Reaper (Christmas)

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When there are days of celebration, Reaper is one to celebrate. It's one of the only things that make him feel human, also reminds him of the days when he was Gabriel Reyes.

Christmas is a holiday that played a big part in his life from before, he had Overwatch as his family, he could genuinely smile and laugh. But now he doesn't know what to do when it comes to these times of celebration.

As the masked man walked through the corridors of the Talon he noticed that tinsel hanged across the walls. It wasn't there beforehand. So Reaper followed the trail until he found you hammering a nail into the wall then putting the tinsel over it, moving along and repeating.

"What are you doing?" You gave no reaction and just turned to look at Reaper seriously.
"Putting up tinsel. What's it look like?" Reaper simply scoffed.
"Never thought you were the one to do the decorating." A smirk was hidden by his mask as he pin pointed you.
"What, am I not aloud to. I may be serious but I do have my moment. Besides your not one to talk anyway." After a few seconds of silence you continued on your work and Reaper walked away.

Reaper started to think about Christmas, what people do during this celebration, what Gabriel used to do.

Eventually one memory came to what's left of his mind. Mistletoe. People often placed it in areas where multiple people would be and if two people where under it they would have to kiss.

You were the first thing that came to mind. He thought of kissing you. He could imagine both of you in a home filled with warmth from the fireplace, he could see the tree in the corner, he could see you in his arms-
"Reaper." He snapped his head up to the source of the voice.
"What?" His voice was lower and angrier than it usually was.
"Here's the files you wanted." Sombra placed the usb on Reaper's desk before leaving with a perplexed look. Reaper sighed and slumped slightly against the desk with annoyance.

For the next few days he kept thinking about the thoughts he's had a few days ago, he realized every time he saw or thought about you he felt odd. It was a fluttery feeling. He shouldn't be able to feel anything at all. But he does feel and express his anger and annoyance- mostly towards Sombra and her antics, so shouldn't he be able to feel other things? Other things such as love?

These thoughts frustrated him.

He wanted to kiss you. But at the same time he wanted to punch himself in the face for thinking so. But he wanted to kiss you, he wanted to be with you. But he was a monster so he couldn't. But you didn't treat him as one. His mind became clouded with 'Buts' .

Suddenly something pinged inside him, like he was gaining a memory. It was a memory on his emotions, he's been through this before.

What was it?


It started to make sense to him.

Many questions came to his mind at this topic but he shut them out. He just needed to think on how to pursue these feelings. Considering his 'situation' he shouldn't do anything also the fact that you work together.

The decaying man groan angrily and punch the wall next to him.

Why must things be so difficult?

After lots of thinking he decided it was easier to pursue the feelings, get let down so that way they have a reason to disappear and the torture can stop.

With the fact that Christmas was coming around and he can remember the whole mistletoe thing, he'll go with that.

The grim reaper like man sauntered around the Talon base in search for you. He was like a predator hunting down his prey. He eventually found you in one of the office-like spaces setting up more decorations.

You felt a looming presence behind you, one you've felt many time.
"What's up grim reaper?" You turned around to face him so he knows that he has your full attention, he's still your boss after all.
"I believe you're missing something." He held a mistletoe above the both of you. You looked up at the mistletoe indifferently and reached up to grab it.
"Guess I am." You said as you picked it of his grasp and turned around about to take a step before turning back around. You reached up to Reapers mask, lifted it and gave a quick peck before turning back around to place the mistletoe in the door way and scurrying away. The blush on your face was far from unnoticeable.

All that the man could do was stare into the vacant space and poof into his wrath form unable to concentrate on what happened.

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