"What are YOU going to do new kid?" said the leader shoving me.

"Show him Nick!" said a few of the other footballers patting Nick's back. They then knocked Neil's food all over him and laughed like maniacs.

Anger cursed through my veins. Before I knew it, my fist was in direct contact with Nick's face. He almost fell back but was supported by his friends.

The entire cafeteria went silent.

Nick ran his fingers through his face then wiped his blood off with his sleeve. I could see the fury building in his eyes. He raised his arm and swung it at my face. I swerved but only managed to escape a small part of his fist. The force of his punch was so strong, it knocked me down on Neil, who wasn't strong enough to support my body, and to a face-first dive to the ground.

"STOP IT RIGHT NOW!" yelled a furious voice.

We instantly froze and turned to the source of the voice.

"Principal Collins!" whispered a few of the students who had been watching the fight.

"Nick Williams, James Matherson, and Neil Barter, my office NOW!" screamed principal Collins.

The rest of the students instantly scattered and were soon out of sight.

All three of us made our way to the principal's office after induring a few nasty words and scowls from the cleaning ladies.

Nick, Neil, and I, sat down on a sofa in the principal's office, while he sat on a stool in front of us.

He was an extremely tall man, perhaps the tallest I had ever seen. He had firey red hair, and grayish-blue eyes. He was rather chubby but not so much I would call him fat.

"How did all of this start?" he demanded stubbornly.

"Newbie here punched me!" said Nick sitting back and crossing his arms.

"Because you were bullying me!" exclaimed Neil.

"Settle down." said principal Collins sternly. "Mr. Williams, you are being let off with a warning, and a month of detention."

"But it wasn't my fault!" protested Nick sitting up. "HE punched me first!" he said pointing at me.

I had been silent throughout the entire conversation. I had never been sent to the principal's office because of malconduct before today. It felt awful, yet thrilling.

"Is that right Mr. Matherson?" said principal Collins, his eyes glaring at me from the top of his glasses.

I hesitated for a moment before nodding.

"Mr. Williams, you may leave." said principal Collins.

Nick got up with a cocky smile on his face and whispered "You're dead" as he left the office. He said something when he was outside but I couldn't hear a word he uttered. The glass was apparently sound-proof.

"Mr. Barter, you're free to go as well." said principal Collins before turning to me. He waited for Neil to leave the office, then turned and told me to sit down.

"Mr. Matherson," he began, noticing Nick lurking around outside trying to listen, " you are going to sit there and look guilty while I pretend to hand you your behind on a platter because you punched Mr. Williams."

I looked up completely shocked. "What?" I said.

"You heard me." he said now raising his voice. "Mr. Williams has been nothing but trouble since the day he started here, it's about time someone stood up to him. Moreover, you defended a student who couldn't do it for himself. That was very admirable. I am extremely honoured to have students such as yourself walk my hallways. Welcome to Melrose High James."

"I..I.." I stuttered.

"You are very welcome." said principal Collins smiling proudly. "However, you did punch a student. Abuse isn't tolerated at this school James. You get a day of detention."

"Only a day?" I said still trying to process what he had said.

"Being principal has it's perks!" he said winking. "Now, go to class."

I got up and left the office slamming the door behind me. Nick was nowhere to be seen. "One of the teachers must have sent him off" I thought. I checked my schedual and found it was a free period; just what I needed. I went to the library and proceeded to read my book till the bell rang.

After about 40 minutes or so, the final bell rang, and I exited the library bookmarking page 41 of my book.

I was halfway out when I saw Riley standing at her locker. I knew I had to talk to her sooner or later so I figured why not now?

I neared closer and closer, but someone beat me to her. He was big and had blonde hair; Nick.

He leaned in and gave her a passionate kiss, then wrapped his arms around her and walked her out. Riley had a boyfriend.

Walking back to my house, I was thinking about what I had just seen. Riley had a boyfriend and almost kissed me. Then my mind wandered to Melissa when I heard her call my name. At first, I thought I was just imaginning it but then I heard it again.

"Matherson!" she cried.

I turned around and saw her pulling up her car.

"Hey Melissa." I said smiling.

"Hey yourself!" she said grinning back. "I heard you pack quite the punch."

"Yeh" I said laughing. "Interesting first day! Melrose is definitely...something."

"Totally!" she said. "Need a ride?" She offered.

"Sure!" I said as I got into her car and drove off.

Hey guys! I know this chapter was sort of gloomy...I've been in the hospital the past 2 days(my dad just had surgery), but I promise I'll make the next update better! Non-the-less, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Comment & Vote!

Good health & good writing to you all! Cheers:)

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