Chapter 47- Then there was still three

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"Question." Frisk yawns.

[What?] the man kept walking without turning around.

"Why did you wake me up at 2 am in the morning?"

Frisk had woken up early and was still tired despite sleeping a lot yesterday.

"What's in this folder anyway?" He questioned. Frisk was told not to open however curious itched each time he looked at it.

[questions later, more walking]

Frisk sighed and continues walking towards the forest. "You know Your wasting my cuddle time with Chara." Frisk said irritated.

"Where are we even going?"

[look I'll tell you when we get there!] the man hissed.

"Rude." Frisk murmured.

Frisk kept following and entered an alleyway. He took a couple turns until they ended up at a corner store.

"Oh hey! I know this place!" Frisk quietly shouted in excitement.

"Do you think Crystal still works here?" He asked.

The man shrugged. [go get something to drink, we're going to be walking for a while]

Frisk excitedly ran up to the door, he pushed and looked around. "It looks exactly the same!" He smiled.

"I'm getting a slushie!"


"Yeah! I live for that sweet frozen rush!"

Frisk heard him chuckle.

Frisk around the flavors. "Blueberry, cherry, coke, green apple, or watermelon?" He asked himself.


He got himself a medium cup and placed the lid on top. He poured so much it overflowed a little, he placed a red straw afterwards.

He started to drink from his cup.

"Yum!" He whispers.

"Oh my god!" Frisk heard a high pitch squeal behind him.

He turned around and met a familiar face.

Before he could even speak he got picked up like a little kid. "Your still so small!" Frisk huffed.

"I've grown!"

The young lady laughed.

"Where have you been?! I haven't seen you in months!" She squished her cheek against frisk's.

"Ack! Crystal!" He squeaked.

"Oh right right!" She apologized, she brought frisk to the front counter.

"So, I heard around town your terrible parents are dead!" Crystal said surprised.

"Oh, right... they aren't my real parents." He said straight out. "What!? Then who are they?" She asked curious. "It took me a while to get my memories back and I just figured out that they're my kidnappers." He shrugged, drinking more from his cup. "Was it for your soul?" She guessed.

"Yeah, I guess."

"Then what are you doing here?" She took her phone out and took a picture with frisk.

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