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One blade after another Genji picked at the grass in despair. His mind was too busy with the same question to meditate. He didn't know that one question could cause someone so much stress and anxiety. But he also felt excited at the same time. The excitement is what drove him to try and get to his fairy tale ending. He hoped that the ending would have you and him together, he would beg for his life for it to be that way.

But the anxiety is what kept him on a leash. The he leash held him back making him think things over and over again. It made him think of every scenario that could happen along with different branched endings. For some reason he could only think of the bad ending, but there was about one or two that where good.

Genji grabbed a fistful of grass ripping it out of the ground in anger.
"Is everything okay?" The anger deafened the voice, but he was able to just hear it. Genji sighed letting go of the blades watching as the fluttered in the wind like the cherry blossoms at home.
"No." The strain of anger and sadness was easily heard, he wanted to cry. He wanted to cry because of how stupid it was that he was so stressed over a simple question.
"Hey, it's okay." The figure next to him knelt down beside him with their hand on his back. "Do you want to talk about it?" Did he want to talk about it? That was a good question. He should talk about it, talking always helps.

"I'm trying to propose to (Y/N)." That was it that was his problem. That's what was causing him so much distress.
"How has it been going?" Genji stared into nothingness as he thought of the times he's 'attempted' to propose but he's always chickened out. He's been trying for at least four months.
"Why's that?"
"Because I'm nervous, I'm anxious whether or not they so 'yes' or 'no'. They could do so much better than me, yet they stay." Genji let out a long groan the quickly turned into more of a yell as more thoughts popped into his head, yet again. "I just want to spend the rest of my life with (Y/N)! I can't see my life on going without them. I don't know what I'll do without them. I just want to marry them!" Genji puffed as he finally let the stress go. It felt as though he's become a feather.

"Of course I will." Genji's eyes widened, breath hitched. He slowly turned his head to see you smiling at him with fresh tears falling from your eyes. When he saw the tears instinctively he used his thumbs to wipe them off with his hands cupping your cheeks.
"R-really?" Genji himself wasn't sure where the shock in his voice was coming from. Was it the fact that you said 'yes' to marrying him, or the fact that it was you talking to him the whole time.
"Of course. I couldn't possibly imagine anyone other than you to spend the rest of my life with." You took Genji's hands off of your face to old them in your own, thumbs rubbing circles on the tops.

After a few minutes of the two of you just sitting there taking in the fact that you're engaged Genji took off his visor. On Genji's unmasked scarred face was tears and one of the brightest smiles you could've possibly seen. Hell it made the sun look like a ball of ice.

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