Chapter 14 late night

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- Shikamaru's POV -
As I was walking up to the tower, I hear a woman's voice seeming quite sad. I know she knows I'm near so she stops. I know her. Her face can never be forgotten to me.

"I know it's you're such a pain."

She's acts as if she didn't hear me. I tell her I know her face from three years ago. She turns to face me in surprised. I notice she been crying just a little and it be trouble some to ask but I do it anyways. We move from the wall to a public bench to sit. She tells me how Sasuke try to hit on her at the restaurant, and how she didn't hesitate to punch him in the face. She tells me that she been bullied by him, Ino, Sakura, and even Kiba.

While she explains all her personal problems. I could feel my eyes trying to close. I didn't want to be rude at all while she was talking but I place my head on her open shoulder just to rest my eyes. Mila questions me and ends up being fine with it. After resting my eyes for a good half hour, I feel warm hands moving my head into a much more comfortable position. I open my eyes just a little not letting Mila know that I was awake. I see that she had put my head on top of her lap. About fifteen minutes had gone by and the festival has ended. I notice it was silent, Mila had stopped talking. I get up from her warm lap to see she had fallen asleep sitting up. It was already eleven o'clock so I picked her up bridal style and walked down the staircase and roamed around the village. I didn't even bother to think, that I don't know where she lives. Such trouble...I carry Mila all the way to my house and trying to get the front door open, it is open by my mother.

"Shh mom...just please open the door for me."

My mother slides the door open wide enough so I can fit Mila through. Not having a guest bedroom in the house, I place Mila on my bed and pulled the blanket over her. I left to see my mother waiting for an explanation.

"It's alright mom. She's just a friend who I talk to."
"Ive never seen her around before. Who is she?"
"You remember Mila Nariko? Well that's her now..."

My mom acts in shock and leaves me alone. I grab extra blankets and extra pillows and headed back to my room to make myself a bed on the floor. With only hours away till the next day, I sleep soundly.

- Next morning -
- Mila's POV -
         I wake up to a comfortable bed with a pile of blankets on top of me. I shoot up my body in a sitting position just wondering how and when. Not fully adjusted, I realize this wasn't my apartment at all. I look around the room that seem to be kinda empty but a game of shogi on the ground and...SHIKAMARU. I see him on the ground sleeping soundly, he moved his position by taking his arms out the blankets, I notice he's shirtless.
         I didn't want to wake him, so I quickly and quietly got up from the bed to see I'm still clothed with the dress attire, made the bed and left a note on the bed saying 'Thank you for letting me sleep over, I know it put you in some trouble. I have to go. Um thank you again...'
I slide open the bedroom door and escape the house by going through the backyard and jumping over a fence.

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