Poly! Genyatta

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It wasn't often the three of you went out together. Zenyatta and Genji were unsure of all three of you being seen together by the pubic. The agents of Overwatch, it's fine. But just the public where anyone could be watching, taking photos or even videos of you.

Humans and Omnics (And Genji) being together aren't that well dealt with among most of the public. But with you supporting them and saying that you'll beat up anyone that insults them, they thought you were saying it in a sort of joking. You weren't.

You walked hand in hand with both of your boyfriends looking into various windows of shops, sometimes buying items if they were cheap enough. Zenyatta paused his hovering when he looked into one of the windows and gushing at the kittens and puppies. The three of you walked to the window crouching to look at the kittens commenting on the attributes of them.

But the comments Zenyatta and Genji were stating became white noise as your ears were stuck onto a group of people whispering amongst each other.

Words such as; "Omnic and Human" "Gross" "Disgusting" "Unnatural" were spoken. You slowly stood back up a forced smile etched it's way onto you face. Your steps were big and slow, your movement was stiff.
"Excuse me, could you please repeat that. I didn't quite catch what you said." As polite your voice sounded, every words was dripping with venom. One of the men in the group scoffed took glances at everyone else before smirking at you, he thought his height and build would intimidate you. It only showed weakness to you.
"What's it to ya metal lover?" You smile did an instant 180.
"What's it to me? The fact that you're so simple minded that you can't let other people be happy. By the looks of it it's because you recently got broken up with someone you truly loved, but you cheated on them. So because you aren't happy other people can't." The posture of the man before you faltered and shock had filled his face.

"But not only that-" You quickly paused yourself finding this will go no where but cause more problems. "Just think before you say something, you're lucky I didn't punch you straight away." You walked back to your boyfriends who were speechless and had watched the whole scene. "What?" You got no words in response as they simultaneously went in to hug you, mumbling and 'thank you'.

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