Chapter 17

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"How much time do we have?" I asked as Ben pushed me into the door of the Captains cabin.

"Less then two minutes." He answered me then closed the gap between us kissing me.
"That's so little." I said against his lips.
"I didn't sneak you in here to make out with you. I sneaked you in to give you the map to get to the place where we can make out." He broke the kiss to get his sentence out and then he kissed me again.
"We're still making out, aren't we?" I said pulling him closer.
"Do you want me to stop?" He asked.
"Please don't." I breathed out.
"Then shut up." He said his voice low before he kissed me again slipping his tongue into my mouth.
I gasped not expecting it, but I went with it as Ben slipped the map on which he marked the way to his secrete room into the back pocket of my jeans not missing the opportunity to grope my ass.
"Time?" I pulled back to ask and to get some air.
"30 seconds." He said pulling me back towards him so he could kiss me again.
"When you push me out don't do it too hard because I'm gonna end up falling and looking like an idiot." I said between kisses.
"You always look like an idiot." Ben chuckled.
"Aw, that was so romantic." I said sarcastically pulling him back to my lips.
No matter how much I'd kiss him I could never get enough of him and as soon as I'd stop kissing him this craving for him would appear again. He was, like, truly addicting and I had zero problems with that.
"I don't do romantic." Ben muttered against my lips.
"You must be my soulmate or something then." I chuckled.
He gave me the look then rolled his eyes before he turned around to glance at the clock behind us.
"Shit, 10 seconds." He hissed before pulling me back towards him and kissing me deeply.
My heart was beating so fast and I practically wasn't even breathing. It was so hard to believe that this was actually happening. That I could kiss him all I wanted. That we were actually looking out for each other and that while everyone else thought we were plotting each other's doom, we were actually working together.
If Lzzy was actually a Fortuneteller and if she had told me that this is what was waiting for me, I'd tell her she was beyond crazy, but actually it's life that's crazy, and right now I couldn't be more thankful for that.
"When are you going to return to your secret room Captain?" I asked.
"Impatient much?" He chuckled.
"Very." I confirmed.
"Too bad." He said before kissing me again. "Three."
I dropped the talking and focused on kissing him with as much passion I could bring into it.
"Two." Ben muttered against my lips.
"One." I counted it down till the end then looked at Ben's blue eyes that shone with excitement.
"Action time." He smiled wickedly before kissing me one last time and opening the door behind me pushing me out.
I stumbled down the stairs but didn't fall, he was quite gentle.
"Is that all you have to offer?!" I yelled at him trying to sound like I was actually pissed and not flustered. "Empty threats? Really?"
"You should stop acting like a fool." Ben acted his part sounding quite aggressive, but in his eyes I could see he was trying not to smile at our brilliance. I mean who could make out for two minutes and immediately after that fake an argument? "You're not the Captain, so stay the fuck out of the cabin! You may convinced some idiots that you can assure them safety, but we both know you're just an idiot."
Should I be finding this hot? Probably not, but the fact that we were having this argument on the outside and a whole another hidden conversation about what's gonna happen when we meet up in his secret room with just our eyes was kind of a turn on.
The whole dangerous and 'we mustn't get caught' thing was honestly so hot.
The gazes I felt on myself from the people on deck was enough to ignore my thoughts and focus on appearing as if I hated him.
"Says the guy who nearly killed us all!" I yelled trying to draw more attention. "You should maybe start acting on your threats because I'm gonna stop you and your shit real soon." With that I turned around and ran across the deck to the front door of the second floor not being able to just stand and yell nonsense at him any longer.
I wanted to head towards the forbidden hallways and find his secret room right away, but my stupid friends stopped me in that attempt.
"What do you think you're doing?" Austin asked me.
"What?" I blinked as I've been taken off guard.
"You can't just openly threaten him like that Denis." Lzzy told me. "He's actually dangerous."
"No..." I wanted to laugh, but I stopped myself on time. "You don't get it. He needs to know he can't just fuck with us like that. He won't do anything as long as there's half of the passengers supporting me." I said improvising on the spot.
Austin opened his mouth to say something, but Andy was faster.
"Yeah, no matter how shitty things on the ship are, I'd suggest you all to chill the fuck out for a second or two." He said. "I don't remember us having a fair drink in ages."
Agh, not now, I wanted to growl, but I didn't really have an excuse for being in a hurry so I went with it.
