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Simple gestures can go a long way. The gesture can be a simple greeting, handing something over, a thank you. Things like that can show who a person is with their movement or tone of voice. But even when trying to do the simplest of things they can always do a 180 turn in less than a second. There's only two options of the way the 180 turn can go out, good or absolutely terrible. There's no in between, luckily the 180 was a good thing to happen.

Those simple gestures and small greetings can turn into conversations that last from a few seconds to a few hours. The conversation ranges from the weather, to what the mission details are to an argument about a game or tv shows story line. There's chances on building something more that you wouldn't think would be possible. Sometimes that something more can be one-sided or mutual. Unfortunately in this case it was one-sided.

Nothing was said to each other for weeks, you avoided each other due to the discomfort unsure if things could've been the way they were. Support was at every corner to get you to talk, you were both important to each other. One was blind to the fact the other knew. Why were you blind to the fact, maybe because you were in disbelief- almost to good to be true.

You needed to talk to him, you didn't realize how dull you life had because without his cybernetic laughter. His almost animated antics. Despite what he's gone through he's so happy and seemingly at peace. You didn't realize how much you relied on his bursting energy to boost you throughout the day. How little you smiled without him, how sluggish you felt and how the days blur together, one almost identical to the next one.

It had to be you that builds up the courage to talk to him. It's been almost two months at this point and nothing but a conversation about the weather or mission has been spoken. You both want to continue talking but didn't, it hurt both of you.

The afternoon was nice and crisp with a gentle breeze. The sun almost kissing the horizon, a good two hours until sundown. You just had to find the spot to apologize for how you were acting and also confess what you're feeling. Heart best raising by a hundred with every step.

There he was meditating in the usual spot, the sun reflecting of the metals giving him a peaceful glow. This scene seemed most colourful compared to the last two months. You hesitated to take another step forward feeling as though the scene will just shatter into an impossible state of repair, much like how this friendship currently felt.

"Good afternoon (Y/N)." Genji did not move a muscle, he tried to focus on the glistening ocean but could only focus on what kind of expression your face holds, what thoughts you could be thinking, what are you going to say or if you're going to say anything.
"I'm... I'm..." You slowly walked forward but stopped about a meter and a half away from Genji. You took a deep breath. "I would like to apologize for not talking to you." You sighed looking away. "It wasn't right for me to avoid you." Your throat thickened making it difficult for your words to come out. "I know this sounds absolutely pathetic for me to say, but umm.." The words couldn't come out of your mouth feeling guilty for what you're about to say because of how you've treated him. "I miss you... I... ugh nevermind." You turned around mumbling and cursing at yourself. Only now realizing the tears building up ready to fall.

"Wait." Genji's voice was soft, comforting and close. You wondered how he got there so quickly and quietly, then again he is a ninja. "Breathe." He made movement for you to follow with your breathing, he also used the pad of his thumb to rub away the tears. "It's not your fault."
"Could we perhaps..." You started but unsure if you wanted to finish the sentence.
"Start again?" He finished in hope. When you nodded in agreement Genji instantly picked you up spinning you around. Once he realized what he's doing he paused and gently putting you down continuously apologizing patting down any wrinkles that he could've created onto your clothing.

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