Chapter 48- Back to school

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Chara stirred awake from a sudden shake she received to her left.

"It's time to get up, Chara." Asriel smiled.

It was his first day of school on the surface, so he was really excited to learn. He also gets to go with his siblings, well Chara, frisk has to stay in a different room.

Chara sat and Stretched, she motions Asriel to wake up frisk while she gets dress.

After getting dressed she brushed her teeth and hair, Chara opened the door to her room to see Asriel dragging frisk out of bed, who was refusing to get up.

She smiled and walked downstairs to the kitchen to eat.

"Good morning, my child!" Toriel greeted, smiling. Chara smiled back, "good morning, mom!"

Toriel placed down Chara's plate down, it was snail pie.

"Yes! Snail pie!" She smiled, she didn't had this in a while.

Toriel giggled and placed the other plates down.

Asriel soon came down with frisk on his back. "Sup." He waved. Asriel huffed and sat frisk down. "This guy won't get up." He narrowed his eyes.
"This guy wants to sleep more." Frisk shrugged.

"What's this?" Frisk asked, poking at his plate with his fork.

"Its snail pie! Trust me when I say it's good." Chara said as she took another bite.

Frisk shrugged and took a bite.

He raised his eyebrow in amusement. He kept eating until this was nothing on his plate.

"Was it good." Chara giggled.

Frisk gave a thumbs up.

When the three was ready, they all followed Toriel to the car and drove to the school.

They all waited at Toriel's classroom.

"So, you have to stay in detention for the rest of the day?" Asriel asked, sadly.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." Frisk assured.

"You deserve it." Chara smirked.

Frisk glared at Chara and fake smiled. "Thanks for your support, love." Chara giggled and hugged him. "I'm just kidding."

The school bell ringed and frisk got up with his stuff.

"I'll see you after school." He gave a last hug to Chara and Asriel.

"Bye." Asriel and Chara said at the same time.

Frisk swiftly walked around the other students in the hallway to the detention room. 

"Brendan? What are you here?" Frisk asked, he was confused, did he do something?

Brendan turned around and frowns. "Oh, you know because of you." He looked away. "What did I do?" Frisk asked, worried, he sat next to Brendan. "That little scheme you did got me in here." Brendan turned back to frisk. "Apparently, I was "involved" in the fight." He groans in his arms. "How was I involved when I did nothing!"

"Oh, sorry about that." Frisk apologized.

"Eh, it's fine, sorry for freaking you out." Brendan apologized back. "What happen to you?" He asked taking out his school work from his backpack.

"I kinda lost my memory and was raised by other people who were a very bad influence." The teacher gave frisk a stack of paper for missing assignments that he didn't get to do. "And I got them back a few days ago."

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