"I think I'd like alcohol right now." I said.
Austin, Lzzy and Andy took me into the smaller kitchen that was assigned as Lzzy's and when we got there Alan was sitting at the table and Taylor was looking out the window.
"Guys have you noticed that we're heading west?" She asked as we entered the room.
"Shouldn't we be heading towards the UK." Lzzy said.
"How do you know that?" I asked a but too quickly.
"Because it's summer. We go to Reading & Leeds festival every year." She answered and I just nodded.
"Maybe there's a festival in America." I tried, but Taylor dismissed me almost immediately.
"No. With that dumb ass for Captain it can't be that we're traveling for our convenience." Taylor looked at me. "Ben's up to something. Up to something that won't end well for us. He cares only about himself and this is not a good sign."
I drowned my urge to defend him as I just crossed my arms in annoyance. "How do you even know we're heading west?"
"Because I've sailed across the Atlantic ocean enough times to know when we're doing it again." Taylor answered me.
In the past 2 days that we've been sneaking around Ben had told me that we'll have to pick a city in the New World where we can stay for at least a weak before we can head back to the UK.
The pirates - primarily Danny and Jake - know that Ben wants to get to London and into the heart of The Black organization, so it's gonna take us time to confuse them.
We lost them, but Ben said they're probably gonna hang around the UK for quite some time before it crosses their mind that Ben decided to change up our path a bit. According to him, by the time they start sailing west thinking we are there we're gonna be a step ahead of them and sailing back north before they catch us in America.
It was a good plan... if no one on the ship figures it out before we come up with an excuse why we're sailing back west.
This Taylor chick was too smart for her own good.
"Maybe there's actually a festival in The States and he's trying to change the tradition." I said.
"On which side are you?" Taylor looked at me.
"My own, obviously." I dismissed her. "I'm just trying to think like him. He'll never do things in such way that you can actually figure them out."
"I'm around the dude for 3 years and you're just for 2 months." Taylor eyed me suspiciously. "Why would you know him better than I do?"
"Maybe I'm a quicker learner." I dismissed her again turning to Andy. "Hit me with one."
"CC's gonna get here in like a minute and then he's gonna mix us all cocktails." Andy told me.
Oh great, that only meant more waiting.
I needed to get to Ben and tell him about Taylor. I doubt he'd do anything about it - or care, but I still felt the need to inform him.
"Oy guys." CC said from the door as him and one more dude entered the small kitchen.
Andy high-fived both of them as I stared the unfamiliar guy up and down.
He was around Andy's height, but more muscular. He had black flippy hair and the same black leather fashion Andy had.
"Guys, these are my new friends. CC you all already know and this is Jeremy." Andy said.
"Hay and welcome to our group of madness and idiocy." Austin joked.
"In all reality I'm just here for the Captain." Jeremy said glaring at me with a smile and I raised my eyebrows.
"Ohhh look you've got a fan Denis." Lzzy elbowed me.
"I'm not that great really." I said not wanting to draw too much attention to myself as I was planning to escape this situation in a matter of 30 seconds max.
"Take his world. He really isn't that great." Alan said making Austin laugh and I wanted to reply, but I had too much Ben related thoughts on my mind to even bother coming up with a proper comeback so I just gave them all a fake smile.
"Anyone who has the guts to stand up to him ever, let alone now when he's Captain is great." Jeremy insisted.
"Well, I'm honored, but my greatness is tired as fuck, so excuse me." I saw the opportunity and I took it.
I got up from my seat and headed towards the door trying not to run.
"What about the cocktails?" Andy yelled after me.
"Leave them on the bar table." I just said exiting the kitchen and closing the door behind me.
Fucking finally.
I kept my footsteps even and quiet until I got to the forbidden part of the ship. Then I took out the map Ben had gave me and I followed the hallways that were marked red as the path to his secret room.
With the map and me practically running it took me just about 5 minutes to get to the secret room.
I stood in front of the door wondering if I should knock or something.
"Are you gonna come in or what? It's not like I'm jerking off in here!" Ben called out before I could decide though. "I could hear your footsteps from, like, a mile away."
I rolled my eyes and smiled as I could practically hear the stupid smile behind his words.
Then I pulled on the doorknob and let myself in.
I looked across the room finding Ben standing in the corner of the room in front of the desk with his maps and figurines.
