips just for a second hoping he won't notice.
He did notice though and as he looked at me from a different angle he raised his eyebrow.
"Ready to eat your words up yet or...?" He eyed me carefully.
His voice triggered something in me as my eyes caught how relaxed his muscles were. He knew exactly what he was doing to me and he didn't expect me to move.
Perhaps it was time I use his method against him, I thought letting my instincts get the best of me as I grabbed his hands turning the situation around.
He looked back at me surprised as he was now the one pinned against the wall. Surprised, but amazed too.
He raised his eyebrows high in a clear question of 'what now'.
I'd like to know the answer to that too.
Fucking seriously, what now?
My mind was blank and it felt like my body was burning from the inside. I could hardly breath let alone think, so as always when I'd block I let the instincts take over me.
My eyelids fell shut and as I leaned down towards Bruce I didn't really get what I expected to get.
Ah, what was I thinking, it was Bruce after all!
His foot kicked mine out of place and as I stumbled to the side he swiftly disappeared out of my grip breaking into laughter.
I jumped around to face him. I was burning inside out. I couldn't breath, my heart was racing like it was about to burst out through my chest and I was practically fucking shaking from all the adrenaline that entered my blood at the thought of what could've happened.
Yes, the thought of kissing him excited the fuck out of me and I was pretty sure I was going insane because of it!
"What the fuck?! Why do you keep messing with me like that?!" I screamed trying to keep my voice down so my words came out in a form of a high pitched yell.
"Don't take it personally, it's just because you're full of shit." He said. 
I swear to God, I fucking hated him! What the fuck was that supposed to even mean?!
Waves of hot fury washed over me as I stared at his unbelievably annoying stupid smirk.
"I think you might be talking about yourself on this one!" I jumped into a tirade. I knew I was only showing weakness, but I couldn't help myself. "I really don't fucking get you. Like... One minute we're kinda fine then you're just messing with me and then you're cold as fuck and do it all because you hate me?!"
I was aware I was only making an even bigger fool of myself in front of him, but I was so fucking frustrated. How can he just fucking make me... feel... what I feel and then just... quit it?!
"I don't hate you." He just said. "I'm just not necessarily excited about your existence."
"Oh wow, you know, if you wanna be a smart ass then first you have to make sure you're smart, because otherwise you're just an ass." I shot trying to bury my temper with sarcasm.
He just chuckled turning to a shelf as he continued his search.
I fucking hated him, really, and I was just about to announce that out loud when I suddenly saw him drop all the papers he held.
"Fuck." I head him hiss. "Shit."
My curiosity got the best of me as I headed towards him while he dropped to the ground.
"What? What is it?" I asked.
"So if The Black really was overtaken by Ash, then that must mean Cam is still alive... He has to be. Why would he kill one of the three threats if he only has one in his hands... Of course, what was I thinking?" He rambled more to himself than to me as he nervously picked up the papers.
"What? What's The Black?" I asked in confusion.
"The organization that holds this ship." He told me probably not even realizing it. "The maps have to be here somewhere too then." He spoke to himself again as he ran towards the table in the middle of the room.
I followed him trying to get a hold of what great realization he stumbled upon.
He opened a drawer from under the table going through different maps in it.
He took out two and before he could even close the drawer we heard a voice that made us both froze in fear for a second.
"Ben!" The Captain yelled anger leaking from his tone like he was ready to kill. "I know you're in there and oh believe me you don't wanna know what I'm gonna do to you once I have you in my grip."
"Fuck!" Bruce didn't even bother to keep his voice down as he quickly jumped to his feet.
He kicked the door shut and pushed the table into it as he didn't have the time to reach out for the key.
"What now?" I asked feeling everything in me turn into panic.
"What now?" He mocked me. "We run, idiot."
"Whe..." But I didn't even finish it as he grabbed my hand and pulled me through the room eventually stopping before an even smaller door then the one for this room.
He opened them stepping into total darkness and I followed his lead closing the door behind us. We speed walked for only like 10 seconds and then when my eyes adjusted to the dark a bit I saw Bruce climbing a small metal ladder heading towards the ceiling above us.
I heard him open a wooden door above his head before he disappears from my view. I already panicked that he's gonna leave me to the Captain, but he actually gave me his hand and pulled me up closing the wooden door after me locking it with something metal that slid across the thick smooth wood.
"Where are we?" I asked.
"Secret hallways." He answered me simply.
"Where are we going?" I questioned him again not being able to just let the silence be as I crawled after him through the small hallways he called secret.
"My room." He answered me as simple as he could again.
"We are far away from the rooms." I said.
"Not my room." He clicked his tongue.
"Your room is in the forbidden area?"
"My secret one yes."
"And the Captain won't look for us there first?" I asked him like he was stupid.
"Not if he doesn't know about it." He returned me in the same tone.
Woah, he had a secret room not even the Captain knew about.
"What do you mean he doesn't know about it?" I asked suspiciously.
"I know this ship better than anyone. No one knows about these secret passages either." He said proudly.
"So you are the first passenger ever of this ship after all then?" I chuckled a bit not really believing him, but just like always he managed to find a sentence with which he'd make me regret my reaction.
"Even better." He chuckled. "I'm the creator."

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