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The large German watched disgruntled as the cowboy is flirting with you- yet again. His head was rested in his palm as he slouched over the dining table with a mug contained in his other hand.

"Reinhardt, what seems to be troubling you?" Ana asked placing her tea and crossword book on the table before seating on opposite of Reinhardt. When there was no answer she followed the upset mans gaze to see you and McCree talking- well more Jesse flirting with you. A saddened smiled made its way to Ana's lips as she quickly understood the situation.
"Am I too old?" His gaze never broke as he took a sip from his mug. Ana was unsure if a simple 'yes/no' answer would be the correct way to respond.
"What does your heart say?" Reinhardt looked down at the table as if he was anticipating the answer to be written down.
"No." His answer was unable to please him. "But they are 42, I am 61."

But a knowing smirk was now on Ana's face as she leaned forward head on both hands. She looked from you back to Reinhardt.
"A little birdy told me (Y/N) likes someone." At first hope filled Reinhardt, but quickly left as it left many options as to who it would be. "And they made it clear it wasn't Jesse and they were older too." Ana finished off her tea before leaving her friend with a newly found hope.

Luckily for Reinhardt he was assigned to be on a mission with you. But the downside was McCree was also there. He''s a sweet kid and doesn't mean any harm. But he just can't help it and be jealous of the relationship he has with you.
"Hey Reinhardt." His heart jumped and fluttered at the sound of his name coming from you.
"Ja?" He smiled down at you trying his best to stop himself from kissing you and wrapping you up in his large arms.
"Do you mind if I sit with you for take off?" You whispered before looking back to see McCree talking with Hanzo. "I kinda- well really- don't want to deal with his flirting." Reinhardt instantly replied happily at the fact that you wanted to be with him and not Jesse.

Take off lasted about a good ten minutes. The both of you made quick conversations trying to get each others mind off the turbulence. It was one of the greatest ten minutes of Reinhardt's life, he couldn't be for ecstatic. Then once it was safe to walk around McCree made a beeline towards you.
"Evening." Jesse greeted titling his hat towards you.
"Hi. Anyway as you were saying." Who turned back toward Reinhardt who was rudely interrupted. Reinhardt opened his mouth ready to speak.
"You know I was wondering..."
"Wondering what? If you could stop flirting with me and continue sucking of Hanzo, like you've been doing for the past 4 months. Because by all means go ahead." McCree, Reinhardt and a very flustered Hanzo stared at you in shock. Jesse coughed into his hand nervous and flustered.
"Alright." Jesse stiffly made his way back to the archer plopping himself back in his seat just staring at the ground.

A few seconds later there was a booming laughter erupting beside you. It was Reinhardt who had his hands on his armored stomach while falling down the chair. It took a few minutes for him to regain himself brushing away the tears. He wrapped an arm around your waist pulling you closer to him and placing a kiss on your forehead with a smile showing no end.
"That's my leibling." He didn't even realize what he had said until he heard your statement.
"So you're not going to ask me out, just claim me." Reinhardt quickly retracted his arm looking away ashamed.
"Sorry." His voice was naturally above a whisper.
"I mean I'm not complaining or anything, just making sure." He turned his head to face towards you slowly.
"You don't mind that I'm-"
"Don't even go there. It's never bothered me. Just think of it this way; wine and some beers or champagnes- like what is it? AH Cantillion Gueuze- gets better the longer it's left to age and uhhh... crap I forgot what else I was going to say." You combed your fingers through you hair in frustration.
"Thank you." Was all Reinhardt could say, insecurity of his age gone as he saw your determination to boost his confidence.

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