Chapter 39- A Fight is storming ahead

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"Why don't you make the first move?" Frisk smirked.

"Don't mind if I do." The boy grins.

The boy took a running start and swung with all his might with a hard punch. Frisk just stepped out of the way and stuck his leg out causing to trip the boy to the ground. Frisk took this opportunity to attack. The crowd around them grew bigger and bigger and started chanting.

"I haven't seen frisk this angry since he was called short back then." Precious commented.

"Why is that?" Chara asked.

"Back then when frisk was short he always got into a fight when someone called him short or small, it was adorable honestly." Isabelle let out a quiet giggle.

"I think you shouldn't said that in front of frisk's girlfriend." Precious smirked.

Chara blushed and shook her head. "Now not the time." Chara reminded them.

"Right right.... next time then." Isabelle mumbled.

Chara narrow her eyebrows together when she heard Isabelle sentence. The next thing you know the group heard a smash against the lockers and more cheering going on.

Chara hated being small since the crowd got bigger she can hardly see what's going on. Brendan helped with that problem and carried her in his arm pushing through the crowd. The others follow closely behind.

The more closer they got the more louder it got to the point where a teacher had to come in. A few teachers tried to move the students to get back to class, while a few tried to get near the fight.

Chara jumped out of Brendan's arms and stared running and pushing towards frisk. When she got to the opening she cried out, "frisk!" Frisk was on top of the boy that he was fighting. He had his right hand made in a fist. Before he could punch, frisk heard Chara's call. He turned to head towards Chara and his face turned instantly to worried. "Chara...?" The boy gotten his strength back and punched frisk in the left cheek.

Before frisk got up he was suddenly raised out the ground. frisk's confused expression turned into a frighten expression when he looked back.

Toriel was carrying frisk by the edge of his sweater collar by the back.

The boy was grabbed from Asgore.

They both gave hard and deadly glares. Frisk squeaked while the boy was shaking.

They were both dragged into the principal's office.

Chara rushed in quickly to see frisk, she ignored the other adults and stopped to see frisk.

"Frisk!" She cried out.

"Chara?" Frisk took his full attention to her.

Chara took a full speed run and hugged frisk as tight as she can. Frisk was sore but he ignored the pain. Chara cried quietly on his shoulder making frisk feel guilty.

"Don't EVER leave me like that again!" She said as she got away from his shoulder and looked at him straight in the eyes with a anger but sorrow look. Frisk frowns and his eye droops down. "I'm sorry..." he whispered.

"I shouldn't have ran out like that." Frisk lowering his voice knowing he's in trouble. Chara can't stay mad like that forever, she held frisk closely. "I thought I lost you." She whispered but enough for frisk to hear. "Sorry..." he apologized again.


Frisk squeaked again.

Chara let's go of the hug and looks behind her. Toriel and Asgore was waiting in front of the principal's door. "I'm dead..." frisk held Chara closely. "I'm soooo dead..." frisk whispered.

"Frisk your needed in the office." Toriel said disappointed. "I'm extra dead..." frisk said again as he got up and walked in.

Chara had to wait outside of the room from Toriel's orders. It took a while but nothing bad happen. Mostly they were talking about fighting isn't the solution and there was a another way to solve the problem. Frisk came out shaking since Toriel and Asgore was in the room it made him really quiet. As soon as he got out he hugged Chara and held her very close to the point where she can't breath.

Frisk and chara had to go home early since the principal wanted frisk to get checked on for no major injuries and have time to heal but the next time frisk goes to school he will have detention.

Chara dragged frisk to their room and got the first aid kit that they kept in their bathroom.

"Frisk take off your sweater I need to check if your bleeding or have bruises." Chara ordered.

"Wow, this early Chara? I knew you felt this way~" frisk teased causing Chara to turn deep red. "Just shut up and take off your sweater." She tried to ignore her blush.

Frisk chuckled as he took of his sweater leaving behind his black undershirt. "Even the undershirt frisk." Chara said as she open the first aid getting the supplies out.

Frisk looked around nervously. "Y-You know I think I hear m-mom calling me." Frisk said as he slowly backed up. Chara looked unamused and got up to lock the door.

"I hear nothing frisk." She turned back around looking ready to pounce.

Frisk backed up against the wall. "Don't you even dare." Frisk hissed.

"Do what?" Chara smirked and started walking closer to frisk each minute.

Frisk just hope he can hide what's underneath his undershirt.

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