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McCree groaned as he grew conscious from his slumber. He shuffled to his side draping his arm over his lover. He felt his love of his life roll over to face him.

Lips where briefly placed over him followed by a mumbled greeting. McCree's eyes slowly opened only for his vision to be engulfed with your weary face lazily smiling at him.
"Mornin' pudin'." Jesse greeted groggily words slurred together.

You lifted yourself up with your legs dangling over the edge.
"Where are you goin'?" McCree lifted his upper half slightly blanket falling to his waist revealing his slightly chubby torso.
"Going to make breakfast."
"Aren't you going to stay with me?" Jesse moved to slowly wrap his arms around your waist and pepper the back of your neck with kisses. You moaned with a giggle trying to shove Jesse's head away from your neck.

He then fell on his back taking you with him. You both laughed as he continued you pepper you with more butterfly kisses.

_ _ _

McCree watched you as you happily talked to Hanzo making all sorts of gestures and sound effects causing the archer to smirk with a light huff of a laugh.

The cowboys body began to burn as he watched the scene unfold. He tapped his foot and took a long drag of his cigar and tilted his hat over his eyes.

"Hey Jesse! You did great in that match today!" You cheered happily as you made you way over to him. He nodded signaling that he heard you. You lifted your eyes at this then smirk knowing what was up. You titled you head and body so you could get a proper look at your boyfriend's face. "What's wrong big baby boo?" His eyes quickly looked at you then to the side moving his head as well. You moved to where he was looking towards. "Are you jelly of Handsoap?" The cowboy tried his best to stifle a laugh so he puffed out some smoke and took another drag.

Sun suddenly piereced McCree's eyes. He squinted his eyes not used to the amount of light. He then saw you with his hat on your head walking away with a feint skip in your step.

McCree shook his head and followed you with his large steps quickly catching up to you taking the hat back.
"You weren't to bad yourself. Although you deserve player of the game more than that bloody archer." He sneered at the thought of Hanzo getting player of the game because he was the one to save you and take the objective with you.

_ _ _

A cloud of breathe left your lips as you gazed up at the stars in amazement. They never failed to make you do so.

But you never failed to capture McCree's eyes. When you decide to stargaze you're the only one the cowboy can look at.

He saw you shiver slightly and draped his arm over your shoulders moving you closer to him. You snuggled against his arm trying to capture any warmth that he was emitting nuzzling your head.

An idea then popped in his head and smile. He quickly picked you up by the waist and placed you in his lap wrapping his serape around you. You popped your head out of the fabric to smile up at your boyfriend.
"Thanks babe." You leaned back further snuggling into both Jesse and his serape, slowly closing your eyes falling asleep enjoying the warmth.

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