Chapter 34- The Prince's arrival

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"TADA!" Frisk shouted with pure

Toriel,Asgore, and Chara was shocked from this sudden surprise and they couldn't move.

"Howdy." Asriel greeted again.

"What how...?" Hardly any words could make out into anyone's mouth.

After a few moments of silence Chara spoke up.

"Asriel? Is that really you...?" Chara said softly with a bit of sadness in her voice. Asriel nodded and the family hugged together.((but not frisk because he's still smiling like a doofus in the background)) they held it for a few moments to let all of their feelings out.

"It's good to see you again Asriel." Chara sniffed. "You too Chara." Asriel turned to frisk. "Alphys wanted to asked you something, she's in the kitchen." Frisk nodded and went to the other room.

"How did you come back?" Chara asked since his soul IS a Boss Monster's SOUL which is Rare and very difficult to bring back to life. "Oh Frisk gave some of his Determination to make my artificial soul a bit more stable and able to stay together." Asriel remembered Alphys explaining it to him.

"Frisk also told me that you were going to have a celebration after the interview?" Asriel also asked.

"I think so...? But I'm not-"


"...sure." Chara stopped as well as the dreemurrs. They all looked at each other and had a few questionable looks towards the door.

"oops..." they heard frisk.

"O-oh no." Alphys's voice was also heard.

"It's all over the floor....sorry." Frisk apologized.

"There's also something l-leaking from your mouth." They heard Shuffling before it stopped.


They finally took a look what was happening.

Frisk was cleaning his face with a towel while Alphys had a mop and was cleaning the floor that was left red and glowing.

Chara managed to find what was broken. There lies a broken syringe, shattered. She managed to figure out what happen. Frisk must of slapped the syringe out of Alphys' hands.

Trypanophobia- fear of needles

"Sorry, I panicked." Frisk apologized.

He took his head away from the towel that he was using to clean himself. "I'm not use to needles." Alphys nodded. "It's alright frisk I u-understand." Frisk caught in the corner of his eye three dreemurrs' watching from the other room.

"Sorry did I scared you?"

"You just had us worry, my child." Toriel assured. Asriel took a glance at the clock. "When are you supposed to be at the celebration?" Asgore checked his phone. "In about a few more hours."

"But first you need to get dress." Frisk suggested. "Your not wearing that sweater."

Toriel found Asriel some outfits that he used to wear and had some help from Chara and frisk.



"Too childish."

"Not really."

"You sure?"

"Yes I'm sure!"


"I'm not lying!"

"Guys.... really?"

"Wait what about that one?"

"Pfft You look like a mini Toriel."

"Ok, wait wait wait what about....that one!"

"It looks like your suit!"

"But i'm the better looking one..."

"Oh hush you!"

"Hah! You do agree!"

Asriel had a stern look on his face. "Guys this is serious. I want to look good." The duo took their attention off of each other and focus on Asriel.

"Chill prince fluffybuns your fine."

"Pfffft did you used Dad's nickname."

"Good right!"


Asriel was blushing from embarrassment. "Fine you look good." Frisk went back to Chara and whispered something.


"What do you mean?"


"I mean you could."


"he is the prince."


"That is true..."

"What are you talking about?"

"Frisk was wondering if it was a good idea to tell the other monsters that you're back." Chara told Asriel.

[Leave it a surprise at the celebration!]

[it will leave them breathless!]

"I mean it will be celebration! There had to be surprises!" Frisk took out his phone and started doing something.

"We have to go in a few minutes." Frisk walked out of the room and started talking with Asgore while Asriel and Chara catch up of what had happen so far.

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