Chapter 59- The End

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Short after the hold kidnapping thing, things had been going great so far, frisk been heal up well almost...

His left eye was left permanent damaged, but he could still see it was a just blurry from his vision, the scars he had was almost all gone, but the big one disappeared the only scars left was the small ones.

Somehow Frisk and Chara half soul's been formed into a full size soul the only difference was it was smaller than usual, but the good news was they could separate without hurting their souls, but they still prefer staying together.

Frisk was reunited with his family again but told them he would like to stay with the dreemurrs', they understood and told him to visit once in a while to check up how he has been all this time he was gone.

Frisk and Chara showed the evidence they found in the creepy building to the police, they were told that was were all the Anti-monster cult information goes to, they were planning to use human's soul to attack the human to blame on the monster so they could be sealed them again into the underground.

Toriel opened a new school made for humans and monsters to learn their traits and magic and education. Many humans and monsters appreciate the magic they used for self defense in case of any danger.

Papyrus and mettaton made a Italian restaurant with a full show of Mettaton, the restaurant grew popular and was rated the best entertainment and restaurant ever.

Asgore, Frisk, and the mayor were able to solve the problems between monsters and human and now live in peace.

Undyne and Alphys lived peacefully in their homes, Undyne gaining a new job at the military while Alphys was hired to become a scientist to help discover more about Souls.

Sans was still being sans but rumors had it he had a job.

That's right, he worked as a comedian at Grillbys and sometimes for his brother restaurant.

Frisk, Chara, and Asriel grown up bigger and stronger together with their families, Frisk and Chara grew closer each second they grew up together.

Frisk and Chara never saw Xander of Clara but they felt their presence around when they are together.

Life was beautiful and perfect, everyone grew up and loved.


Frisk smiled as he watched his children stared at him at awe.

"Woah!" Frost jumped up from his bed and grins, he raised his little arms up and jumped up and down, "That was the best story ever! You were like 'Arg!' And they were all like 'Ahh!' And they was magic everywhere and-!" Frisk chuckled at his son's excitement and hugged Chara.

Cherry than got up as she thought of something, "wait a minute your lying, I know the story not over! Finish the story!" She pouted, she was right he was lying.

Frost stopped jumping and sat down, "is the story not over?!" He yelled with a huge smile on his face waiting for more.

"I can't really finish the story..." Frisk shrugged, and smiled sheepishly.

He made eye contact with Chara and smiled, she knew what he was going to say, she stood up and planted a kiss on his forehead, she walked over to her kids and gave them a kiss on their cheek, Chara left saying goodnight and closed the door.

"Why not?!" They both whines, frisk smiled softly and chuckled.

"Because you two will have to experience it yourselves," Frisk got up and planted kisses on their cheek before saying goodnight and closed the door behind him.

The two look at each other and smiled.

They fell asleep soundly together.

Two shadowy figure came towards them and smiled,

"Your story..."

"Is now at your hands..."

Thank you everyone for reading this story! I really love your support and comments! It makes me really happy knowing you read this!

But you'll probably can already tell,

Yes! I am making a second book!

Just going to need time making the plot and title and stuff...

But still thank you everyone for your support!

-Your Fluffy Dork!


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