His gaze was locked with the map with his figurines on it and he looked deeply in thought as I approached him.
"We have a problem." He said turning the metal ship figurine marked as 'P2' from North America towards South America.
"What? Is it the pirates?" I asked.
"No, we're running out of stuff." He said.
"Alcohol and food." He explained.
"Oh." I just said.
"Yeah." He nodded. "Before, that was simple, we had our green cards and it all went through The Black, but now when our green cards have been declined I don't know how could we get our hands on all the stuff we need."
"Ha." I clicked my tongue trying to think of something and be useful, but my brain wasn't coming up with anything.
"I have a plan though." Ben went on. "But I'm not sure if you're gonna like it."
"Why wouldn't I like it?"
"Depends on how fair you are." Ben looked at my eyes searching for any hint of doubt in them, but as ridiculous as that sounded - I trusted him.
I looked back at him just confused waiting for him to go on, but he just waited for my answer.
I shook my head letting him know that I had no idea where he was going with this.
"Are you more like Austin or more like Andy?" He asked me.
"How do you know they're that different?" I asked back.
"Some people are not that hard to read." He said simply. "Now answer me."
"I'm actually more like you." I gave him a cheeky grin.
"Good answer." He smiled back then turned to the map with his figurines again.
"Then, what's the plan?" I nagged impatiently.
"We steal." He said and although I had no idea what I expected his sentence still took me totally off guard.
"Okay..." I said hesitantly.
"So I figured we can organize all passengers to work in this. It could tame them a bit because they'd get a taste of the real outside world where the green cards don't work and they'd know they really do depend on us." He started moving the ship that represented us across the map stopping it in Venezuela. "In Caracas there is this huge mall that doesn't work 24 hours and there's this 'rent a car' company just a street away. So, we can borrow a few cars get to the mall, smash the safety cameras, get what we need then get back to the ship and disappear."
"That's actually not a bad plan..." I started hesitantly.
"...when you say it like that." I finished giving him a shy smile.
"Ha." His excitement dropped as he moved the ship back into its place in the Adriatic sea where we currently were.
"I mean it's not a bad plan, really... It's just that there's a lot of holes." I said.
"Like?" He looked at me almost confused.
"Well firstly, how the fuck are you planing on borrowing those cars?" I asked. "Then how the fuck are we supposed to get into the mall without being noticed and you're forgetting there's this division thing going on this ship and that the two groups practically hate each other."
"I can open a car without setting off the alarm with only a hairpin." He looked at me like he was beyond confused with my points. "And all we have to do to get into the mall is get into the basement which is underground, so in all reality all we have to do is find the windows. Getting in then won't be a problem, I'm trained to break glass windows without them making a sound. And the passengers are not gonna complain if it's food or this."
I looked at him almost shocked. The skills he just said he had weren't something you see every day and he just said it like it was nothing.
I wasn't up for questioning him right now. We were maybe a thing now, and I maybe trusted him on some levels, but once in a while there were still these tiny moments of intimidation I wasn't ready for and right now I was experiencing one of them.
"Okay." I said. "So I guess we're going with that then."
I felt unsure and kinda uneasy on this, but I've seen him in action and I knew he wouldn't go into something if he didn't know he could accomplish it.
"I'm gonna tell the passengers that are on my side and you tell yours." He turned to me. "But remember, the main rule of this has to be that we work together unless there's police involved. If it gets to that then each group for its own."
I just nodded as a few shivers went down my spine.
As much as I liked to say that I knew him, there were still moments like these where he was equally as confusing and surprising to me as he was when I first stumbled upon him.
"But there won't be police involved and we're all going to be okay, right?" I questioned wanting him to just confirm my theory, but instead he sighed and turned around to face me.
"I won't lie to you Denis." He said. "I can't promise you anything. The outside world is not really pretty and if you're on this cruise you know that already. You'll stick with me and as much as I'd like to tell you just that is enough for you to be safe - it's not." He said honestly looking away for a second and when he looked back at me something wicked played in his aquamarine blue eyes as he grinned. "Anything can happen and the only encouraging thing I can tell you is that dangerous always equals fun."

A/N: Shorter chapter, but the next one is action so prepare yourselves! XD I update on Tuesdays and Sundays, have a nice day my lovely readers!💚✌️

Just A Slave To Rock n' Roll [Brustoff]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz