"Roza! Roza come on don't close your eyes. Stay with me baby. Please don't leave me. Not like this." I couldn't bear the heaviness in my heart. She was leaving me. And I couldn't do anything. I felt so useless, so powerless.

Her smile lightened the night again. I took her soft hand in mine and I touched my cheek with it. The warmth in that little hand made my eyes water, what would I do without her here. Holding my hand in hers. Making jokes out of everything, and those sarcastic remarks and teasing, I'd miss them the most.

"I-I love you comrade, I've never stopped and never will. And I'm sorry. I hope you'll f-forgive me for this." Her voice so beautiful yet so small and broken, she let all her tears fall. I wiped them away softly as she closed her eyes a little.

"Roza don't you dare say that. You saved everyone tonight. Every single one here. They're all breathing right now because of you. You're a legend. Everyone will know your name. Everyone." I smiled as I let the tears I was holding back fall down my cheeks like river falls. With that small yet warm hand she wiped some of my tears away. "Roza, I'm so proud of you."

Her smile grew, she was happy. that smile made me think that nothing was wrong at this moment that she was alright but what she said next was like ice cold water in the face. "Then I can die peacefully."

"No. No. You're not dying tonight. You have so much to live for. You need to stay here. For me and Lissa. For Lissa's little one. You were supposed to be its godmother. Everyone needs you. I'd be a wreck without you in my life. I can't keep on living if you're not next to me." I was crying so much. People around me were there standing also crying. And Lissa was a wreck. She fell to her knees she took her hand talking to her, but I was too numb to hear.

My Roza captured a lot of hearts. I mean who wouldn't love this girl. She's truly amazing. It one day if I have another life. I'd want to be like her, a heroine, fearless, fierce, sweet, kind, a legend.

And I had the luck, she was mine. But now I'm losing my angel, my soulmate. She's dying and I'm useless.

She started coughing so bad. "I-I love you." She said between coughs as her beautiful lips were now covered with blood. She then closed her eyes and with her eyes my heart was cut open.

"No! No!" I yelled frantically. "Roza no, please open your eyes, show me those beautiful eyes of yours. Please." Praying that she'll hear me and obey. That she wasn't dead. That she was just sleeping. She doesn't deserve this.

"Please Rose. Please." My voice died down as I buried my head in her neck. I couldn't hear a pulse and that made me cry even more.

It felt like days. It felt like I was on the ground holding her for days. But maybe it was just seconds.

I felt so alone. So ashamed that I couldn't save her. I couldn't save my loved one. The love of my life. My soulmate.

She brought me back from the dead and I did nothing to save her. I didn't have the power to do something.

"Come on Roza. You are the strongest woman I know. You can't be gone. You were always my light and my inspiration. Don't leave me like this." I now was holding her so close to me clenching her body even closer to me. Then I lifted my head and looked at Lissa.

I stared into her eyes. I saw the fear, the pain, the hatred, the sorrow, the hurt, the sadness, the anxiety – everything. None of this had to do with her amplified emotions due to her pregnancy. Lissa had lost her best friend, and I had lost the only woman I could ever love in this cruel, heartless, unforgiving world. We were both suffering from this, and we were both going to have to cope with the large – and now empty – spot that Rose had filled.

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