Soldier: 76

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'(Y/N) has been taken by Talon.'

A phrase that Jack never thought that he would hear. The rest of his team waited for a barking response from the soldier. But there was just silence. At this point of time the silence is probably worse that getting yelled at over the comm. They knew how much you meant to him, and for you to be taken by the enemy. That is a heavy burden to carry upon your shoulders.

There was silence for minutes until Soldier: 76 quietly declared to head back to base. The ride back to base was quiet, and not the comfortable kind of silence.

The moment they landed at the base Jack ordered everyone to find any information passible on Talon and their whereabouts. No one argued back at him knowing a single peep would set him off like on of Junkrats bombs.

Weeks went by with many nights going without rest. Many missions full of waiting for Talon only for it to be a set up for the Overwatch agents. This was tearing at the soldier slowly but in big chuncks. Everyone noticed how he slowly became more and more disheveled with each day going past with no information being supplied.

That is until one fateful day when Winston finally got a lead on Talons next meet ups with a weapons importer. That was the next place Jack was going to be.

Jack tried to get to sleep the night before the meet up. But he couldn't. He was too focused on seeing you again and tearing that Reaper up for taking away his lover from him.

Hours seemed to go by as he waited for Talon or the importer. Luckily a van pulled up into the area and two men hoped out of the car irritability waiting for their client. Soon after their client popped up in a puff of smoke ready to make the deal.

"Hello there soldier~" Jack felt something hover over the back of his head. A chill went up his spine as the familier voice rang through his ear. But the voice seemed different. It seemed empty.

He slowly turned around to see the barrel of your rifle lead up to your face that held no fear, but the emptiness of a corpse. He could barely imagine that same face once being able to lift his mood with just a simple smile in his direction. The face that has been burned in his mind and could never forget.

"(Y/N)?" He statment came out more of a question. You tilted your head in confusion with a hint or innocence. One thing hasn't changed it seems.
"Who the hell is (Y/N)?" Jack felt sick at that question.


The one word that his mind emitted. One word he didn't want to have to apply to you, but now he has.

He swallowed thickly as to what he was about to do to you. He slowly put his pulse rifle in the ground leaving one hand in the air. You watched in confusion of his actions, the gold on your rifle becoming even more tense. Then his hand reached for his visor and un-clipped it putting it on the ground. Both of his hands now in the air and he started to stand from his crouching position.

His hand reaching for your cheek while the other to point your rifle towards the ground. You seemed to relax a bit as your shoulders fall. Your eyes diverted from his hand on your rifle to the one reaching for your cheek, you leaned in slightly as you started to feel a bit of warmth. It seemed familiar.
"It's me Jack..." He spoke quietly so he couldn't spook you. That name also seemed all to familar as well, like something you should know, but no bells a ringing.

Jack's hand was placed on you cheek as he started to lean in. This was starting to hurt him, you should know him, you should be able to remember him. His lips ever so softly brush against yours, his hot breathe making it clear of how close he now was.

"I see you've met my new toy soldier." A deep raspy voice laughed behind him. In an instant he reached for his pulse rifle and aimed it at Reaper as well as you aimed your own rifle at him. "Now, now (Y/N) remember who was the one who caused you all the pain." You gave of a hesitant nod. "Well he's right in front of you." Reaper pointed towards the unmasked soldier in front of you. There was a jokingness to his voice that threw you off.
"Dont listen to him!" Jack yelled at you with every shred of hope that you listen to him. "Why not?"
"Because I love you!" Tears were now pricking his eyes, he was actually hurt that you were unable to remember him.
"Little poster boy loves somene? How cute." Reaper joked before staggering back clutching his shoulder. "You bitch!" You shit another bullet but this time towards one of his legs. He reached for one of his guns but you shot his hand then the other.

Jack looked back at you with his eyes wide.
"Go!" You yelled while walking in front of him as if you were protecting him. He continued looking at you unable to process what was going on. One second you seemed as though you were about to shoot him the next you were saving his ass. "I don't know who the fuck you are but hurry the fuck up and piss off!" You barked as you now started to shoot at Widowmaker.

Jack looked at you with worry but that quickly faded away as it was replaced his trust. He quickly scrambled to grab his visor placing back in place. He took a few steps towards the exit then paused as he looked at your fighting back with the rest of Talon. He shook his head in disbelief of leaving you there to fight on your own. He ran back to your side shooting his helix rockets and the Talon agents before grabbing your arm and dragging you out of the building.

After rounding a few blocks you both stopped in an alley way, the soldier checking to see if you were in the clear. He sighed in relief as he heard nothing turning back towards you. You were hissing as you tried to lift you arm up to see a hole where a bullet has punctured you as well as a patch of blood surrounding the area. You huffed as you started to tear the bottom of your shirt only to be stopped by firm hands.
"Allow me." The soldier wrapped the cloth around the wound as delicately as possible trying not to inflict any more pain.
"Thank you." You mumbled with a small smile. "Anything for you love." He kissed your forhead lips lingering for a few second before looking at you lovingly.
"Dude, I don't even fucking know who you are."

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