Cheating Optimus Prime X Femme Reader Finale???

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When will I see you again?

~Third pov~

-Three Years later-

"Optimus used to have a Sparkmate before Arcee?!" Miko yelled out loud enough that everyone hear her. Ratchet, Bumblebee and bulkhead kind of cringe at those words coming out of a human girl. They were relieved that neither Optimus and Arcee are here. The two of them are having a shaking relationship. It was then later they decided to end it all. As time pass they became friends more than Sparkmates, Arcee  Fells More guilty, and Optimus became Wiser but More Guiltier  than Arcee.

Ever since they started being sparkmates, Optimus keeps misses (Y/n) deeply. He couldn't get her out of his head. His mind is just (y/n) all over. The questions he have, His apologies , even poems of her. (Jeez that's too much man)  He always wonder of where is she, or if she's alive. But now that he's more aware, he needs to make things right with her.

Jack and Raf are Shock. Miko is crazy curious than ever, she will do anything to get more information.

"I didn't know that the boss bot is a lady killer!" Miko bounces around like a mad person. Ratchet had this painful look and rubs the back of his head. Making a 'sshh' noise. "Well he kind of killed thee lady's feelings." Ratchet tried to go back to work. "Wait what? Did he dumped her?" Raf clenched the bars, with a confused face. and Jack and Miko did the same also. "He did...But rough." The kids are More than Shocked. They looked at each other and then turned to Ratchet for more. "What did he said to her?!" Jack asked eagerly. Ratchet Stopped typing, he stood there with sadness on his faceplate. Bulkhead and Bumblebee stands behind him, looking at the floor in awkwardness.

~Ratchet's Flashback and Pov~

*knock knock*

I remember the knocking on the door to my room. It was late at night. 11:23 P.M. that's the time. Heading to my door, opened it and see a crying mess (Y/n) in front of my door. She hugged me without any warning. All I could is hug her tightly. Letting her in my room and set her on my berth. I sat next to her, rubbing circles on her back while she calm downs.

(Y/n) is like my sister and I hate seeing her like this.  I would murder a mech if anything happened to her.

When she said the Optimus has to do with this. I felt like the world stop. Knowing Optimus for all my life, I know that he won't do something like this. That's not him.

~Three days later~

"I'm sorry Ratchet, but I can't stay here any longer." (Y/n)'s Happy aura, her spirit, her Spark is no where to be found. She is severely Depressed. Her optics doesn't shine bright like they were before. I dropped everything I have, and try to convince her to stay. "No don't go, everything is going to get better! Trust me!" I pulled her to me, giving her a hug. but she didn't hugged back more tightly like she used to do. just a pat. She pulled her away from me. gave me a weak smile. "I know you want to help but I need to do this alone." she turned and walk away, her body disappeared through the wind when she walked out of the door.

'And that was the last time I saw her....'

~end flashback and to third pov~ 

Ratchet wiped some tears off his face and went back to work, no saying a word.

The gang quiet down. "Hey bee, we should take the kids for a drive." "*beep**boop**wee err*" bee and bulkhead took the kids and then head out of base. which leaves Ratchet alone.

But in the shadows, Arcee is there with a guilty and crying silently face and stance. She made sure that Ratchet doesn't heard her.

After an hour. She finally turn on her communication to (Y/n). Over 26 refresh and loading, her finally got a hold of her. (Y/n)'s location is at California, Sacramento. 'This is going to be a long drive.' Arcee quietly move out of the shadows and out of the base.

~That's it because I'm too lazy. SORRY. Probably it's going to be one of those stories that the reader have to decide alone. anyways I got Requests to work on. SEE YA!~

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